The Way I See It,
Libero, my 4 year degree from Lakeland begs to differ that i dropped out. My post number is lacking as i find myself getting further and further away from teams in the NAC. I have only been to a handful of games and don't have the ability to listen to games online. I would love to stay more intuned, but work just doesn't allow it. I have been leaving messages though on games that i have attended this year.
I don't even get to that many Lakeland games anymore. And when i go, I find that they have been losing. So to spare us both the agony, I just have not been going. I will, however, be making the treck to Sadoff Gymnasium tonight to watch Marian and Edgewood.
I do miss my babbling counterparts on here though. It made the work day go a tad bit quicker when trying to outwit the likes of Bust'yall or some of the other WLC posters.
I will be sure to leave an update on what i see tonight. But now if you will excuse me, I am all out of Pledge and my diploma frame needs a good dusting.
Libero, my 4 year degree from Lakeland begs to differ that i dropped out. My post number is lacking as i find myself getting further and further away from teams in the NAC. I have only been to a handful of games and don't have the ability to listen to games online. I would love to stay more intuned, but work just doesn't allow it. I have been leaving messages though on games that i have attended this year.
I don't even get to that many Lakeland games anymore. And when i go, I find that they have been losing. So to spare us both the agony, I just have not been going. I will, however, be making the treck to Sadoff Gymnasium tonight to watch Marian and Edgewood.
I do miss my babbling counterparts on here though. It made the work day go a tad bit quicker when trying to outwit the likes of Bust'yall or some of the other WLC posters.
I will be sure to leave an update on what i see tonight. But now if you will excuse me, I am all out of Pledge and my diploma frame needs a good dusting.