Different Topic,
Heard through the grapevine that Waynesburg used an ineligible player all last year at Middle linebacker, #40. Is that true, if so, they must vacate all games last year. What is going on in the land of bumble bees, are the coaches not held accountable for anything? This usually gets a coaching staff and the registrar in some hot water with the college and with the NCAA. If it continues, look for changes soon, most administrators don't like to answer tough questions about institutional control!
Heard through the grapevine that Waynesburg used an ineligible player all last year at Middle linebacker, #40. Is that true, if so, they must vacate all games last year. What is going on in the land of bumble bees, are the coaches not held accountable for anything? This usually gets a coaching staff and the registrar in some hot water with the college and with the NCAA. If it continues, look for changes soon, most administrators don't like to answer tough questions about institutional control!