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Messages - Bwana

Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on November 08, 2019, 09:01:44 PM
Quote from: Macon on November 08, 2019, 06:37:51 PM
Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on November 08, 2019, 05:45:47 PM
Quote from: Macon on November 08, 2019, 03:16:05 PM
Quote from: Macon on November 08, 2019, 12:30:15 PM
It pains me greatly to say this, but as a realist, I'll say 30-14 BC.
Interesting, but a couple of the D3 Quick Hits 'Professionals' are picking RMC, giving me some hope yet!

You including homer Keith!? 😂

I kid, I kid. The Yellow Jackets are no joke — it will be a great game!
Especially Keith, he's tough on the Jackets.

If he took his impartial hat off, I'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing the Eagles lose. 😉

SHO nuff...esp as he pridected a Randy MAC win today...
Took a break from tree decorating to check score, and was terribly surprised by the halftime score in Alliance, Ohio.

What happened to Wesley?
Quote from: CMR on November 22, 2014, 12:54:53 PM
End of the 1st, now 42-0.  Like I said earlier, not showing up may have been a better option.

Thank you for the verification.  When I looked at the scoreboard I was sure I was reading it wrong.
Quote from: Pat Coleman on November 17, 2014, 05:34:00 PM
I think part of it is that Wesley is one of those programs that keeps winning and that becomes a draw. Probably lack of D-II programs in the state helps a little, although there are two strong FCS programs and Delaware is small, with good proximity to the PSAC schools.

Surely there are other factors which could play in as well.

You are exactly right-I have heard the same sort of thing said about Mount Union.  If you cannot get a scholarship bid someplace, and want to keep playing football, where better than a school where you have a shot at winning a national championship?
Quote from: HSCTiger fan on November 09, 2014, 03:18:10 PM
ODAC has gotten 2 spots in the playoffs before. CUA and RMC in 2008 and WL and HSC in 2010. Both times the ODAC runner up was 9-1.  With so few at large spots available there's little room for a conference runner up - especially one that is 8-2.

Don't forget 2000, when Emory and Henry won the title, and BC was a one loss wild card at 9-1.
Quote from: smedindy on November 15, 2010, 12:27:20 AM
Again, the moral of the story is win your games, and then win the playoff games. That takes care of everything. This isn't the BCS, thank goodness!

Amen, brother!
While as an ODAC guy I was pleased to see HSyd get an at-large bid, I am baffled how-just in terms of common sense-W/L got seeded below the Hamsters.  I can imagine the Generals strength of schedule was somewhat low, but balance that against starting 1-2 and finishng with seven straight wins.  You would think the hot hand would get a better deal...especially over a team they beat hea to head.
#8 The Palms still in business?
Just noticed something for the odd coincidence file...

Did not realize that Michael Clark is the coach for both BC and for Lycoming.

Who knew?

Anyone going up for the game?  Anyone who has seen BC this year-how do you rate their chances against Lycoming?
So, what is the skinny on the BC game?
There is still time to enter the ODAC Pick em for this week!

Head on over to the Pick 'em section and wade into the fray!  Picks due by 12 noon tomorrow!

Gosh, I can just hear AC/DC singing "For those about to pick, we salute you!"
The Kid moves on   :'( , but the Pick 'em survives! ;D

Everyone loves the ODAC Pick-em.  But with The Kid moving on someone needs to put their foot down...and that foot is Bwana.

Yes, we have to paraphrase "Animal House" whenever possible.  The Germans will soon be bombing Pearl Harbor.

While I can never replace The Kid, hopefully we can continue an entertaining sideline that so many have seemed to enjoyed and I have found so humbling over the past few years.

Unless there are unanimous objections from everyone who has ever posted on the D3/ODAC boards, we will use the straight head to head format of past years.  All the ODAC games, plus a regional game and a national game selected by your humble coordinator.

Let's give it a shot!  If folks want to participate, then we continue...

This week picks must be in by 12 noon EST on 9.13.2008 to qualify for this round.  Head on over to the Patterns/General football/Pick-Ems, etc./Topic: ODAC pick 'em 2008.

Note, you have to be a registered member to be able to see the pick 'em boards!

Let the Games begin!
I have been eat up with family stuff and only thought of this today, but now that The Kid has chosen to hang out with less recently successful football teams ;-) who is/will be running the ODAC pick 'em contest?
Quote from: kickerdad on August 11, 2008, 12:37:28 PM

Just read the Kid's Bridgewater Football web site. answer is there.

Kid, I knew there was something about you I liked. Go WAHOO'S.

Please, please, PUH-LEEEEZE tell me he is taking over for Al Groh.
Quote from: Matt Barnhart (kid) on August 10, 2008, 09:52:56 PM
Well gentlemen (and MommaG), as of tomorrow morning, I won't be able to post on these boards anymore. I begin a new job which won't allow me to.

On a more sad note, I won't be able to attend anymore BC games. This is quite a change, seeing I've attended 91 of the 95 BC games since the 2000 season. I may get lucky and get to one BC game this season, but it's unlikely.

I will still read this forum, seeing I'll need my BC and ODAC football fix, so good luck to everyone in 2008!


Yeah, Kid-what's the story?

Seriously, did you enlist?  No posting and no attending BC football games?