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Messages - MOJO

A disappointing Saturday for the MAC.  I was especially surprised with the LVC score.  Well, Guess that's why they play the games. 
Wishin U a speedy recovery.  Hopefully U will be 100% by the time the season rolls around.  This is gonna be a fun season to watch.  God knows who is gonna be at the top of the pile when everything is sorted out.  Go Dutchmen and Go Warriors!
I concur with your observation that speed is the number one difference between d1 and d3 football players.  Overall, d1 attracts bigger, faster, and stronger athletes.  For example, whenever I see a d3 QB 6'3'' or taller I'm suspect of his feet, armstrength, etc.  I make this statement based on the fact if they got the size and athletic abilities, why would they be playing d3 level football.  Again, this is a general statement, as with all things in life, exceptions exist.  I have observed some supposed d3 QB superstars of recent vintage.  Without being specific,(names/programs) some of these kids would never be able to compete in even marginal d1 programs.  Yes, I'm aware that some kids transfer to lower level programs to ensure playing time.  However, most kids that do that aren't really d1 level athletes to begin with.  I hope I have not offended anyone here, that is not my intent.  Non the less, it is what it is.  D3 differs from D1. 
Pursuant to the discussion concerning Rutger's success affecting NJAC recruits, I would think there would be minimal impact.  Keep in mind, there is a difference in size, speed, and general athletic ability when comparing d1 athletes with d3 athletes.  Yes there are some kids capable of playing at the d1 level that are routed to d3 schools, however with few exceptions, this is the exception and not the trend.  I think I'm correct with my opinion, however I would like hearing commentary if someone disagrees with my observations.   
For better or worse, D3 level football is D3 level football.  Generally speaking, the talent pool at this level is not as good as D1 or D2.  My perceptions are that if you compare the top level teams in D3, regardless of the conference, with few exceptions parity exists.  Mount Union, a perennial powerhouse in the D3 arena, have they ever produced a tradesman NFL player?  How often does a D3 draftee ever make it to being a NFL tradesman player?  Answer = Seldom if Ever!  Comparing strength of conferences by kids that get drafted but seldom if ever make it, is a poor barometer of league/conference strength.  By the way, watch out for those Dutchmen this season.
Hey Warren,
Any info on the LVC QB situation?  The Dutchmen have alot of kids back within their starting ranks.  I've heard rumors that they have gotten several transfers from other schools at the QB position.  My feelings are, with a suitable replacement for Kelly, they could be an extremely competitive team this season.  Let me remind posters that they played Wilkes and DVC extremely close last season.  Anxious to hear your and other poster's comments.  Thanks.
Are you aware of any MAC alumni playing at the next level? (Arena, Europe, NFL, etc)  I noticed several D3 kids are playing in Europe, per the main page of this site.  Thanks in advance for your input.
 :) Thanks Pat.
Question!  When reading posts, I have noted each poster is assigned a karma ranking.  How is this determined and what is the significance of this ranking?  Do Wilkes and DVC posters get higher karma rankings than LVC and LYCO posters?  LOL  I realize this is insignificant minutia I'm postin but the last posting was quite awhile ago, so thought I would add some recent fodder to the board.
Any kids from the MAC gettin any serious looks at the next level? (Arena, NFL Europe, or the NFL)  Who?  From what school?  What team is looking at them?  Thanks in advance for the information.
I'm as big a MAC fan as anyone on the board.  With that being said, Rowan has had and continues to be one of the better programs in D3 football.  U cannot argue with success.  Luck is always part of the formula in any venue in life, including football.  When two good teams go at it ie: WILKES AND ROWAN, sometimes just being lucky for one play can make the difference between winning and losing.  I realize every season differs, but last season one might remember, I was the poster that questioned if any team in the MAC could defeat Rowan.  This season if Rowan and Wilkes played again, Wilkes might just as easily come out on top rather then bein defeated.  It appeared they were pretty evenly matched opponents.  I am writing this post because there appears to be a minute faction on this board that does not wanna give Rowan it's due respect.  GO ROWAN!
Yo Upstate,
Read what I had written.  Not once have I bashed the Mt. Union program.  Yes, per Pat I was misinformed concerning a specific athlete's reasoning for not attending Ohio State.  If anything, I am in awe of what they have achieved.  Look at their historical record and it's quite impressive.  So please, don't state I'm bashing a program when I'm not!
Pat and Port,
In your opinions, what do you feel is the secret to Mt. Unions ongoing success.  Is it safe to assume that their athletes are superior from other D3 schools?  Do they have superior coaching?  Or both?  I believe they recruit better athletes.  You look at their history, it's pretty impressive.  If they are gettin better athletes, how are they doing it?  Commentary please.
I do not remember the specific name of the player but I read the report via a newspaper article several years ago .  No, I cannot nor do I want to exert the effort in finding the article I am referring to, my time is to valuable to do that!  However as I recall, the issue was a below 700 board score on the SAT.  If I was wrong I apologize, and stand corrected.  Regardless if it's a low GPA or a low SAT, both are Academic issues and somewhat similar.  The point is this guy was a top D1 lineman recruit that played at Mt. Union.  Ur gettin 2 or 3 legitamate D1 and/or D2 kids per team, that's a big advantage over many D3 schools.  I am not saying or implying that this approach is bad,illegal, inappropriate, etc., it's not.  Look, our disagreement might be totally how we individually percieve if this is an advantage or not and/or this is a significant number.  I think it is.  The point I want to make and if you must kick me out for saying this, Aufweidersehn mein freund, is Better Athletes produce Better Teams.  Mt. Union consistently places better athletes on the field!
Pat and Tag's,
Pursuant to your removing my post I feel I was dealt an injustice.  I do know that several years ago Mt. Union got a lineman that was one of the top recruits for Ohio State.  Because of his College Board scores he could not be admitted.  His mother was an employee at Mt. Union, and ended up playin his collegiate career there.  This is fact, NOT SPECULATION!  It has been general info over the past years that they do get a number of D1 and D2 kids that end up transferring there for a myriad of reasons.  Look at their record, unless they got JC coaching part time there, it's not by accident that they consistently field national championship contenders.  Better athletes better teams.  Not a hard concept to grasp.  If you want to disagree, we can agree to disagree.