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Messages - mac_5_seven

Wow, Mac got pounded this weekend... 

Pat - like the new site layout!
Good luck to all the team this year!
Looks like there has been a coaching change at MacMurray with Jake Box replacing Kyle Sweeney.  Anyone have any insight?  All it mentioned was that he left for a different coaching job..  Thanks!
Just had an opportunity to look at the box scores of Mac's two losses and see a HUGE improvement in this year's squad.  Tied at the half against Beloit, ahead at the half against Aurora and "handled the trip" (Iron Mike Hensley saying) this past weekend picking up the win.  Keep fighting and improving every week, it will only get better as the year rolls on. 

Good luck against Huntingdon this weekend, they look like they have a great squad!

Great win Mac!
Quote from: GC_MC0509 on August 01, 2008, 01:50:07 PM
Well I'm sure we wont disappoint when u come for homecoming. Thank you much for the luck. Its gonna be a hot one...

Do you guys practice up campus, or down at the old field?  If up campus, you guys don't know what hot is during camp.  Down campus behind the old field, not one lick of a breeze, always smelled like compost, was usually like concrete after the first week, etc..  Glad those days are over...    :D
Quote from: GC_MC0509 on July 31, 2008, 04:06:10 PM
Honestly, looking better than last year already. Some of the guys we got in are pretty good. I think now we just have to get those guys to buy into what we're trying to do at MAC. In the past couple years we hadn't played as a team. People who still believe in MAC PRIDE will notice our change.

Good to hear.  Looking forward to heading back to J-ville for homecoming this October, haven't had the opportunity to get back for quite some time now.  Good luck in camp!
Quote from: GC_MC0509 on July 31, 2008, 12:24:37 AM
Hey guys whats up. I go to MacMurray and I've been reading some of the predictions and I must say it will be a toss-up. I think there will be some good ball being played in every game. I believe this conference will be as good as it had been in the past.

How's the Mac sqaud going to look this year?  You all had a lot of young guys see time last year, hopefully they've progressed nicely.
Quote from: cudub on October 22, 2007, 05:48:52 PM
I had not heard anything about that.  Was it in Eureka?  I will say that the Red Devil's little end zone crew is entertaining to say the least.  I would not be suprised if one of them got some liquid courage and something happened.

My personal favorite quote from the eureka fans was "hey Kicker, XX is a stupid number for a kicker" followed by tons of laughter from his comrades.

I remember my senior year there being a guy dressed in a full out Superman get up sitting amongst their end zone crew.  Hard not to chuckle every time I saw him..
Quote from: FMR IBFC Champ on October 21, 2007, 08:46:43 PM
Quote from: GC_MC0509 on October 21, 2007, 07:42:41 PM
About the mac game...I know the scoreboard tells who won the game but if a scoreboard showed the progress a team was making, mac would be ok. These guys are starting to pick it up. Just some little mistakes here and there. They can be explosive when they get going. Watch out for #28 Tristan Jones! Mac will win out and go 3-7. I have faith in this "freshman" team.
I appreciate the insight on the Mac progress. Have not made it to a game yet because of geography.  Although winning out would be great, I think it is more wishfull thinking at this point.  Big thing for Mac(and I have said this before)is to retain these young Freshmen for next year. That has been, in my opinion, one of the biggest reasons why Mac has declined recently. Lets get these kids eligible, in the new weight room and restore the pride that Mac players once had. I have a lot of respect for Sweeney, as a person,taking this job knowing that the Mac admin has a lot of things to resolve.  It would be easy to pack it up and head somewhere else after the season. Hope that does not happen. Keep choppin Mac!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keeping those kids will definitely be key, especially the ones that are getting to see PT now.  Hopefully Sweeney's staff can do a good job of developing them as they gain more experience.  Didn't know there was a new weight room, about time they did something about it..  I can see them paying with Eureka (no disrespect intended to Eureka) & hopefully Blackburn (I was on the team with mac_7_seven that still is in fact the only team to get beat by the Beavers), but I agree with Gomer in that BU has some things going for them right now..
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on October 12, 2007, 11:29:03 AM
(1)  Eureka at Greenville:  Two 1-4 (over-all) teams.  Eureka made their season by beating the Cougars and Greenville just went south.
      Should be a good game as both are about the same but somebodies got to sing the fight song and Greenville, yes I said Greenville will sing it
     loud and clear.
  (2)MacMurray at The home of the Baby Cheese heads: MacMurray is
   beyond a doubt the worst team in the IBC. They score ,on average, 2+
   points per game and give up almost 50!  The only thing worse is their
    football web-site.
   This years LC team is not on par with some of their past teams, IMO.
    They give up, on average, about 30 points per game. Everbody has scored on them. Eureka got 9.  Their "D" is very suspect to say the least.
    Mac Will score in double figures on LC  and win, 48-6.
    Nothing like a little levity before the hammer comes down.
    THe Baby Cheese Heads, playing on their home field, will be singing their fight song soon after the coin toss. 
    Mac continues on in it`s quest for a perfect season...............0-10.
   (3) Aurora at Benedictine:  I believe somebody called this their "game of the week." Sounds good to me.
      Like some others teams, Aurora is not what they once were. As their over-all record is a mild 2-3.  Points for and against are about even at 16.
    Benedictine, while not a power house by any stretch,  is 2-4 over-all.
    But gives up about 25 points per game.  Not good.   
    BU is playing at home and will have home field advantage, maybe.
    If it wasn`t for them (BU) given up almost 25 per game I`d lean towards them but that`s to many and expect to beat Aurora.
     AU may not be as good as they have been but they like singing their
      fight song in front of an un-ruly crowd
     (4) CU-W at the home of the BELIEVERS:   Lots think The Cougars are going to whip up on the boys from Mequon after all they played them tough last year but losing 31-20.   Key words here is .........last year.
     This years addition of the boys from Mequon have (3) shut-outs to their credit. Their un-defeated in conference play and are 4-2 over-all.
     Scoring average per game is about 31 for and only 9+ against.
     They both played Eureka with different out comes. The Cougars got beat 28-21 and the boys from Mequon destroyed them to the tune of 70-0!
    The Cougars are not having the year most thought or hoped for but
     with an over-all record of 3-3 with (2) of those wins being in the IBC
     all is not lost.................yet.
     Scoring average for and against is about even at around 22 points per
      The big game for The Cougars was beating BU. Their other "victories"
      came against Blackburn and MacMurray.
       Those two have a combined 1-10 record. 
      Would I like to see the Believers have a smile on their faces? Absolutely.
      But IMO, the boys from Mequon are just better.  The facts support that.
      Last week the Cougars had to listen to the Eureka fight song and this
     weeks inspirational fight song will be sung by the boys from Mequon.   :)

You seen it recently Gomer?  It's pretty much non-existant...
Quote from: YAYA on October 02, 2007, 01:43:29 PM

I would think that at this point it would be tough to tell, I imagine their line is pretty young..
Quote from: catch22 on September 25, 2007, 03:14:39 PM
Tell me this is not true!  I heard mac does not have an trainer, and coaches are taping ankles.  You guys deserve better treatment than that.  Good luck with the rest of your season.

I heard this as well Catch 22, pretty sad.... 
Quote from: drucker on September 10, 2007, 03:34:43 PM
About the stabbing. It was not a Mac player, but a former player who was trying to stop a towny from acting up, walked over to him and said hey whats the problem and the coward stabbed him in the shoulder. So no it was not a football player. It is sad though that this kid was just trying to help and got hurt.

drucker, thanks for the clarification.  The townies in J-ville are an absolute nightmare, especially around the area Mac is in..
Troubling news out of Macland.  The J-ville Journal Courier reported that a student and footballer got stabbed in the shoulder  at a party on Saturday night..