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Messages - D3Phan

Yes, I am still around, Do I know you? New name perhaps?

I am looking forward to football season this year, just sad that it will be the last for us. Hope its an awesome season!!!!!

I am just wondering what she means by "real player", aren't they all for "real"
I live in Philadelphia where the latest "Rocky" movie is now being filmed....Sylvester looks BAAAAAD.....I can't wait to see what he does in this one!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Safe Travels Rowan

Good luck tomorrow!!!

Billman, Readytorock, All D3 Fans

Happy Holidays!!!!

Safe travels and fun times over the Holidays.

Billman...need your address ..please email it to me....I have something that belongs to your other half.

-9 karma....geeesh   what did I do now?

A special Thank you for all the work that is involved in making this site what it is!


That was my point EXACTLY...maybe I didn't state it properly.
Just a quick comment on the chants that were heard at the game.....they were to be sure "chanted " by a bunch of idiot kids who probably have never played a football game in their lives......or couldnt make the grade....come on guys I don't think I would have been able to find 1 person their Saturday that would agree that Rowan sucks...and where it counted there was alot of Character shown...and that was on the field...

Good luck Rowan make the East proud!

Happy Holidays to travels to Rowan!!
RU Fan...I just went over to your board and I did not see 1 post being nasty about Rowan...coming from anyone who posts from the "MAC".....
Now I only went back 6 pages...maybe I missed something.

Good luck Aggies!!!!!

I wanted KB..Senior to get his buddies motor home to park that in parking lot tonight....too much?????

I am assuming you know who KB senior is.

Mac Attack!

Go Aggies!!!!!
maybe I can answer a few of the questions for you.
I have seen several people"escorted "out of the stadium for being intoxicated. I have seen "colored cups" in the parking lot.

Parking : I believe that it will be a full house this coming Saturday so I would be there early...meaning 9:30 ish....
tickets go on sale at that time...there are several other parking areas other than the one right by the Stadium, but it is a hike. Dress warm it can get very cold !!!
there are bleachers for the "visitors side" and there is ample ground space for your own chairs.
errr...that would be two heads...typo's suck!
I so agree with you about the numbers on the aggies jerseys... I am kinda glad that I am not the only one...because when I said it to my husband he acted as if I had to heads and 4 bad eyes!

I love the colors of the jerseys, I went to a catholic school who had the same color uniforms!!!!

Good luck this Saturday Aggies!

MAC Attack!!!!!

your guy has been awesome too....!!!!!!
can I please have my other posts back?
I always forget to ask ;D
what do you guys think of the aggies uni's?