Quote from: aufb05 on October 20, 2005, 07:03:10 PM
Na, you don't bother me. You make an uneventful day interesting. But all good things come to an end. You F----- up this Board enough, we're here to talk about football not respond to head cases.
This is my last post to anything you have to contibute and I would recommend the same to everyone else. We don't need Pat to make this kid go away - just don't respond to him.
I do bother you....and it bothers you. How do I know? The second someone has to revert to vulgar language...then you know. I think you have called me immature in the past...seems like you are the immature one.
It appears I hit a soft spot ripping on your "scholarly" northeastern education....don't worry...you would've learned the same if not less at Aurora (well, probably the same).
If this is goodbye....then at least tell me your connection with coach Coop...wait....forget it....I already hit the nail on the head a few posts ago.
Good luck against Macmurray/or whoever Aurora plays....Coach AUFB05