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Messages - Wishbone

Quote from: EngiNegro on January 10, 2006, 07:46:51 AM
you think sprint will give a refund for the 3 hours w/o service? yeah me neither...

Since Wishbone works for a sprint competitor he'll give 'gro the scoop on how to get this done.  This works best if your cell is hooked up corporate style.  Call customer service and tell them you had an extremely important conference call with a customer in the affected area of Cali while you were traveling on business and you couldn't get through for three hours.  Let them know how PO'ed your customer was and that because of their service failure "you probably are going to lose the contract with them".  Don't go over the top crazy on them, just let them know they cost you.  "Unacceptable" and "port my number to another carrier" are also good cliches to use with wireless customer care Reps if things are going your way.   I'll put the chances at 95% you get some kind of credit out of it.
Quote from: kestrel on January 03, 2006, 09:18:19 PM
Best Owen Schmitt story yet at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  Since direct link doesn't work, go 1), 2) sports, 3) West Virginia U, and 4) 12-31-05 headline "Fullback Travels Long Road..."  The kid obviously left his heart in Wisconsin.

Great article Kestrel.  The whole Schmitt story has really painted O'Grady as an unselfish coach putting his players well being at the forefront.  Considering it's the second really good player he's advised to go the D-1 route.

It was nice to see D3 and River Falls mentioned on the Sugar Bowl telecast after Owen Schmitt's 54 yard run.  If you missed it, it's also referred to in the CNN/SI game story.

hey-ohhhh! nice call wishbone, even more than Gro expected. Never heard of Charley Verrick. Only fitting since Tarantino takes (aka steals) a lot from other movies.

Charley Varrick had Walter Matthau as a bank robberwith I believe Joe Don Baker as a mob guy sent to take him out because he robbed a mob bank.  Worth a watch if it's on DVD or cable.
Quote from: EngiNegro on December 27, 2005, 03:20:47 PM
a blow torch and a pair of pliers.

bonus karma to whoever knows where that last line came from.

Originally from the 1973 movie Charley Varrick and reused in Pulp Fiction.
There has been a serious unkarmalization of the LL posters todays.  :o Wishbone just realized there is so much vitriol on the LL board that some of the LL faithful have resorted to using the dreaded first person speech in some instances.  :-[ Wishbone will alert the MIAC that the LL needs karma support.
Quote from: badgerwarhawk on November 15, 2005, 11:57:36 AM
It's just a hunch but I don't think WHITEWATER has enough motel space for an entire nation.   And we only have one grocery store so the nation had better bring some of it's own food.  ;D

But right now we're more concerned with the Dutch.  We'll deal with the nation if and when they invade.

And that's why I said "if they do play in two weeks".  Judging by the MIAC board I think their fans would bring their own food.  and Hamm's.  ;D
Quote from: UDub Fever on November 14, 2005, 09:45:19 PM
Quote from: Bus Driver on November 14, 2005, 04:02:58 PM
Do you Whitewater fans tailgate before, during, and after games?  If not, be prepared for the Johnnie Red traveling circus to roll into town in a big way.  Stiftungsfestivities are often more exciting than the actual game.

Bus Driver,
Rest assured that there will be more purple tailgaters than red.  The only recommendation I would have for you, if the Warhawks and St. Johns face, will be to keep that bus warm for your little Johnnies

I wouldn't bet on there being more purple than red if they do play in two weeks.  On Saturday the Johnnie nation turned the St. Thomas stadium into Clemens Stadium South.
Quote from: Naked Nott Run on November 07, 2005, 02:56:59 PM
Wishbone...whoever you are you are young grasshopper... but you are wise... very very wise...
Quote from: redtackle on November 07, 2005, 03:19:38 PM
who is Wishbone? least he comes up in this piece w/ his A game

Wishbone is a wise old grasshopper who has no past connection to anything Liberty League.  Wishbone is easily impressed by the League's monkeystomps, third person, and verbal skillz.   ;D
Liberty League Voyeur questioned by boss for erratic behavior
While catching up on three days worth of post reading at work Wishbone had the following conversations with a female co-worker and Wishbone's boss...

Female Co-worker walks up to Wishbone's desk unannounced and says, "Can you help me with a problem?"
Wishbone(mumbling, reading): Not now, it's RPI-Union week.
Co-worker: What??
Wishbone(mumbling again, still reading): They're playing for the shoes.
Co-worker: What??
Wishbone (obviously upset by the intrusion into his post reading time): What!?
Female co-worker walks away confused.

Fifteen minutes later Wishbone goes to get a cup of coffee.  Boss stops Wishbone in the hall and asks, "Female co-worker says she went to your office to ask a question and you started mumbling something about starting a union and shoes?  Is there something I should know about?"
Wishbone: What??

Did John Schuman leave the game because of turnovers or injury against UWW?