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Messages - jdub7272


  Great job on the video, I love to watch all of your stuff.  I know that it would be hard getting any decent footage of the big boys up-front, but Hogs need love too!!  Just kidding, thanks again for all of your hard work.

 That was fun to see Wagner in action.  After watching the Cats the last 3-4 years, with the passing attack that they have, I wondered how Wagner would compare to some of the greats.  He is not Carter and the boys, but for his time and the offense that we ran, he was the man.  There were some amaizing catches in there, even for todays standards!!  Thanks again for all the hard work.

  We sure did miss the Big Ole linebacker that you are speaking of in 92.  I remember everyone telling me when I came to LC that "the linebacker" was an all-american.  I went against him for the first time in doubles in a non-scrimmage atmosphere, and I thought to myself... All American??  And then the first game came along, and I saw exactly why he was a special player and an All-American.

  Another good story about him was in the spring we did some weight lifting testing.  The Linebacker came in his board shorts, $5.00 Island thongs, and a visor on backwards.  He called Swann over to test on the bench press, had one 45lb on either side, threw it up once, and walked out.  Swann just shook his head, and he looked back with that smile and kept walking.  Classic.
We used to go to Ye Ole Pizza in Newberg on Wed. Nights during the off-season and pound the huge $2.00 pitchers, and try to pick up on the George Fox ladies.  I had a few high school buddies that played baseball there, and due to the "Code of Conduct" policy they have, they would watch us get wasted.  There were a few nights we were lucky to be invited back.

  PS...... The pizza is OK, it gets better as the night goes on!!

  You surprise me!!!!  I figured you for a band guy back in the day, not a ball-player.
I was interested to see that Daley kicked off in the first half and did a great job...Does anyone know why he didn't continue to kick off in the second half??

  Overall, the Cats looked great.  They still have some things to work on like any team.  I know that the short passes are like runs in this offense, but I hope that in the weeks to come they establish a between the tackles running game.  I also think that when Nick Soo returns to DE, the second half of the Hawiian Punch, it will change things for the D.

this is sweet