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Messages - footballfan05

Da One,
       Vinny Mac still def. drops "You cant do that?" All the time, i played defense but just listening to him from the other side of the ball was hilariious and he is an excellent coach, as far as cooper i may have not always agreed with him but he has this program going in the right direction and it will be interesting to see the types of recruits he brings in.
Quote from: usee on November 15, 2005, 01:06:44 AM
as for the matchups this weekend:

augie should have no trouble w lakeland (lakeland just beat greenville 20-13; wheaton beat greenville 58-7).


this score from the greenville game can be misleading, greenville really developed as the season went on and when they played lakeland they had become a solid team, i dont think this comparison is fair, still i feel augie will be too much for lakeland but it wont be as easy as you might expect.
I'm hoping by some miracle NCC and augie play again but its going to be tough for them both to advance to the quarterfinals
The wing-t can be stopped with a disciplined d and lakeland did see flashes of the wing t against CUW who does run it very well.  So i dont think the wing t will affect them that much as far as them knowing who has the ball. i think it will be augies physical ability to pound their opponents which will win this game. But i do think that North Central will have a better chance at coming out of this bracket even though augie beat them. Far fetched but wouldnt it be awesome to see a quarterfinal rematch between those 2.
No good for Eureka to not play, same situation for BU twice this year and both games were finished including the last game of the year against CURF which meant nothing except to the players and fans. Its a shame that some players last game of their life was cut short like that.
I'm pretty sure the IBFC will be around one more year but the NIIC conference and the conference that is combining with it will combine next year in all other sports and football will follow in the 07' season.
not only should they have turned the other cheek, everyone who has ever played football knows that its the second person that gets caught everytime, no one notices the first act they always see the second though. 
I have only seen the game vs BU but its different seeing AU having to rely on the pass to win the game.  I wonder what happened that they are no longer the same run the ball down your throat AU that everyone is used to.  There o-line didnt seem to be the same type of players as the years before, different attitudes at least.  But luckily for them right now they do have a QB that can win them games and good receivers to go with him.
AU did not have it easy vs. BU the score was only 6 nothing until the middle of the third quarter.  BU's defense did a great job until late in the game.  The game was def a lot closer than the score shows and anyone at the game knows it.  AU's experience showed late in the game when they made some big plays, their qb made some great throws and the receivers caught tough passes.  This was the first game in about 4 or 5 years that BU was actually in the game with AU. This game was def a lot closer than the score indicates, but as usual BU's offense couldn't come through when they needed it being stopped in the red zone multiple times.
Carthage, 2 home games at night 2 during the day/ North Central, 3 home day games 2 night games(1 vs BU).  Both of these schools own their fields so can you explain why they dont play all night games for me? 
   If you are that informed you would know that although the sports complex is not owned by Benedictine it is run by the university and it is the univeristy that provides the staff among other things.  Lisle HS plays on friday nights and thus has no conflict with sat night games.  And the university does get top priority on the field, if lisle had top priority don't you think they would be practicing on the field everyday? So enough about BU not owning the field, it is a partnership with the city of lisle and if you were that informed you would know this information.  And this partnership is going to do a lot of great things for BU football and the university didn't even have to front the money for it. Sounds like a great deal for BU.
    Ben did have 2 night games this year against carthage and elmhurst and they have two games at 3 oclock but it is probably hard to get teams such as LC, Greenville, MacMurray, Eureka to schedule night games because these teams dont have the money to stay an extra night in a hotel and most coaches would proally like to be home on late sat night than sunday afternoon. Plus i doubt the players from these schools would appreciate an all night bus ride after a game.  But you are right night games are def better.  I'm suprised they arent playing AU at night.
valid point football man but BU did stop the momentum of lakeland before the rain delay forcing a field goal and a 3 and out before the rains came. The BU defense def had some momentum going into the rain delay even though they came out of the gates flat but that is no excuse for them. So even though lakeland was rolling in the first quarter it was not the same in the second. And im not raging on lakeland they are def the team to beat in the conference i was trying to see if anyone had any comments on how they will perform against conc wisc i was not trying to say they wont perform.
you cnat blame the fact that lakeland didnt score from the time they kicked that field goal until about 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter on a rain delay, if the delay was that bog of the factor than wouldnt it have done the same for the BU defense, but it is true that lakelands d dominated the game that is simply a fact that cant be argued, but i think the question is that if BU's defense could stop the lakeland O 8 times in a row (only 1 of them on a dropped pass) what will happen when they play better teams with better defenses such as conc wisc
BU dropping its program would be absolutely stupid.  And by the way CURF has had just as little sucess as BU latley so why shouldnt they drop their program some people here obviously have it out for BU.  I f you remeber correctly it was CURF that was 0-10 last year even though BU was 1-9.  And BU has obviously decided to make a commitment to football with the building of a sports complex that is better than any field in conference for sure and is one of the top in the nation. This in its self along with Jon Coopers reputation will bring in recruits.  Just look at the improvement from last year, a Lakeland offense that put 70 some points on them last year was held off for 2 quarters after putting up 24 points (If i remember correctly Lakeland returned 8 staters on O). The final score of this game really should have been 38-7 because of a late fumble on a KOR it was 45.  But for someone to say they should just drop the program is completley ignorant. Just because a team has a few bad years with some coaching changes (I'm not saying this is why they arent sucessful) is no reason to drop a program that in the late 90's was competitive in the conference. Rather they are rebuilding the program when you do only return a small amount of players you cant expect a team to immediately beat teams such as carthage, ncc, or lakelan