DIII Playoffs Pool

Started by BearcatFan, November 30, 2009, 05:38:10 PM

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I've been running a number of NFL Pools for the past 15-16 years, and thought it might be fun to do a D-III Playoffs Pool this year.  

I'm a bit late getting it set up, but will start the pool with the Quarterfinals this weekend. If there's enough interest, I'll start the pool next year with the First or Second Round games (the program and spreadsheet I'm using to administer the pool has some limitations on # of teams/rounds).

Here's the format:

D-III Playoffs Pool
              This is a Margin of Victory pool. For 2009, the pool begins in the Quarterfinal round and runs through    
              the Stagg Bowl. You want to have the fewest points possible to win.
              Points gained in this pool can be considered Negative Points.         
              The idea is to choose a team from each game of each round along with specifying the         
              amount of points you think the team you picked will win by. The closer you are to the correct         
              team and margin of victory the better you will fair in this pool.          
              You will receive Penalty Points for picking the wrong team.         
              For each week, beginning with the Quarterfinal Games:         
              —    Pick the winner of every game + how many points the winning team will win by         
                   o    For the Stagg Bowl, players also pick the Total Game score for the tiebreaker         
              —    Automatic 3 Penalty Points for picking the wrong team         
              —    Scoring:         
                   o    Winner Picked:         
                             Game Difference points - (minus) Your Predicted Points (positive value)         
                   o    Loser Picked:         
                             3 Penalty Points + Game Difference points + Your Predicted Points         
              —     The object is to have the LOWEST point total overall         
              —    Linfield is playing St. Thomas in a quarterfinal game and you pick Linfield         
                   by 3         
              —    If Linfield wins by 3, you get "0" points...the best possible for a game         
              —    If Linfield wins by 10, you would get 7 points         
              —    Now if St. Thomas wins by 3, you would get 9 points, 3 for picking the wrong team + you         
                   were off by 6 points (game difference of 3 + your predicted for Linfield of 3)         

There's no money involved in this pool - the winner just gets "bragging rights" (and possibly some positive Karma here on the forums?).  

Deadline for entering this pool is Sat. Dec. 5th @ 12:00pm EST. Deadline for picks will be the kickoff of the first game each Saturday, this week it's 12:00pm EST on Saturday, Dec 5th. Here's the link to the picksheet:


I'll post links to the standings page(s) as results are determined. Here's a sample link to the page showing overall standings from a similar pool I ran last year for the NFL Playoffs, using the same format/rules: http://end-around.com/playoffs/season.htm

Please use your D3boards.com Username if you join the pool, and PM me here with any questions!

"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


Not as many players as I had hoped for, but here are the picks for today's Quarterfinals games:


I'll update the standings at he conclusion of play today.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


DIII Playoffs Pool Standings have been updated.


I'll post the Semifinals Picksheet tomorrow. Deadline for picks will be  Saturday, Dec 12 at 12:00pm EST.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


Alright - the pick sheet for the Semifinal games is now available.

Players: If you bookmarked last week's pick sheet, the URL has changed, so use this link:


Picks are due before the kickoff of the first Semifinal game.

"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


Due to the scoring format of this pool, I'm no longer accepting new players.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


Semifinal picks are posted. I only received picks from 3 players, but I was having issues with email earlier in the week. If your picks aren't shown, and you made picks and got a confirmation email, please forward it to me.


"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


I'm a bit late in getting the pick sheet posted for the Stagg Bowl, but it's available now"


Your pick for the Stagg Bowl is due by kick-off on Saturday (11:00am EST). 

Along with picking the winner of the game and how many points they'll win by, make a guess for the Total Points Tiebreaker - in case the pool ends in a tie - total points scored by both teams for the entire game.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


Stagg Bowl Picks have been posted. Here's a screenshot of them:

And a link to the web page with the player's picks:


Sadly, only 3 players submitted picks for the Stagg Bowl, and not even the same 3 players who made Semifinals picks.

Seems like there's not much interest in a pool with this format, so I probably won't do it again next season.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire


The DIII Playoffs Pool is complete!

I got desertcat1's picks in late yesterday - after I had to leave for work but before the kickoff -  so the Stagg Bowl picks have been updated:


And here's the final standings:

Thanks everyone for taking part in the pool.
"Commas, see, add, like, nada, okay?"
- Gregory Maguire