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Messages - blackhats

Not an insult...just stating the facts.  By the time that HSC played E&H, the Wasps had already packed it in.  You are right though, E&H scored with just a few seconds left with Ferrum's 2's and 3's on the field to score to make it 13. 

Again, if it was Methodist or anyone else in the USA South who was ranked behind HSC I would be making the same argument.  Ferrum does not deserve any more votes than they are getting, but where is the justification for BC and HSC? 

If we are basing it on just 2005 then maybe we should reevaluate.  If it is history like narch says, then my guess is that Ferrum wins that battle even though it is not the year 1305 AD (=2005-700).  Ferrum football, although it hasn't been around since 1893, is much richer in tradition than HSC...again their success like BC's has only been in the last 5 years.  Before we start staking claim on history, maybe we should understand that history shouldn't determine everything about the present. 

Hampden Sydney's schedule is weaker than anyone's in the USA South year in and year out, however they continue to be considered for ranking.  Maybe you guys relate better to HSC and the preppy sweater vests and life without women.  We in the USA South enjoy living with women and playing hard-nosed football.  Have a nice evening Biff.

The ol' reliable poll has Hampden-Sydney with more votes than Ferrum.  As I recall Guilford came a lot closer to beating them than they did Ferrum.  Common opponents usually are good comparative tools.  Let's see...Ferrum 41-7 and HSC 47-45.  Sounds like HSC sure does deserve more respect than Ferrum.  Nice voting ODAC jock sniffers.  

If we were to take our karma numbers to determine the winner of the Ferrum/Methodist game---Methodist will win by two touchdowns.  Nobody loves me!!!!  Oh well, go Panthers!!!!!!
Ferrum may lose to Methodist (it will be close), however after the open week they will be able to get some very important people healthy (a fullback---even though Hawkins is doing really well and he is no doubt the starter, two DB's and a DL and LB--so like the excuses made for McDaniel with injuries, Ferrum should be a deeper team in three weeks [hopefully 7-0]).  My long range expectations...Methodist beats Ferrum, but loses to CNU and Sheandoah=Ferrum and CNU for all the marbles the last game of the season.   Get it done this Friday Black Hats, and let's get better in the weeks to come.

Should be a good one...we'll see.  Early edge should go to Methodist though.
Honestly, the Ferrum defense is open to everything---they just don't have very much team a matter of fact, the Maryville announcer said that Ferrum was the least physically imposing team that they had seen all year.  They just don't have the horses healthy on defense yet.  Now the offense is a different story, but yet they are still one injury away from being average again.
looks like FC will have a tuff time with rocket...could be a good one though.
Ferrum 56-34
I was not the Ferrum poster who started this respect in the rankings thing.  Ferrum doesn't deserve anything at this point, because honestly they are not THAT good...however, neither is Bridgewater or Hampden Sydney but they seem to get all the love they need.  The ODAC is vastly overrated from top to bottom, and this scheduling concept is quite similar to that of every other team in the Top 25...especially Bridgewater. 

I just take exception to someone trying to justify to me that Ferrum is weak because Ferrum didn't do something right in scheduling (i.e. dropping Wesley).  There are 9 division 3 schools on Ferrum's schedule...quite comparable to the rest of the teams in the nation. 

Ferrum is 5-0, so what?  But don't tear us down by claiming that we softened the schedule.  Decisions were made for financial reasons and 5-0 is 5-0.  Ferrum isn't scared of Wesley...they haven't stopped the zone option in four years!!!! 

Who knows 5 wins may be the pinnacle, but what happens if 9-0 comes to pass...will it still be our soft schedule? 
I say it one more time...we don't care about the respect's the disrespect factor that chafes my hind parts.  We haven't done anything to deserve either. 
Thanks Mosher.  I don't intend to create hostility, but I am proud to defend the guys who deserve respect.  It is not appropriate for the moderator of this discussion board to find bias in anything that he reports.  He should spend more time moderating and less time picking on the little guys.  I guess if we moved our school up I-81 just south of Harrisonburg, then maybe we would garner more respect.   Anything further south than that makes you Rodney Dangerfield.
Just so you know, I am not an expert on public waste.  However, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night and I know that the things that you are spitting out on here are biased and flawed.  Stick to the things that you know...statistics---not football.
#13 have no reading comprehension skills.  I'm not trying to bring down your site.  I'm just letting you know of your (conscious or unconscious) flaws in the analysis of the operations of football.  Don't be so harsh on my school (essentially calling them chicken because they play Chowan and dropped Wesley), and I won't be so defensive.  If you are going to throw punches you had better be ready for me to put my hands up at some point too.  Suck it up and don't be such a baby.
My gripe is not about the lack of respect given to Ferrum--it is the inconsistency about how teams are addressed (i.e. Chowan) on your website.  The arguing started when you continued to attack the schedule of Ferrum and the strength of Chowan---have you seen Chowan play this year?---I have and they are better in many areas!!! 

Nobody stated that Ferrum should be ranked.  I still don't think that they should be ranked--nor should anyone in VA.  However, I do think that it is appropriate to understand that you have not one bit of sense about the particulars of football.  You are just a simple character with a license in rhetoric.  You are a member of the media who has probably never played a down of football in your life (forgive me if you happened to play pop warner and for me not doing my research on your life history).  You seem to think that your word about D-3 football is the word of law. 

Do you think that it will ever occur to you that if you are an expert on D-3 football and I should extend to you credibility, then maybe I am an expert on Ferrum Football and you should reciprocate the credibility...of course not, because that is not what people in the media do. 

Your know-it-all attitude typifies what is wrong with sports and the media today.  "Wannabes" who have an elementary basis of knowledge of the sport who try to dictate to others what they should think about certain teams.  Your propaganda about Ferrum dropping Wesley is a feable attempt to add credibility to your assessment of why certain teams do better than you predicted. 

Why don't you just state things as they are, rather than the way you would like them to be.  Once you find some age and wisdom check back in with us educated in the world of football and let us know why you were wrong.  In the meantime, let us who are finally having some much deserved success enjoy it. 

OBTW...Mike understands...if you would like his office number I can oblige!!!
Respect D-3 football...not just for what it is but also from where it came.  Small college football was around long before you were sonny, and it didn't just get started when you started this website. 

Bridgewater owes Lou Wacker a bunch for taking it easy on them for all of those years, because they at E&H too had to go through the same dilemmas that Ferrum did...unfortunately for them they are still going through them. 

I respect E&H because they are the only school with enough gumption in the ODAC to play Ferrum through the good and the bad.  Everyone else dropped them last minute and played Galludet.