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Messages - BashBacker#16

Dean B going with his annual glass is half empty analysis (you know I love ya).  Andries is back and you'd think he was Jason Lee or Spud Dick or Matt Hunt.  I'm not sure he could carry one of those guys helmets.  What has he done?

Liam Thompson is not a typical freshman and I think will step up in a big time game like the big time player he is!  The Bash D will have to limit the big plays and we have to protect the punter (which is a concern).  I like the LG's in this one!

My 4 year layoff is over and I'll be attending my 37th Bell game.  Go Bash beat the Dannie's!!!  WAF
I don't believe I have seen the rationale for a one-sided stadium, what exactly is it?

Like many others posts, I strongly oppose seats on one side.  It's a total game changer IMO.  Initially I thought there would be stands on both sides.  Is this confirmed and if so, why?

Remember the days when a guy would get suspended for being late to a team meeting?   
#4 - what?  What a great win.

A trend?  Seriously look at these scores:

2017 Wabash 48 Allegheny 41
2016 Wabash 59 Allegheny 7
2015 Wabash 54 Allegheny 0
2014 Wabash 63 Allegheny 0
2013 Wabash 65 Allegheny 0

What?  Everything is good...  We're 7-2.  Times have changed.

BJ Hammer is doing a great job but does that surprise anyone?  Not me.  Congrats BJ!
It's like a game of "hot potato"

LG - can we all make a pact that ER is ER, CC is CC, and Don Morel is Don Morel.  He can earn initials.

Smeds - what makes you think the AD will evaluate anything?  Apparently he doesn't even go to the games.  He sits in his "Command Center" (his office).  Anyone remember how passionate Dean Bambrey was during games on the sideline when he was the AD?  In so many ways we are lacking that passion.  I remember Dean Bambrey hugging players who had suffered ACL tears or serious injuries before they even left the field.  That was caring and that was being passionate.

As the Wabash football team goes, the College goes.  Hopefully this becomes more and more evident to those that don't fully recognize the impact.  2001-2016 - can we go back???

Great post man!  Spot on.  I will add the head scratching losses were very few and far between with CC and ER.  And, for those saying we are 13-3 since ER left, let's wait and see how the Witt and Depauw games go - heck the rest of the year for that matters.  We don't have any gimme's.

Smeds - you just give me a headache.  Go start a swimming message board.

Coach, what's your team's goal for 2017?
"We want to win the Bell game and beat DePauw."

In the world of job interviews, that's a knockout question !  What?  Beat DePauw?  That says it all.  You think CC or ER would ever say that in a million years?  NO.  That's regression.  Our goal is no longer conference championships, deep playoff runs against D3 elites like Mount, Whitewater, or St Thomas.

Back to the interview analogy:
Interviewer:  Why do you want this job?
Interviewee:  I want to be 6-4, 7-3, keep up the recruiting numbers, beat DePauw every couple of years, and do just enough to keep my job.

Onward and upward... 

Wabash Always Fight?
No big deal in C-vile.  Onward and upward!  Barf.

First loss ever to OWU while in the NCAC.  First loss to OWU since 1989.  I'm 49 and that was my senior year.  That's a long time ago.

Congrats to the Bishops on the big "W"

I'm so bummed and so frustrated to see what's happening to the program.  The culture is changing before our eyes.

Easy Gunner.  Honest question.  Outside looking in not knowing about the ACL it looked like he was 4th string.  I know Bill from their Brownsburg days.

Sorry to hear about the injury.
Old Pal Wes,

Where is the Beech Grove QB if he's so amazing?
...and I dig The Dannie QB wearing 22. 
Quote from: Little Giant 89 on September 25, 2017, 09:10:37 PM
Anyone else recall the Wabash game against Taylor in the Hoosier Dome in 1984.  I attended that game as part of a recruiting trip.  Can't find the attendance anywhere on-line.

I was there!  Tony Altavilla #7 had a great game.  Mike Worthington and Carl Hampton were studs on the D front.

Was that serious about the ticket booth? 

I don't know where to start.  I can't believe what's going on in C-ville. 

- why is the best player on the Wabash roster, Ike James, rotating with 4 other dudes?  Has he not earned the start?  It took 3 1/2 quarters to realize this?
- did anyone see Penola run after the catch yesterday?  Let's play him at H and give him 2 touches every 3 games.  Somehow, he needs to be a major part of this offense.
- is there any plan on offense?  It's like we draw plays out of a hat and run whatever.
- we have 2 - 6'4" WR's, can we not figure out how to expose those match-ups?
- Special teams are shaky as hell.  Should we field the punt and fumble or let it roll forever.

"We have a LOT of good football players!"
"Wabash Always Fight?"
Season goal?  "Beat Depauw"
"At this level, D3"
Where is Vance?  Wasn't he gonna be one of our immediate impact guys?
"We don't have girls"

I don't get it.

Hiram.  Remember when we used to throw up 80 points and had to try not to score 100?

Successful Homecoming win pulling a victory out of our a$$?

On the bright side, we had cool tailgating tents and super cool pre-game maps and parking instructions.  Where is the ticket booth though?

Quote from: smedindy on September 23, 2017, 11:07:02 PM
It wasn't that long ago Wabash lost to Allegheny and Oberlin at home, and they did alright after that. I don't think anyone called for ER's head then.

It's definitely a lack of confidence in any QBs, which I think speaks to recruiting more than anything.

But it is frustrating, I understand.

Please stop the ER comparisons.  Was he ever 56-61?