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Messages - Dowjone$

Quote from: DutchFan2004 on October 29, 2005, 09:04:55 PM
Wow what a game.  Dow Jones you may be right.  Your Spartans played very well.  A few mistakes were very very costly.  A high snap over your QB's head and give up a TD and a blocked punt taken back 50 yards.  Those are two costly plays.  Your O came to play they moved the ball very well.  Your D did a very nice job stopping Schuring.  Only the second time he didn't hit 100.  Dubuque is the best 1-7 team I have seen they truly are.  Glad to get out of Dubuque with that one. 
That's what's really good!!!  :)  I did not post this past week because I wanted to see how the Spartans would end the season leading up 2 Loras. I am happy 2 see the homeboy Coach B still got the boyz working, playing, practicing hard and still believing like he always does he always find a way to make you want 2 practice when you want. I know after letting this one get away, they can't wait 2 get back on the field in Beaver Town (Enjoy the bus ride fellas :D :D ;)) On tha real though I came on hear beacuse a lot of people were ****ting on us like we were nothing and not giving us the respect as men, talking reckless saying all types of ****. While playing on the team we were not allowed to post on here, as most good coaches do. Unlike the coach of those losers on Loras Street! Maybe thats why he has never, and will never win a championship of any sort. His only claim 2 fame is beating UD however many years in a row, I care not! he is the greatest loser coach of any loser coach from every sport on every level  ;D :o! (TRUE LOSER) Breading more Losers!  I am happy 2 see D3 posting veterans giving us due respect (i.e Charlie KO and Dutchfan2004) you don' know what you all saying that means to the direction of the program. From losing 0-73 at half to the best 1-7 team playing football. UD will get another win and its only 2 games left :o? Its safe 2 say I won't be in Storm Lake. But you can bet your X-mas spending money I be in Dubuque on the 12th :o :o :o :o :o :o :o Can"t wait!!!
       ;D Hey, everybody how's life? Good I truely hope. I come in peace, prosperity, and good will 2 all.
    I see that everyone iz readyand in most cases already have writen off my Spartans, and rightfully so. If it was one of U nerds I would be doin tha same thing. But WaIt... There's more!!! The Spartans have Coe's number. I played Center in the game last year when we beat Coe, but not only beating them holding them off inside the red zonetwice in the last 5 min and Coe was in first place!  >:(. Coe don't run ****, but that ****ty ass field we are forced 2 play on :o. I think that If there has ever been a must win game for Coach B, I think this is it, for many reasons along with Loras. UD's administration is in year 5 of a 10 year plan that has survived scandals(with my friend & homeboy President Jeffery Bullock who was found innocent of all charges aganist him. How Gansta iz that.) Racial Tenision, (we all know Dubuque's history, Nuff said.) And of couruse the constant never ending competition with those lames down tha street. I am only 9 months removed from the school and the program and there was so much growth and geauty 2 the campus and community U can't help but 2 see there going places. I really do hope Coach B iz there 2 see The end product because with or without him UD will be a power. Money Talks, and there iz good conversation being spoken on the campus of the University Of Dubuque, and losing football games is a no,no even though most of them have been winable games. Will Vince be the guy 2 take the Spartans over the Hump?  I Bleed Blue.  I went from losing 0-73 at halftime, 2 winning my last homecoming aganist then 1st place Coe. Damn near sounds like a movie thats not finished yet, my chapter iz just ending.
    Never-tha-less I pray UD dosen't fold to a team and school that dosen't deserve 2 be on the same field with US! (Literally ;D) UD 23 Coe16 That's whats HAPPENIN!!! Thats all I have 4 now... Holla attacha Boy, till then 2 all I wish all Life, Lberity, and tha Pursuit of Happiness (even tha hatas). The Lords grace is free 2 all. 8) 8)
    As much as it pains me, I will not be in attendence to see the homeboyz get their first conference win, spoiling the homecoming of the spoiled brats in Mt Veron. instead I will be at the Northern Ill homecoming doin it real massive Chi-town style at the game, concert featuring (Twista, LUDA, and Cierra :P) clubs and after parties ;D.
    On tha real though, UD 31 CC 20 this iz the game that UD shows how good they can, and will be in the IIAC. Pick 2 click Steve Clements 6'3 210 pound inside LB from the Illest town in the state of  Iowa (Camanche Ia) I have not met an uncool person from Camanche, and yes I have been there. UD has the best diversity of any small college or university in the state of Iowa :o. We learn so much from each other that its imperative that we learn to live & function together. UD is doing a great Job of trailblazing for the rest of the IIAC and  the whole state of Iowa. You other colleges need 2 step yall game up. Shout out to all the homies from C-Town Josh Grundal, Steve Clements, Joe Lilly, the other Joe and last but not least Mike Mandott. ( Da Bears!) ;)
       Live from the D, its your boy Ty Greze. I am sad to say... that I witnessed the Spartans shoot themselves in the foot 1st and goal from the 1 and lose what could have been the greastest comeback in the history of this storied university football history. Everyone on the team knows this was their game for the taking ( even with a lot of questionable flags and bougs spots in key situations of the game, buts thats a whole different story ???.)  Better days r ahead, but we live 4 2day and we know we gave these guys a game they didnt deserve >:(.  3 missed FGs, 0-3 inside the 10 yard line in second half and lose 29-15. With that said I'm out to enjoy the rest of homecoming night with the many of thousands that packed the house on haunted hill for a night that can only get better! If U were there, I was the guy with army pants and Sox hat super fly fresh 2 Def 8).
P.S the Henny iz still flowin >:(
                                          Whats really Hood!
U already know who it iz , if not look 2 the left. Yep, its me once again here to lend my support 2 the most athletic team in the IIAC. Its homecoming weekend in Dubuque, and I am not talking about those princess that wear purple and gold (who did that color scheme?) Anyway, I am so ready 2 see my spartans live in action as they take on WB, who I don't think iz as good as they have been in past years, so i expect the Spartans 2 pull this one out in a nail bitter in front of the home crowd which iz alwayz live for these types events. If the stars come out 2 play it will be a long day for WB. UD 24 WB 21.
             Just 4 the record Coach B has had a hard job from the begining taking over 4 Coach Murray resurecting a program with no pulse and breathing the breath oflife into it, he deserves his credit. We won last years homecoming aganist Coe and B will have his team ready 2 go aganist WB who lost 2 Luther, who lost  last week. Any given saturday gentlemen u know how the game go.
P.S. My freshman year I was on the team that lost 73-0 to Luther, and the next year when Coach B took over we won at Luther 21-19 He know what he iz doing. Go get'em Coach.
                              Also, How Bout Dem White Sox  ;D!!!!!!
                Dowjone$ out, see U in Dubuque Saturday. Holla attcha boy.
 Where's Dowjone$?  I think we need some good insight and gramatical errors right about now.
Where is your comma before your conjunction? Lame! >:(
                                   Did U guys Miss Me???
                                 So what, I don't care!!!
Back 2 U live from Chi-Town, the big city were I am makin moves, money, and mischief doin it how the doers do it, getting it how the getters get it. Whats the deal I leave 4 two weeks, come back and Luther is the best team in the IIAC. Good job on you win aganist WB I guess beating my spartans wasn't a fluke. (lol) Fight to win the conf. we need some new blood in the playoffs to keep the confrence fresh. I hate to say it but I knew the spartans wouldn't beat Simpson who has been the toughest team 2 face on Saturdays since my freshman year with Coach Mike Murray in 2000. (Funny what U get tricked into) But F all that, I have a beef with these people on here talking sh*t hiding behind these computer screens. I not used to that, but I guess thats how you small town farm boyz and girls do things. Talking about people via computer u think you will never see. Don't make me come to a game I don't want to see looking 4 U, cause I will. U 2 Spurrier since U think U R my judge and/or Business Law Prof. I came here 2 support my spartans and their road to get respect in the IIAC, and u guys R here on bull****! Now keep it in the IIAC, or take it somewhere you don't want it to go!!!
      Since my Spartans have a much needed bye week, I will personally be in Dubuque 4 homecoming on Oct. 7th for the game aganist WB. Can we make it 2 homecomings in a row?  Holla atcha Boy! Lets go Spartans win some games, u makin it hard out here 4 a pimp. 2 early 4 a prediction. Holla Back! Ty Greze, Out.
                                      Now Back 2 football!!!!  
                                 Back by popular demand!!!
                      Live from Chi-Town... U see the name.
Az expected there was a lot of luv from tha people after reading my post. Thank U, I really appericated that very much. But just as I thought, there were some haters. So to the haters a big F#@k U! (i.e Dutchfan1) Henceforth, it would be so totally awesum if u would never respond to any of my posts or messages please.
  Now back to what's important, the Spartans doin tha damn thang smashing Blackburn College as I said 49-6 (my predcition was 49-16) I guess I gave BB 2 much credit or not enough credit to Mr. Jay Davis Def. Coord.(Great Job coach!) (38) total yards for BB. Damn, it doesn't get better than that. But this day belonged to the offense. Jamar Jackson the most dangerous QB in the IIAC (better than Cris Lovley) threw for 5TDs and ran for 2. Impressive by any QB on any level. Amen? And catching was the best reciever in the IIAC SR. 6ft 2in 185lbs 4.54 40yrd dash Daunta Peterson 12rec 191yds 2tds IIAC player of the week!( any arguments state your case.) Oh, don't double him because soph. Torrey (prettyboy) Smith 9rec 127yds. Great Job everyone!
Now the focous is 2 Luther, who I think has the best stadium in the IIAC, but sorry the game will be played at UD. ( Tha House on Hanuted HIll) this one will be great to watch. UD  at home 20-16  UD misses a FG but blocks 2. Speacial Teams! Speacial Teams! Speacial Teams!
                      Practice hard IIAC confrence play begins NOW!!!
Ladies & Gentlemen, boys and Girls of This is the first ever post by yours truely... Well you see the name in the corner. Thats right guys its me Ty Greze a.k.a Dowjone$ tha C.F.O. Who the Hell am i you ask? i am the urban voice of d3football sent hear to shine a bit of knowledge on the IIAC from a HOOD perspective, with emphasises on UD Football... Go Spartans!!!  A voice once bound by firm yet neccasary dictaor disiplaniarn leader of the Spartan Nation who i hold no ill will 4. (Less the spartans finish below .500) But that's neither here nor there. I must Admit I thought the Spatans would flourish with their intense imtimidating extra fast hard hitting defense led by, U already know! (Prince "head Bussa" Bussie) & the superstar himself, Tha Real T.O (Thoni Orentia)

. Under the lights at UW PLATT the largest stadium in DIII. (Way 2 go Vince!) But i guess it wasn't in the stars. But F all that There's 9 more games so u will here from me at least 9 more times. ( Sorry Haters!!!) But I tell u this... AS SURELY AS THE LORD LIVES, the Spartans will be waiting, and ready for BlackBurn who comes to the hill this week with UD looking 2 repeat last year's performance and make a statment with this performance. UD 47 BB 19 Speacial teams, speacial teams, speacial teams. Pick to click: UD's Offensive Line, LET'S GO RENO!!! (#68)