Quote from: EngiNegro on January 10, 2006, 07:46:51 AM
you think sprint will give a refund for the 3 hours w/o service? yeah me neither...
Since Wishbone works for a sprint competitor he'll give 'gro the scoop on how to get this done. This works best if your cell is hooked up corporate style. Call customer service and tell them you had an extremely important conference call with a customer in the affected area of Cali while you were traveling on business and you couldn't get through for three hours. Let them know how PO'ed your customer was and that because of their service failure "you probably are going to lose the contract with them". Don't go over the top crazy on them, just let them know they cost you. "Unacceptable" and "port my number to another carrier" are also good cliches to use with wireless customer care Reps if things are going your way. I'll put the chances at 95% you get some kind of credit out of it.