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Messages - 'Cats Fa Natic

I'm a little slow in my congrats here, but way to go Whitworth!  I had to work all weekend so now I'll have to go back and read all about the game.

Make us other NWC'ers proud!
Quote from: George Thompson on November 14, 2006, 10:11:06 AM
We Wildcat fans are already anxious for next year.    We will be much more ready for Hardin-Simmons and other very good teams.     

Yes. Only 297 more days till kickoff!  Woo hoo!
Quote from: George Thompson on November 14, 2006, 10:11:06 AM
Under "Immediate Reaction to 2006 brackets", SeanGOP Says:
The 13th of November, 2006 at 10:07 am

"Why on Earth is Linfield still ranked?! They have only beaten one team with a winning record! The others they beat have weak records.

What I found surprising about the latest poll is not only did they remain in the top 25 but actually ROSE from #24 to #21. From beating L&C??

Go figure.

Regardless, because we didn't make playoffs, I can't imagine that we'll remain in the top 25 for the season's ending poll.
Hey all.

I'd first like to say congrats to the Rats. We can make all the excuses we want that we, quite literally, gave you every chance to win it but the reality is we couldn't hang on to the ball and your guys could.

I'm still in a bit of a shock that we had such a mind-numbing case of the butterfingers and I've had the great displeasure of having to work all weekend and today with visions of what SHOULD have happened but didn't. That was a tough loss, no two ways about it, and I feel badly for the seniors who have to go out with that one (L&C not withstanding).

I feel like I have a hangover but didn't have the pleasure of having fun to get it.

This must have been a jinxed weekend or something football-wise because it wasn't even a good weekend for fantasy football in our household. My wife had Chicago's Defense and I had Tom Brady for my QB.   :P
Quote from: whitpirate on November 04, 2006, 10:31:26 AM
Whats the weather like in McMinneville is it a perfect day for a BBQ CAtburgers anyone?  Go Pirates

Clever. Putting the "wit" in "Whitworth" I see.

But since you asked, we're getting the Pineapple Express right now. Warm and wet flow from the South Pacific.

A perfect day in Mac.
Well, it's game day. I'm feeling confident we'll come out on the other side with a W provided that a.) we are past the recent case of turnoveritis, b.) we can have a decent run game, and c.) our D does a better job of tackling than in some games we've seen this year. I think the latter point will be especially important given Whitworth's QB.

What do you think...

1. Low scoring defensive battle,
2. Rats get out early, we have to battle back,
3. We get out early and have to fight off a persistant opponent, or
4. Total blow out

Personally, I love games like #2 and tend to think this is the kind of game we're likely to see today. I think it'll come down to the D today more so than the O and if we can generate some turnovers, play as a team to contain their O, we'll come out on top.

Wildcats with the W, 31-21.
Quote from: Snapper45 on November 03, 2006, 03:52:51 PM
LND and CoCo- Your post got me thinking about the Cats uniforms.  What is the best look for the Wildcats?

New Purple on Purple
Dont think there was an Old Purple on Purple
New White on White
Old White on White
New Purple on White
Old Purple on White
New White on Purple
Old White on Purple

Purple top, white bottoms. Definitely.

Did not like the purple-on-purple look. Looks like the multiple uniform combos inspired by the Ducks/Nike are starting to have an impact even on DIII school.

At least they didn't have the tire-tread shoulders, thankfully, that the Ducks have. Bleah. Everytime I see that, it just makes me cringe. And I actually like the Ducks.

If only the Ducks put as much time and effort into their GAME PLAY as they do their uniform selections, they'd be #2 in the nation right now...  :P
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on November 03, 2006, 11:55:46 AM
Howdy to my old buddy GHC.  Good luck this week against the Pirates.  TDT will be listening intently...

Interesting karma there... -666??? (as of this posting)  And what the heck did you do to get THAT low???
Changed my personal pic in honor of Saturday's game. I don't know how to make it appear larger on the BB here but here ya go...

Quote from: cawcdad on November 03, 2006, 11:33:24 AM
Fa Natic, Menlo will give the NWC an auto bid. But the by-laws have no language for awarding that auto bid in the case of a tie for the NWC Championship.

Huh. I'd thought I'd seen another post on here somewhere saying that we would NOT get an automatic bid this year.  But maybe I saw that in my pre-coffee stupor...
Quote from: MonroviaCat on November 02, 2006, 04:36:43 PM
I think the conference will have to ammend their bilaws once the NWC has an automatic bid. ....

At what point will that be? I'd been under the impression that bringing Menlo into the NWC would give us an automatic bid.  ???
So here I am, catching up on all the banter, when a thought occurs... I can understand why Linfield uses the "wildcat" as a mascot, because there are (or at least were) wildcats in the area. But why is the mascot of Whitworth a pirate? Haven't they noticed they're landlocked and about 300 miles from the closest ocean?

Quote from: (509)Rat on October 30, 2006, 07:25:38 PM
So for those of you who won't get the privelage of witnessing the Cats getting SPADE this weekend, feel free to watch them cut down the loggers the following weekend at the pine bowl...all from the comfort of your own home.

I assume you mean "spayed" unless your boys are coming to play cards this weekend. Now what were those comments of yours about the level of education here at Linfield...?
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 27, 2006, 06:30:34 PM
Willamette finds their MOJO this week and completes the upset of the year by beating the rats 21-20.

Boy, now that'd be something. They've had an extra week to prepare, so maybe WU can pull a rabbit out of their hat. I'd be less skeptical if they were playing in their own litter box.

Still, it's the kind of game that the 'Rats might be looking past with Linfield looming on the horizon.
This from the Menlo write-up on thr Linfield site:
Smith served as an assistant coach at Linfield for 13 seasons, including the last six as defensive coordinator...he took over for Jay Locey, who accepted a job as assistant head coach and tight ends coach at Oregon State...

For some reason, I was under the impression that Locey held a defensive position at OSU. Anyone else find it a tad ironic he's a TE coach--considering how infrequently we actually threw to the TE?

:-\  ???

Oh well. Had to smile.