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Messages - FloridaScot

Howdy Maverick,
I am sorry to say that I wont be attending the homecoming/ BOG BOWL this year but to make up for the absence I also wont be sending the school a donation. Im broke and still paying for the wedding. I hope everythings going well in the great North. It's probably snowing right now isn't it. Have you gotten a steady gig at a school?If not I could probably find you a job a J.W.Mitchell HS.
I'm glad to see the Scotties rebound from a Nubs whoopin and beat a quality opponent.
Take it easy Brother
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 15, 2005, 12:27:41 PM
Well I will have to admit that the new banter is welcome and appreciated. Let it be known that MC has a few D-linemen that can play some ball. Also, it is common knowledge that the F*ing Scots can be a force on special teams, as far as kick blocking is concerned.

I on behalf of the rest of the Scots Nation appreciate the tailgating invite. My tailgating will begin in the Tampa international airport lounge on Thursday evening, so I should be good and ready by the time we arrive in Minnesota.
FCB, now the comment about the SWEET SEASON. That was a tad uncalled for, we both enjoyed that book alot. Now I personnaly printed out numerous team pictures from the St. John's website and wiped my ass with those.
Maverick and Snydz, were gonna be leaving Chicago on Friday night after FCB is done with work.
Let it be known that the fat kid in the turkey suit is the LB.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 14, 2005, 12:46:14 PM
What, are there no DIII schools in Alaska? Maybe we could have played them and given me an even further trip. But Like I said in an earlier post, This is an important event for everyone in the Scots Nation. So I'll be playing hooky from school friday and flying to Chi-town to begin the trip the furthest north that I have ever ventured.
FCB and I'll be rolling Smoky and the Bandit style. I had always wanted to visit collegeville only I was thinking more like in the summer. By the way hows the weather up there?
This is going to be a great day for the Scots to showcase their play and play-calling.

On another note, if Gregg is finally signing off till next season (which I doubt). Then allow me one last BEELOW ME GREGG.

My PMS is outrageous.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 11, 2005, 01:17:10 AM
Howdy Fellas'
I've hit a few lumps in the road mainly one named Christina. I've gotta wrestling tournament the weekend of the Play-off game also airfare is outrageous. But, I've got a feeling I'm gonna say ta hell with it and get my kilt wearing ass up there. Cause that goes with being part of something important.
I'm going to risk my future marriage and coaching career to climb all the way back North to see the F*ing Scots.
Greg you must know what its like to do that after you played at Norberts. All of thoughs cold Midwest  mornings you threw off your Scooby-Doo sheets to run up stairs from your parent's basement (I'm sorry your "apartment") with excitement to go see your team play. What were all trying to say here Gegg is stop being so angry. Its not the fault of anyone in the Scots Nation that your coach would only let you on the feild to get the tee after kick-offs. By the way from what I understand you were the best tee fetcher.
The temperature makes me hate it,
But, the school makes me love it.
I'll be on my way as the Rooster flies.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 08, 2005, 10:44:53 AM
So exactly when will the Scots be playing the play off game?
I need an exact date because I may need to resign my assistant wrestling coach position in order to make it up there. Some one help'a brother out.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 01, 2005, 05:51:39 PM
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 01, 2005, 05:51:02 PM
Dear SNC fans,
Riddle me this.
Who are yall playing in the play-offs?
Thats right, Beeelow me.
Now any way.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 01, 2005, 10:02:07 AM
Oh Great Ninja,
It could actually be raining turkeys and the Scots will put up half a hundo. You cant find a student on the MC campus that knows what its like to have a bad turkey bowl. The last Knox student to enjoy a turkey bowl victory is now a resident at shady acres retirement home in Boca Da Vista, Florida (He and I talked, it was a big day for him).
The Scoties haven't let down the nation yet and definitely wont on this most cherished of games. I only wish I could be up there (stupid wedding).
Maverick, ya got any ideas of who and where were going to be playing. I think I could slip away for a weekend and hop a plane for the playoffs. I'll just tell Christina that I'm going to go and do some grading at school.
Well the Mitchell Mustangs have to get ready for their last game of the season. We need a win to finish 500. On a bright note, with 100 more yards passing and 50 yards rushing our sophomore QB will have 1,000 and 1,000.
My PMS is really starting to burn.
Half a HUNDO. STRAIGHT from the Rooster's mouth
Hows this for unimaginative? BeeeLOW Me.
Which is only fitting because you and everyone else on this board are below the men in kilts (hows the view?).
We at Monmouth are proud of the all sport championships because were true competitors and could whip yall in everything from football to chinesse checkers.
The only exciting thing in Wisconsin is that stupid truck in the tree that coach Elliot gets so excited about.
You can also BeeeLOW my PMS.
Hello Scot fans,
Hows it going in the great mid west? Is it cold yet? It's starting to get chilly down here today I turned my A\C off. Papa and Westerhausen its good to see ya around. Hearing you guys talk trash reminds me of my sophmore season. I would like to say that I will see yall at the Knox game but I dont think I'll be able to afford the trip (stupid wedding). For all of  you keeping track at home yes the Mitchell Mustangs were victorious last week with a over time win 28-21 against the 5-1 hudson Cobras. The was channel 47 televised game of the week. Which made the win even bigger. Were fighting for 5-5 this season.
Maverick hows the great metropolis that is Monmouth doing? It still smells I'm sure.
Maybe I'll start charging my students for better grades to raise money to fly up.
Man I've gotta burnin case of PMS.
Rooster out.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 26, 2005, 10:44:50 PM
Hello proud Scots fans,
Let it be known that I agree that MC needs some deserved recognition but, as Ragone would say "control what you can control." The boys from MC will keep on keeping on and the votes will come.
Now with that said, PAPA I believe the bowl game you are refering to is the little known but highly sought after Bog Bowl. This contest dates back nearly as long as the Turkey bowl and recently has had greater conferences ramifications. The trophy had been hand crafted by skilled artisans with percision crystal cutting tools, and might I add quite a sight to see. PAPA have a great time at the game and give OLE a bark for me. This week I will have my hands full trying to right the ship that is Mitchell H.S. football after suffering a last second lost to the Gulf H.S. Buccaneers (final score 29-28). Good luck in the BOG Scoties.
Aint it great to be a scot! PMS
The Rooster
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 21, 2005, 10:16:34 PM
Hello to all proud scot fans,
I just recently talked with ex-QB#8 and he filled me in on just how great the MC/SNC game was. It's games like that that make me miss playing for Steve Bell.  I saw that the MC D-line got some press for the victory performance, which is exactly how it should be. I bet Ole has got those fellas fired up about bucking the bucs. This week should be really interesting with the Scots visiting Beloit. De George has always been able to get the most out of his teams. On a similar note the Mitchell Mustangs are playing the Gulf High Buccaneers this week if we can manage to dodge a hurricane. Our offense needs to have a break out game to rebound from last weeks shut out.
Well good luck to all those Scoties out there.
Give 'em hell Nick Bush!!!
PMS the Rooster.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 17, 2005, 05:49:13 PM
Way to go scoties,
It's a great day to be a scot. 
All of the Fighting Scots down here are Damn proud of you guys. Coaches great job and congrates. I've been saving my pennies for a ticket up for the Turkey Bowl. I need a nap.
                                              PMS, The Rooster is crowin

Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 17, 2005, 12:51:28 AM
Hey Punter,
Hows the mid western life treating ya?
All is hot and humid down here in sunny Fla. So I'm hoping the Scoties can get it done against Norberts tomorrow. I know it would make this alumni pretty dang excited. I'm sure Steve, Chad, and Dave will have them fired up. I've been meaning to call Ragone and tell him my special forces down here are averaging a blocked punt a game. Can you tell me how Bushy has been doing. I miss that little fella.
Well lets hear it for those Fighting Scots
I'm starting to feel that good ol Scotitude.
                                                                                                                   The Rooster