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Messages - CruAlum39

Hey everybody!  Long time no talk!   ;D

Been real busy with a new job but have tried to keep up with all the posts (and have done a horrible job).  Seems like UMHB has once again had their annual "hiccup" like we have had in years past.  Although I believe that MC is on the rise and becoming a good football team.  I hope UMHB learns from it and gets a chance to show their stuff in the playoffs this year.  

I did get to see them play against TLU in Seguin this year as it is pretty close to San Antonio and it was a night game.  They seemed very athletic on both sides of the ball with some really good looking kids.  

As for this fantasy football thing, I only have one rebuttle to RyeMc3.  You actually had more tackles our senior year than I did, and since we split so much time as the MLB going from our 32 to 23 front, I think you should take my place on the list.  Either way, we are both just washed up has beens now anyways...
llamaguy--- that means that there will still be a stagg bowl, minus the hooters trip, a few less scooter rides due to moderated drinking (possibly a tandem ride or two tho) and DEFINITELY NO MORE WHITEWATER WOMEN!!!   ;D                         
Well roocru and I are looking forward to our trip to the Stagg Bowl again  this year, even though, once again, the CRU will not be there.   :'(

I'm sure we will be easy to spot in our purple gear as everyone there will be wearing purple.  However, our's will have a little gold in it and say UMHB Crusaders!   :D 

We are looking forward to another great game and I am excited to see you guys in person as I was not able to watch you against UMHB this year.

UWW 35
MUC   24

I only watched a portion of the game, but from what I saw and heard it seemed that UMHB was constantly losing the field position battle.  Whether it was the offense not driving like they normally do, turnovers, and the weird kickoff, all of them gave UWW a huge field advantage throughout the entire game.  Usually, it is UMHB defense that gives the offense short fields, but also the offense doesn't put the defense in bad positions.  Now I was a defensive player and am a defensive coordinator and understand that when the defense is put in a bad position it is your JOB, to bail your team out and change the momentum.  That is what GOOD defenses do.  I am going to agree with you in that I don't think they are quite as good as last year, but I don't think they are that much worse.  (More of a "team" defense than the VERY "athletic" defense they were with Jarrell Freeman)  Given the chance to play again, I think (maybe hope is a better word) they would have a much better showing.  Not saying the CRU would win, because I believe that we were outplayed,  but I believe that it would be a better, lower scoring game.  I am trying not to be a fan when saying this and be as analytical as possible.   Damn it's hard though!!!   :)
Pam Ward once called our fullback a "butterball" in the '04 Stagg Bowl as he broke a 15 yard run.  I'm still not sure if that is a technical term in football, but I've never heard it since.   ;)

I actually need to thank her for it because I still make fun of him to this day! :D
I'm not so sure about that kicker can't be the first one to touch the ball rule.  Is it in the rule book.  Not saying you're wrong, but we used to have a surprise onside kick in high school that worked twice for us where everyone would break from a tight huddle, kicking the ball straight ahead, and the kicker was designed to recover it as the entire KO team ran past the ball to take out and opposing players.  Also saw it last season when I was scouting a high school football game.  Wonder if it is one of those rules that is not enforced or not widely known.  Maybe is is a college rule and not a high school rule.
Congratulations Warhawks.

I was not able to make it to the game and was only able to watch about the last 8 minutes of the 2nd quarter to the weird second half kickoff.  It was a good game then but it sounds like as time went on you began to overcome the CRU.  My father (roocru) and I will both be coming to the Stagg and I will be rooting for you over Mount Union.  (Although I am getting sick and tired of rooting for you in the Stagg as this will be the third year in a row we have seen you play)   ;)

Congratulations on a great season and "re-loading" this year to make it to yet another Stagg Bowl.  

Next year will be the year of your demise in the hands of the Crusaders...   :P
Free Kick Caught or Recovered

ARTICLE 6. a. If a free kick is caught or recovered by a player of the receiving
team, the ball continues in play (Exceptions: Rules 4-1-3-g, 6-1-7, and 6-5-1 and
2). If caught or recovered by a player of the kicking team, the ball becomes dead
(A.R. 4-1-3-II and A.R. 6-1-6-I).

To answer your question Bill, and I haven't looked this up in the rule book, but I think they did away with the rule that you are penalized for illegal touching but allowed to kick again.  I'm pretty sure this was due to the fact that you used to be able to kick an onside kick, illegally touch it as the kicking team, get penalized, but still have the opportunity to try the onside kick again.

Once again this is just what I think, I have not looked this up in the rule book.
Sorry, must have missed that when I was reading and didn't see necessary to put it.  But I guess I should have. :)
I looked up the ruling for the kickoff on the online NCAA rule book.  It states the the only way team a (kicking team) can recover the ball from team b (receiving team) are as follows...

1). The ball comes in contact with team b and team a recovers.

2). The ball crosses the restraining line (ten yards from where the ball is kicked), and stays beyond the restraining line. 

So even if the the ball had landed beyond at the 42, if it bounced back behind the restraint line and was not touched by UWW, then it would be UWW's ball wherever UMHB recovered it.
Go CRU!!!  Donkeystomp the Warhawks!
Quote from: CruAlum39 on December 08, 2008, 10:17:10 AM

I was kind of hoping we could get some good ol' Texas weather on saturday... you know, 90 degrees with 100 percent humidity.  Seems only fair since UMHB had to play in the frozen tundra last year.

Ok so I'm a little pissed off at all you Wisconsin fans/players...

We have been enjoying some great weather in Texas for the early part of December, and as we near the game on Saturday, I walk outside from work and it is cold and snowing(about 150 miles SE of  Belton).  I said I wanted it to be hot and steamy!  You guys are not being very gracious guests. ;D
Maybe that can be the battle cry for the CRU this week!!!
That's Kurt Russell as he goes on his killing spree in the river.
Quote from: jaypeter on December 10, 2008, 01:56:52 PM
Quote from: CruAlum39 on December 10, 2008, 01:53:02 PMI gotta give it to him with the last sentance though.  One of my all-time favorite movies.

"We started a game we never got to finish.  Play for blood, remember?"

"NO!!!!"  "NO!!!!!"   "NO!!!!!!!'