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Messages - Menowannalickee U.

Quote from: fmfdoc on November 19, 2007, 07:17:46 PM
Quote from: hasanova on November 19, 2007, 11:41:54 AM
Quote from: Jacketlawyer on November 19, 2007, 11:31:26 AM
What's it going to take to prevent future ODAC teams from getting walloped in the first round of the playoffs?  This is the second straight year the ODAC standard-bearer has been ousted immediately.  I mean no disrespect to the Tigers; the accounts of the game on this board indicate the it was closer than the score illustrates. 8)

I know we've covered this before in prior posts, but the timing is right to revisit the topic, especially since it's a year later, and hopefully we're all a little bit wiser! ;)
It sounds a lot like we (the ODAC) get pushed around on the Offensive and Defensive lines due to a difference in size.   You were at the Stagg Bowl last year, jacketlawyer, as was I, and I also saw some marked differences in team speed and depth.     

As usual, I am probably way off base, but here goes in no particular order:
1. Could be that they have a larger base population of HS talent to draw from. Ohio is #7 in population, PA is #6, NY #3, TX is #2 border state IN is 14 with one state over IL at #6.
VA is 12 and WV 37.
However, presenting both sides of this theory DE is 45.
2. Bigger HS Football & Wrestling programs starting at Pop Warner levels and serious weight training programs.
3. Basketball is the sport that receives maybe better than 50% of the sports attention in VA.
4. Like allsky said - Lots of local DI schools in VA
5. You need more than 1-2 really talented players on both sides of the ball, you have to be deep, have a good kicking game and special team play.

I think #2 is important.  I know at least Texas and Ohio HS football is huge.  VA HS football is pretty big too though!  I'm from New England and up there HS FB is pretty mediocre and I think that shows to the college level as well.  The bigger and better the high school programs, the more quality recruits there are going to be to go around.

I don't know about #3 though?
Deja vu.  Doesn't this happen every year??  A player mysteriously leaves the team for some reason at the end of the season in each of the past few years if memory serves me correctly.
Quote from: Olinemom on October 27, 2007, 07:01:25 PM
I also congratulate the Gennies.  They took it to us on both sides of the ball.  It is not only our seniors that need to do some soul searching.  It goes all the way to the coaching staff and the paucity of plays on the offense and the skill levels on both sides of the ball.  WE used to bring good athletes in and coach them to get better, but today it seems they come in and they don't improve like they used to.  That needs improvement.  Oh and I'm sick of off tackle to the left, off tackle to the right , throw on third and punt.  We need to use the talents of the personnel we have --it's a sin to have so much talent and not to improve on it or use it effectively.

I really agree with this.  Not to take anything away from the teams that have beat BC in the past couple years, but really, when was the last time a team was surprised by a play the coaches called?  And I know its easy to criticize play calling after the fact so I don't mean to trash the coaches.  They do a great job to keep BC competitive.  But not long ago we were more than competitive and it just seems that like Olinemom said...everyone in the stadium knows its run run pass.  One way to spot insanity is to do the same action over and over and expect different results.  I hope the players keep their heads up and honestly I have a lot of respect for all the coaches, but try mixing it up a little bit.
Quote from: Pat Coleman on October 23, 2007, 09:34:11 PM
Quote from: Menowannalickee U. on October 23, 2007, 07:22:57 PM
Take away just Vince Young from last year's Texas team.  Are they great?  No. 

They did. Vince Young played for the Tennessee Titans last year. :)

I meant last last year of course... ;D
I can't think of any team that would be just as good if you remove the starting quarterback, running back and wide reciever.  Take away Tom Brady, Laurence Maroney, and Randy Moss from this year's Patriots.  Are they a great team?  No, probably good.  Take away just Vince Young from last year's Texas team.  Are they great?  No.  Take away Matt Leinert, Reggie Bush and Dwayne Jarrett off the 05 USC team, they're still good, probably not great.  Take away...well you get the point.
Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on October 17, 2007, 11:27:11 AM
Quote from: Bwana on October 17, 2007, 10:49:59 AM
Quote from: Uncle Jessie on October 17, 2007, 02:44:33 AM
Here is a update on Shenandoah wanting to join the ODAC.

At one point in the article the SU President says" “So before they’re willing to talk about any changes in the ODAC, they want to hear the resolution of the NCAA Division III proposal,” said Davis. “This could cause some members of the ODAC to leave.”

The resolution he refers to is on the matter of expanding DIII.  The tone of the article suggests a wide variety of options are in play, including creating a DIV, splitting private and public DIII, and others.

What members of the ODAC would want to leave and why?  I guess I could see E&H leaving if they had  conference opponents closer to home (or if Montgomery got them in the OAC), but what others?

IMO, change how Division II works, and move Division III's school up. No need for a fifth division since we already have I-A, I-AA, II, and III.

Just curious Kid, what kind of changes?  Would DII move up into D1A?  I didn't know if there have been talks about changing DII.

Quote from: Llamaguy on October 15, 2007, 09:13:44 AM
Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on October 15, 2007, 09:06:03 AM
Speaking of attendance, am I seeing the E&H/R-MC box score correctly ... only 445 in attendance?!

Kind of surprising that R-MC doesn't have more fans coming out to games with their hot start, and that E&H fans don't travel well (you'd think at least a handful of the 10k or so that make it to home games would).

I need to let it go ... I know.

LOL! The only attendance I care about is the 65 or so BC guys who will be on the field at Emory & Henry Saturday. If they show up like they did for homecoming we will atleast have a fighting chance against the wasps at their place.  ;)

Kind of nice that this last game was at home as BC got 91 of 93 dressed players in the game (according to the DNR).  Must have been fun for the radio announcers to keep up with all the subs!
Also with 3,000 plus in attendance I can't even imagine having 7-10,000 people there!!!  It was so packed there was no place to park an hour before the game started!  Where do they fit everyone in these other D3 towns and stadiums?

QuoteThe game plan was great for HSC and they executed it perfectly.  It must have been even more frustrating on the field or on the BC sideline that it was just watching the game as a fan!  
But brilliant, I don't know.  I still don't agree with going for two when a field goal will tie the game.  I don't think its really been discussed because it worked out for HS in the end, but that could have been devestating!  Could you imagine if BC was able to run out the clock and won by 1 point because he went for two instead of the tie!  I could see on the road against a better team maybe, but at home I don't know....  Anyway, great job to HSC!
Hopefully we'll have two ODAC teams that can make some waves in the playoffs this year!!

QuoteYou mean PAT.  ;) As for going for two.... not sure I would have done that either but like Boise St, when it works it's "brilliant". (oh no...not the B word again :D) And it is in line with Marty's MO in the past. I have seen "Martyball" work and have seen it fail. Live by the sword....die by the sword. I guess the thinking was with 6 minutes left in the game the Tigers could get the ball back. The O HAD been moving the ball all day. This time, it worked out.

Right, thanks! :-[ 

Quote from: D3Waterboy on October 03, 2007, 11:07:01 AM
Quote from: algernon on October 03, 2007, 09:38:27 AM
Weather for Emory on Saturday:  81 degrees and partly cloudy.  I'm sure the weather will be similar at the other ODAC games.   Sounds pretty hot, especially for October!

UPDATE:  The E&H gate counter just reported the weather prediction...said the temperature will be 6,081.

HA!  Thats rich...
Quote from: Llamaguy on October 03, 2007, 08:30:56 AM
Quote from: gone on October 03, 2007, 08:02:29 AM
Quote from: Llamaguy on October 02, 2007, 09:11:31 PM
Quote from: fallguy on October 02, 2007, 08:38:31 PM
Pat I agree, Marty usually uses most of the clock with motion and personnel changes. My point was that as with most no huddle offenses Marty has always speed things up to catch teams changing personnel. These coaches have squared off over ten times to not be prepared for a fast pace is just not being prepared period.

I still contend that it was Marty's brilliance (yes, I said brilliance) with his game plan more than Coach Clark not being prepared. I got an inkling when lisitening to HSC's radio broadcast in the first half. Their radio guys said, "where does Marty get all of these plays, we haven't seen any of these run in the previous 4 games." I followed that up by talking to a BC defensive coach who confirmed that not only were they different plays but they were run out of the same formations the BC kids saw on tape. BC thought they knew what was coming execpt in every instance the play went in a totally new direction. That coupled with the quick snap and keeping the RB available for the shovel pass on every passing play was the difference. When I see Marty again, my question will be, "when did you start to compile the 2007 BC vs. HSC game plan?" My bet is when there was still a chill in the air in January or Feburary. Again my hats off to Marty on this go round.

E H dad,
No ill feelings here about E&H. May the best team win. BC didn't go to the playoffs last year and we are still fielding a team again this year. The world didn't end and won't if we lose again this year.  ;)

Marty Favret is brilliant, he knows how to put players in position to be successful and that is the make up of a good coach. Favret destroying a BC defense is nothing new, he has been doing that for close to years (at CUA and HSC). BC just had enough overall talent to win the games against HSC but now it appears the overall talent is even the results changed (at least this year).
GO CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Gone you raced across the line! I said he was brilliant for this game. Now in past years I saw him go for it on 4th down in his own territory more than once. In 2005 he actually kept BC in the game in the first half in my opinion. LOL of him destroying a BC defense being nothing new. Check the stats and talk to the brother of your team's QB. I have spoke to JD and I'm sure he will enlighten you on BC's defense. As for talent, HSC had 2 seniors, a SO QB and a tightend who excelled on Saturday. If you think the talent is now even I can't wait until the final game of the year when your Cardinals fly into Jopson field. Get back to me after the game on that one.  ;)

The game plan was great for HSC and they executed it perfectly.  It must have been even more frustrating on the field or on the BC sideline that it was just watching the game as a fan!  
But brilliant, I don't know.  I still don't agree with going for two when a field goal will tie the game.  I don't think its really been discussed because it worked out for HS in the end, but that could have been devestating!  Could you imagine if BC was able to run out the clock and won by 1 point because he went for two instead of the tie!  I could see on the road against a better team maybe, but at home I don't know....  Anyway, great job to HSC!
Hopefully we'll have two ODAC teams that can make some waves in the playoffs this year!!
Quote from: Uncle Jessie on September 19, 2007, 12:50:53 PM
I posted this over on the USAC side first but thought you guys would like to read this as well.

Anyone that is interested in knowing more about why SU would like to join the ODAC should check out Scott Musa's article in todays campus newspaper.
It answers all the questions anyone may have about it. Its on page 6
Really good article.  Seems to make sense and answer the questions of "why" pretty thoroughly.
More newspaper articles about changes in the ODAC (or at least the schedule of one team).  McDaniel wont play Bridgewater after this year.  I thought it was interesting that they (McDaniel) will play St. Vincent instead.  Also brought up the topic of playing CNU again and how the coach at CNU would like to play BC, but Clark isn't thrilled about that prospect.  Goes back to not wanting to play tougher non conference opponents I guess.
Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on September 03, 2007, 10:27:10 AM

Snakehandler once said on these boards, "it won't matter if you're prepared for the playoffs if you don't make them."  That happened to CNU in 2005.

Ya, but by that rationale does it matter if you make the playoffs if you aren't prepared for them?  And CNU not making the playoffs wasn't because of their ooc schedule.  But regardless I'm sure Clark will have them ready for each and every game this year, including the playoffs if they make it!  They looked good Saturday so I'm just excited about a great season and hoping there isn't a huge letdown if they play a really strong playoff team.
As an ODAC fan and a BC fan, I'd like to say good job to both!  But I'd really like to give kudos to CNU for opening the season with such a tough schedule.  Rowan week 1 and Mary Hardin Baylor week 2!!  Talk about setting your team up to know what its like to play quality, playoff ready teams.  I wish BC would get back to playing a tougher out of conference schedule.  Anyone know the reason they got away from that?  I thought coach Clark liked getting the team prepared for those late season tough opponents...
When looking at cost you should also take into account room and board.  At least at BC, students are technically required to live on campus at a cost of more than $9,000/year.  I don't know how that compares to SU or many other schools, or if they are required to live on campus or can choose often less expensive off campus housing.
I believe someone had hinted that this might be coming...
(today's DNR)

"Ex-BHS Star Hardesty Heads To BC Posted 2007-05-03

By Matthew Stoss

After a year away, Seth Hardesty is returning to the Valley.

Hardesty, who graduated from Broadway High School in 2006, is coming back to play football for Division III Bridgewater College after redshirting his freshman year at Division II Shippensburg University."