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Messages - MongolianWarrior

Quote from: frankrickard on October 26, 2007, 12:54:42 AM
Quote from: finsleft on October 26, 2007, 12:24:44 AM
Quote from: corn horn on October 25, 2007, 11:01:00 PM
Actually, a local off-sale recently had something called Northern Lager at only $9.99 a 24-pk. Good for when you feel guilty indulging yourself with the richness that is Hamm's. Also, it comes from a brewery in Cold Spring, MN, wherever that is ;D[/color]
Corn- That brewery in Cold Spring has some quality brews, most notably Olde Johnnie Ale. Northern Lager is NOT one of them. Set the case down gently and back away. Don't worry about your ten bucks- you'll thank me later.

Gluek Ice is fantastic.  I highly recommend avoiding Hackstein Light at all's not worth the 6.97 I paid for it.

Northern is worse than Hackstein and it costs more. Go figure. 
At first I wondered why I had even tried such low quality beers, then I remembered I was a college kid at one point in my life.
Quote from: DuffMan on October 23, 2007, 08:23:11 AM
Quoted from Frank Rickard about 20 times that day, "Damn, this Schmidt Light is smooooth."

Coming from a guy who hung out with Frank R at GAC and lived with him for over year while attending grad school, I can tell you that the only adult-beverage that I didn't hear him say was smooth was a $.99 Steel Reserve.  The man respects the drink.

Anyone planning on going to Auggie Tech for the GAC game?  I'll be there, probably watching people throw beer bottles at undercover cop cars. 
Quote from: BlueDevil Bob on October 18, 2007, 08:20:04 AM
Quote from: Veek on October 17, 2007, 10:44:36 PM
At 2:52 pm this afternoon I became a proud parent for the third time with my wife giving birth to our first son, Eric James.

Everyone is doing fine and yes, he is planning on going to SJU!

Congratulations Veek! I've got an October boy as well and it is a sweet thing.

It just gives you another reason to drink as many Octoberfest beers as needed to celebrate.  I think I'll go have one right now.
Quote from: Redtooth on October 17, 2007, 03:11:11 PM
Mongo Warrior,

My statement about the complexity of the GAC offense was based on all the crap hanging off OC Brown's body in the photo from ROR.....Can you honestly tell me that having that many "supposed" offensive options/plays (two wrist bands and the full NFL OC play sheet) isn't too complex?  Clearly SJU was prepared and ready for the vaunted no-huddle, but my sources tell me that GAC executed poorly and appeared confused.  That is either poor coaching or too complex a system...You Pick 8)

One of the things John and the rest of the SJU staff do as well as anybody is keeping the game simple and executing like hell.  Even the Offensive Genius Kehres at Mount Union runs a very limited number of plays if you examined it closely.

I can see how one would assume that it is complex by looking at the wristbands, but we dont know if they are all individual plays/options.  Perhaps the plays/formations are broken into 1st, 2nd, 3rd down options.  Or one arm is pass plays and one is run.  When I played at GAC, coach Brown was known for a keep-it-simple coaching philosophy.  You can't just say an offense is complex by seeing two wristbands on a coaches arm. 

Also, besides GAC's first opponent of the season, there hasn't been a defense that was not ready for the no-huddle.  That's why teams exchange tapes (video, whatever the hell you want to call it).  Anyone who watched the GAC/SJU game knows  that GAC executed poorly--any team that doesn't score executes poorly.  And yes, that could be because of poor coaching or an assumed "complex system", but it also could be the result of facing an outstanding defense or having low-quality athletes. 
Quote from: Redtooth on October 17, 2007, 10:51:12 AM

I reviewed your great photos from the GAC game this morning and am wondering if you could post the photo of GAC OC- Brown (the one that shows his two wrist bands of plays and the attached play sheet at his waist)?  Just a quick glance at that photo will tell anyone why GAC had virtually no offense last week......too complex and no focus on what works.  Jerry and company eat up those sorts of offenses.

How do you know GAC's offense is too complex?
Quote from: Touchdown Tommy on October 14, 2007, 11:51:07 PM

TDT is actually watching this redic Boise State versus Nevada game.  61-61 in the 4 OT.  This team sure plays some magical games...BTW: 57, 20 of 21 is downright amazing.  I am cheering for the Rockies.  Could be ending the season just like we started it...with Snow filled ballgames in Cleveland and Denver.  Murphy's Law

I watched the BSU/Nevada game as well.  It was quite good, but the announcer (not sure who he was) brought up a good point:  When a game goes into 4 OTs, is it putting players--especially the larger players--at risk of injury, dehydration, exhaustion, etc?  One could make the argument that the college overtime system is tainted due to this.  I like the college OT system better than the NFL sudden death, but not if it is putting players in danger.  One answer is to make teams go for a 2 point conversion in the first OT.    Any thoughts?
Good to see everyone at Patricks yesterday.

It was a great day for a game and I was glad to see the stadium full, but it was sad that the Gusties played horribly.  SJU is a great team and they showed why they are ranked so high in the nation.  But I was expecting GAC to at least put a score or two on the board.  In the 3rd quarter it looked like GAC was giving up, something I have never seen in all my years of playing/watching GAC football.  It was difficult to watch and directly effected how many adult beverages I consumed later. 

Seeing Frank last night at about midnight, I can only guess how much he is hurting right now.
Quote from: retiredoldrat on October 12, 2007, 01:12:04 PM
Quote from: MongolianWarrior on October 12, 2007, 11:47:47 AM
Also, there are only bathrooms under the GAC stands and not that many urinals, so expect a back up if nature calls.  I'm hoping they put some port-o-johns near by. 

Are there any large plants close by?

A few trees are around.  It wouldn't be the first time I peed in public on the GAC campus.

Duffman--Arlt is the real deal. I think the D-line is too concentrated on stopping the run, and since there is no pass rush, the GAC DB's have gotten burned a couple times.  I'm expecting at least once tomorrow that SJU will play action and GAC DB's biting the run fake, only to get burned.
Also, I dont think Patricks sells beer in cans, so I dont know how you and/or Frank are going to have a shotgun contest.  First-to-finish-a-pitcher contest perhaps?

I'm guessing 3 picks and 3 tds for Stolp would be about right.  The thing to bet on would be how many field goals/extra points will GAC miss--they've had a problem with this all season.
Quote from: frankrickard on October 12, 2007, 09:33:21 AM

Fantastic.  Some of the other stuff wasn't too bad.  Victoria Bitter, Toohey's New and Carleton Cold were decent, but paled in comparison to Crown, but we could only afford so much of that stuff.  It's funny though how you can only get Foster's in tourist type bars.

I also went to Australia, back in 2001, and fell in love with Victoria Bitter. A friend of mine went their for his honeymoon and was kind enough to bring me back a bottle of VB.  I've searched liquor stores and online, but havent found anywhere that I can get it from. 
I'm pretty sure I gained 25 pounds of "beer muscle" on my trip--a coach of mine straight up called me fat when I got back.  Put it was worth it for those delicious VBs.
Quote from: Shouldabeen71 on October 12, 2007, 10:40:41 AM
Any Gusties out there...what do you expect the seating situation to be on Saturday?  Is there any place to put up a lawn chair if I don't want to sit in the stands?  How early will I need to get there if I want to sit in the stands?  Any other advice?   :-\

The ends of the stadium are grass, but a lot of it is at an angle, so I dont know how well a lawnchair would work.  There are a few places that are level enough to have a chair, but depending on how many people there are, your view could be interrupted.  I'll probably just be sitting in the grass. 
I'm expecting the place to be packed.  I would plan on being their about 20-30 minutes ahead of time.  The visitor section is as big if not bigger than they were at the previous stadium, but I know how the SJU fans travel, so I know that will fill up.
Also, there are only bathrooms under the GAC stands and not that many urinals, so expect a back up if nature calls.  I'm hoping they put some port-o-johns near by. 

Quote from: shakenbake35 on October 11, 2007, 04:56:44 PM

I would love to watch the game regardless of the outcome, as GAC has a lot of players that can play with anyone (#4, #43, #80, #11(when he's on), and #25), but the honest football mind in me realizes they probably don't have the depth to upset the Koolaiders.  And Duff you would be suprised what a night at the Flame can do to a prom queens standards you might have had a shot back in the day even ;).

The Flame does odd things to everyone.  Usually on weekends such as this there will be a good mix of townies, college kids, and alumni all in a long & narrow bar, creating great people watching and usually a fight to watch. 

Duffman, you still have a shot with prom queens on Sat. night, just let them know that you know Frank and I, and hate Wonka, and it'll improve your chances.   8)
Ruttles for dinner on Friday night and I'm sure we'll be going to Patricks then too.
I'll need a ride up to the game since the lady is taking my wheels--in return I could bring a flask for you to use at the game if you dont have one. But if I dont hear 80's rock the second I enter Patricks, I'm going to break something.

I also heard that Wonka is spending the night at Atrain's Saturday night.  Probably means his sister will be in the general area as well so you can hit on her  8)
Quote from: Pat Coleman on October 09, 2007, 12:44:12 AM
Quote from: MongolianWarrior on October 09, 2007, 12:34:11 AM
Wonka--keep posting.  If people can't figure out that this is meant for discussion and not CNN, it's their problem. 

Not really. It's my problem, because this all comes down on my head if there's a problem. This is why we have the Terms of Service in place. I have to enforce them to protect the site.

Hey, thats great.  I'm just saying I think he's a quality poster and shouldnt be put off if a few people have a problem with him. 
Wonka--keep posting.  If people can't figure out that this is meant for discussion and not CNN, it's their problem. 

TDT--I disagree with your "monkey stomp" prediction.  Our disagreement must be settled somehow (other than the game), so I suggest a drinking contest.  I know Frank will be in. 
Quote from: stanbob on October 09, 2007, 12:13:38 AM
Quote from: Mr.Shoes on October 09, 2007, 12:10:51 AM
Anyone notice that the Bison are up to No.1 in I-AA? They're going to kick the s*** out of the Gophers.

Where is that game at this year, back to the dome?

At the dome on Oct 20th. 12:00 start.  Probably a 12:01 finish when the gophers are down by 21. 
I'll give Brewster 3-4 years to bring in his own players.  Hopefully MN can go a bit higher than the Music City Bowl.