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Messages - fsufan

Come On Guys, lets think with our heads and not our hearts!
I want CURF to be successful as much as anyone but if nothing else has been clarified in the last five years, the obvious lack of admin support for the program has been.  Hynes left because he saw the writing on the wall, Conwell didn't believe the writing untill it was too late (bless his heart and God be with him), and now they dip into the high school ranks for the sake of nostilgia.  Besides no area recruiting background or local hs pipeline he has to create a coaching staff (and we know how well paid they are).  Hey, I know they'll break our hearts again no matter how prepared we are, but just once I would like the school powers that be give a head coach and the kids a chance to play on a level surface with the other league leaders. GO COUGs......... :)
TO:  SeoulGuy,
The old College AllStar Game went away for a couple of reasons. First, the top college players were getting big money contracts from the NFL now and the team owners had no intention of their future stars getting creamed (maybe permantely) in a meaningless game.  Second, players were just as aware of possible career ending injuries as were the team owners.  Mutual admiration for the dollar ended the game.  As far as Lombardi was concerned (remember he hated rookies) he had no intention of having on of his starters injured by some young bonehead college boy trying to show off on national tv.  The end of that game was no suprise and was just another change in the game (i.e. NFL-AFL merger) soon followed.
CURF's Neighborhood 8)
The school provides much to the surrounding area but the big homes and people that live in them give little if anything back.  I asked the head coach why no night lighting (the people aroud the school say it will br too bright and cause too much traffic).  GO figure.  Until the school admin. gets stronger in their community relations CURF will continue to be treated like a second class cousin that has overstayed their welcome.
They can change the league, change the teams, change the uniforms, change anything, but at CURF if they don't change admin support (and maybe coaching) we are going to keep getting killed. Roster size is decreasing, players are not staying in the program ( many leave the campus), and recruiting is really tough.  The kids that sign up to play need some support (besides fans).  Other schools have fought through tough times and so can CURF. GO COUGS! :)
BASEMAN201--Since you have an interest in CURF maybe you can tell me what their plans are when the IBC breaks up.  I am sure they will keep playing, but where? :)
I do not like all this talk of dropping programs at BU or CURF.  No one from either school has said anything in the last few years about dropping FB, have they? Loosing streaks are part of the game, some just happen to be longer than others.  I don't think FB brings any kids to BU or CURF on its own basis nor will it keep them there.  It seems that the overall financial condition of the institution will determine the elimination of any activity, academic or athletic.  Let us hope that both schools keep playing and start winning. Ya I know - wishful thinking.  Winning rocks and loosing sucks but the kids keep playing every game and more keep showing up every year.  You explain it!  :)
It is really refreshing to know that other people are worrying about the important issues in the IBC (championships, title runs, post season wins, all conference team, etc.). All we are looking for is a win!  GO CURF :)
The turn around begins.  CURF over Rose H.  It might be close, but a win non the less.  GO COUGARS!  8)
I read a whole lot on this site about some well deserving teams, that is good.  Now how about a few words about another well deserving team that is having a rough time lately. GO CURF!!!!  I am sure the coaching changes will be a positive for the team. I also hope that the coaches that left for other opportunities also find success in their new positions.  Whatever the future brings - ROLL COUGERS :)