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Messages - sncla42

Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 20, 2005, 02:11:43 PM
oops i posted twice sorry

This is why i dont post alot
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 20, 2005, 02:10:13 PM
Very few thing will cause me to post I am more of an observer of the board but I must say something even if it will be drowned out by all the SJU posts.  I just feel very disrespected as a SNC football play 2000-2003 and playing in both St. John's games.
First of all there have been refference to the snc program's classlessness and unpopularity.   St. Johns hates us because of one talented but young player who lost his head and flipped off the crowd (not bench)  which is not exceptable.  Several Senior including myself said something to him after that.  Get over it SJU is was a long time ago plus you won and evenually became national champs.  Dont get me wrong i hated it too but people make mistakes move on.  I have moved on that Blake and several others never shook my hand after my last game of my career.  I think any football player that has ever made it through all you must go through to be a football player at the college level for 4yrs deserves that.  I also recall mention of cheap shots.  I was on the field for both games and did not see any cheap shot in fact I just recently watched my copy of the tapes of the game and there wasn't anything to cry over.  Both teams playing very hard and hitting hard to the whistle.a
By the way one of the SJU posters mentioned that some of the Monmouth fans didn't like us either.  The reason the conference hates us is because we have been champ for so long (till this year, Congrats Scotts).  It is very lonely at the top.  By the way SJU I have talked to the St Thomas (a team I respect a ton) and they dont like you either WOW what a revolation.
One last comment, The MWC is not the strongest conference that is true.  One reason would be the restrictions that are placed on us by the conference.  Also many of our teams are competing with the WIAC for recruits.  WIAC is not restricted and has larger school.  Not excuses just facts.  I would just like a little respect for how far the conference has come (largely to do with SNC).  SNC has never been blown out of a playoff game.  We always are very competative.  Even against SJU.  I believe our playoff proformance is impressive since we always have been bracketed against big name school on the road (except simpson which we beat).  We took Augustana to the wire in 1999, 2000 were up at half against #4 Central, the next year gave SJU a scare.  In 2003 we won a the first row game and then ran into the National champ and still did get blown out.  If you look at that game the first half we played the pretty tough and shut down alot of their bread and butter but SJU has too much fire power and had some other thing up there sleeves to open us up.  hey all the respect in the world for that.  that was a great team.  I just dont understand why we don't deserve respect.  Even last year we had LaCrosse dead but gave it back to them.  None of the teams we lost to are bad teams.  All have fantastic traditions and are always a threat to go deep into the playoffs.  Bottom line SJU GET OFF OUR BOARD if you wont even respect that.

Monmouth fans one word of advice.  Dont expect national respect untill a MWC team goes deep into the playoffs.  We will not get seated well nor will we be ranked all that high.  just learn to live with it.  SNC did and we are slowly getting more respect I believe.

Sorry about the novel fellas.  I am going to try and make it to the SJU and UWW game seeing that it is 40 mins away from were i live.  Good luck SJU, UWW is stacked
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 20, 2005, 02:09:16 PM
Very few thing will cause me to post I am more of an observer of the board but I must say something even if it will be drowned out by all the SJU posts.  I just feel very disrespected as a SNC football play 2000-2003 and playing in both St. John's games.
First of all there have been refference to the snc program's classlessness and unpopularity.   St. Johns hates us because of one talented but young player who lost his head and flipped off the crowd (not bench)  which is not exceptable.  Several Senior including myself said something to him after that.  Get over it SJU is was a long time ago plus you won and evenually became national champs.  Dont get me wrong i hated it too but people make mistakes move on.  I have moved on that Blake and several others never shook my hand after my last game of my career.  I think any football player that has ever made it through all you must go through to be a football player at the college level for 4yrs deserves that.  I also recall mention of cheap shots.  I was on the field for both games and did not see any cheap shot in fact I just recently watched my copy of the tapes of the game and there wasn't anything to cry over.  Both teams playing very hard and hitting hard to the whistle.a
By the way one of the SJU posters mentioned that some of the Monmouth fans didn't like us either.  The reason the conference hates us is because we have been champ for so long (till this year, Congrats Scotts).  It is very lonely at the top.  By the way SJU I have talked to the St Thomas (a team I respect a ton) and they dont like you either WOW what a revolation.
One last comment, The MWC is not the strongest conference that is true.  One reason would be the restrictions that are placed on us by the conference.  Also many of our teams are competing with the WIAC for recruits.  WIAC is not restricted and has larger school.  Not excuses just facts.  I would just like a little respect for how far the conference has come (largely to do with SNC).  SNC has never been blown out of a playoff game.  We always are very competative.  Even against SJU.  I believe our playoff proformance is impressive since we always have been bracketed against big name school on the road (except simpson which we beat).  We took Augustana to the wire in 1999, 2000 were up at half against #4 Central, the next year gave SJU a scare.  In 2003 we won a the first row game and then ran into the National champ and still did get blown out.  If you look at that game the first half we played the pretty tough and shut down alot of their bread and butter but SJU has too much fire power and had some other thing up there sleeves to open us up.  hey all the respect in the world for that.  that was a great team.  I just dont understand why we don't deserve respect.  Even last year we had LaCrosse dead but gave it back to them.  None of the teams we lost to are bad teams.  All have fantastic traditions and are always a threat to go deep into the playoffs.  Bottom line SJU GET OFF OUR BOARD if you wont even respect that.

Monmouth fans one word of advice.  Dont expect national respect untill a MWC team goes deep into the playoffs.  We will not get seated well nor will we be ranked all that high.  just learn to live with it.  SNC did and we are slowly getting more respect I believe.

Sorry about the novel fellas.  I am going to try and make it to the SJU and UWW game seeing that it is 40 mins away from were i live.  Good luck SJU, UWW is stacked
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 17, 2005, 07:56:37 PM
appearently you guys dont know us Norbert's guys so well.  It is nearly imposible to shut us up.  It has probably been quiet on the board from the SNC guys because we were not into this game as much as everyone else.  I know I did really pay to much attention because for the last several years we had been hearing that monmouth may knock us off.  But had not got it done against SNC and it wasn't even close several of those years.  BUT I was wrong.  The SCOTTS got it done.  Congrats to those guys.  Keep fighting knights.   IT has been a tough year with a tons of destractions especially on the Defensive side (not to said that is why they lost, no disrespect to the Scotts)  Keep it up fellas the season is not over.  All this means is that the title will be decided alot later than normal.
word on wren and seth.  I talked to wren at the west towne mall in maidson.  He will be sitting out this year to get surgery on his hand.  nothing major.  he would have missed at least one game with it so he just figured he would get it fixed and come back next year 100% for howard and LU.  He also said that seth is working on getting into LU and also playing next year.  This is just what wren told me to the best of my slightly damaged memory.  I am just posting this to hopefully clear up all the rumors.  But i probably just feuled the more.  sorry aljey and seth! :-\
The Allison crew will be up for the the game.  Got take the kid to his first college football game.  Looking forward to the tailgating and watching #48 as well.  I taught him everything.