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Messages - D3Somebody

Quote from: aufb05 on October 20, 2005, 07:03:10 PM

Na, you don't bother me. You make an uneventful day interesting. But all good things come to an end. You F----- up this Board enough, we're here to talk about football not respond to head cases.

This is my last post to anything you have to contibute and I would recommend the same to everyone else. We don't need Pat to make this kid go away - just don't respond to him.

I do bother you....and it bothers you. How do I know? The second someone has to revert to vulgar language...then you know. I think you have called me immature in the past...seems like you are the immature one.

It appears I hit a soft spot ripping on your "scholarly" northeastern education....don't would've learned the same if not less at Aurora (well, probably the same).

If this is goodbye....then at least tell me your connection with coach Coop...wait....forget it....I already hit the nail on the head a few posts ago.

Good luck against Macmurray/or whoever Aurora plays....Coach AUFB05
Quote from: Black Cat on October 20, 2005, 03:05:01 PM
i've read alot of you guys messages over the past year and i'm definitely shocked with the kind of program bashing you guys do on hear!  First and foremost until you've walked in these kid's shoes and shared time on the field, sweat and bleed with them you have no idea of what "today's football is all about"!!!!!!!!  It's also apparent that the majority of you and I "fondly" state, spent your supposed careers at this "level". 

(re:Team Rosters, recruiting
By now, being "former" players or supporters you should have the common sense to realize that as the economy changes so does the respectful universities.    Yet, it's been found that the normal, "teenager" share the same characteristics,once they graduate they want to get out of state!!!!!!!  It's unfortunate for both "inner city"and "outskirts" programs because these kids want think about attending them but it'stoo close to home.  After a attending a school in Wisconsin or Iowa and etc  these same athletes return home.

I don't think anyone understood that post. Try writing it in Chinese...maybe it will come out better.
Quote from: superstar on October 20, 2005, 02:33:38 PM
this guy is an ignorant piece of crap.  please block this bozo Pat.

Sounds good Mr. 3 posts  ::)
Quote from: aufb05 on October 20, 2005, 01:20:49 PM

I knew you were a closet fan. So r they going to this week or not? Laz Predictions think so.

You avoided the Northeastern comment....did I upset you...I'm sowwy  :'(
Quote from: d3ftball1 on October 20, 2005, 10:27:36 AM
I really never said who I was talking about so why do you assume its you d3s? And about the class issue there are more people that say positive things about other schools teams than aufb. It seems he also didn't get his degree from au so your post wasn't very accurate.  Is there a reason you have something against bu football?

I can make assumptions based on the way you write. There are not more people than AU tat say positive things about other schools. Most of you bash other schools....and until Cooper got the job at BU....everyone bashed BU. People have also bashed Lakeland and Mac not too long ago from their respective schools. I don't care what happened in that game, who fought with who, etc.....they are still bashing each other. So don't come on here and tell me people are saying positive things about other programs.

IF that post wasn't accurate, and he really did go to Northeastern, my other posts at his connection with Cooper are dead on....and I'm sure of that.
Quote from: aufb05 on October 20, 2005, 08:44:53 AM

Actually I got my education at Northeastern.

What a great school  :-[

So what is your connection with Cooper then....that is...if you really did go to Northwestern....wait....Northeastern  :D
Quote from: d3ftball1 on October 19, 2005, 10:32:42 PM
disgracetofootball just registered today at 8:08:27 I guess everyone knows who that is. Same garbage posts same person. You really do need to get a life!!!!  Actually people do care who is winning in this conference and the fact that they can say positive things about someone else's team is class....which you wouldn't understand.

Relax, I'm not him. But Yes! Let's assume because somebody registered today and tore down D3 football that it is me! I really wonder where some of you receive your education.

We know AUFB got his from Aurora....and we know the reputation of that school....such as taking NIU's dropouts, etc.

The fact that "they can say positive things about someone else's team is class" is crap...because you are directing this at what AUFB has said about Benedictine. Once again, the only reason AUFB cares about BU football is because he and Coach Cooper share some type of bond....whether that be them coaching now, before, or him being coached by Cooper.

I wish we could see the archives of aufb literally BASHING BU football....but only up until Cooper was hired....then he started to praise them. Coincidence? I think not.
Quote from: TBaggins on October 19, 2005, 03:08:04 PM
or  e. I am just a BEN student who has never been talented enough to actually play sports myself so I live vicariously through the BEN football players (and when they lose it makes my sad life even sadder)  ;)

So are you on Benedictine's 1-6 team or do you just go to school there?
Quote from: aufb05 on October 19, 2005, 02:37:05 PM
Sooooooooo Pongo-

What exactly r u getting at? Do u support BEN or not? ??? Will they "W" Saturday or not? ??? Did they played a tough schedule so far or not? ??? Does their small roster hurt them or not? ??? (This one is multiple choice) You a. Tried out for the BEN team and didn't make it b. Tried out for a BEN student and didn't make it. c. Tried out for a BEN fan and didn't make it. d. All of the above.  :-*

Of course they played a tough schedule so far....and they kept the games pretty close, right? And the points they scored against these teams were against their 2nd and 3rd string defenses, right? Now that that is cleared up.

Multiple choice for you:

A) You are on the Aurora coaching staff and coached with Cooper B) You were on the AU coaching staff, and moved to Bu with Cooper C) You have a son who plays for Aurora and he is a worse athlete than you were D) You played for Aurora(well sat)....degraded and tore down Benedictine Football until your former D-Coordinator got a job at BU, and then turned into a supporter E) All of the above
Quote from: baseman201 on October 19, 2005, 12:37:17 PM

I do not play for BEN, nor do I have a friend that plays for them.  I am just a D-III football fan who pays attention to the IBFC. 

And which side are you going with, Wisconsin being better for football or Chicago??  I didn't quite understand where you were going with the whole, "don't compare wisconsin to Chicago football" stuff.

I thought it was pretty clear that I was saying the Chicago football was better...but if it wasn't clear, that's what I am stating, as a fact. I hope I didn't misunderstand your post...and that was that you were acting as if Wisconsin football is superior to Illinois Football.
Quote from: aufb05 on October 19, 2005, 10:07:46 AM

Even you have to admit that BEN has played a tough season to date. Given their other problems, small roster, new coaching staff, little fan support and you beating them up on the Boards - turning those kinds of distractions into a "W" (Eureka) shows there is a team left. MAC is going to find out that this Saturday. By the way we all know your a closet BEN fan, so why not show it. Kick ass this weekend my friend. 

I'm starting to think that you are a former aurora coach now on the BU staff. I like how you lay out the "excuses" (problems, roster size, new staff, fan support)...and then say that there is team left.

What do u mean by "problems?" Is there something you see on the inside that we don't?
Quote from: aufb05 on October 18, 2005, 02:37:54 PM
OK Gomer its Tuseday-
BEN over MAC - This one is for you Pongo! BEN has had the toughest 1st half. Elmhurst, NCent., Carthage, LAKE, AU and yes GRN. Throw in home field advantage and Coop gets his 2nd W.

There you have sport fans.....

Hmm...if a former Aurora coach was not the current coach at Benedictine....I bet your prediction would be switched :)
Quote from: baseman201 on October 18, 2005, 02:35:59 PM
Haha, well he didn't really have to "dig" up that info, it was pretty self explanatory that BEN and CURF are the worst teams in the conference.  But, BEN is the best 0-7 team I have ever seen.  They hung with Aurora till the 4th quarter, almost beat Greenville, beat Eureka.  They aren't as bad as most are assuming they are.

With BEN and CURF, when you have 30-40 players on the team, it's hard to find the talent that CUW or Lakeland has with 80 guys on the team.  Until BEN and CURF can get some recruits, and get up to 50 guys, then 60, then 70.  They will have 0-10, 1-9, 2-8 seasons for awhile to come.  Even Eureka could go 1-9 this year. (although I have been to Eureka, and the place is a offense of course  :))  Once the winning starts, the recruits start coming in, or that's the way it's supposed to be. 

One problem for CURF, as well as BEN (maybe) could be the price of education.  D-III football players pretty much pay to play football, since there are no football scholarships given.  When it's almost $30,000/year to go to CURF, and possibly close to that for BEN, of course a player will want to go to a cheaper school........although CUW would be the same tuition since they are part of the Concordia system, and they are good................hmmmm, maybe guys have more telent in Wisconsin, or maybe it's just Chicago then.  yeah, no one likes Chicago, that has to be it,  ;)

And that would be amazing if Greenville won conference, good luck to you.  Although, of course they would get slaughtered in the first round, but hey, they would get a ring and a playoff berth.

I forgot to ask, what's your number on Benedictine? If not, who's your best friend who goes there?

Also....don't ever compare football talent in Wisconsin and Chicago....EVER. Its not a wise idea...because they two aren't even close.

Quote from: aufb05 on October 17, 2005, 01:03:17 PM
Actually Pongo-

BEN and CUR have worse statistical records than Eureka.  :-*

Way to dig up that are really good  :D
Quote from: TBaggins on October 17, 2005, 12:15:43 PM
Insert Quote 
And a big congratulations to Benedictine for beating the worst team in the conference and being cocky about it

Wait until Conc-Wisc d-lineman literally eat your runningbacks   

Awww, poor Pongo.  No one invited him to join at the lunch table and he had to eat alone.  It's ok honey, I'm sure your mom will comfort you and help you deal with your rejection. 

You're pretty funny :)