There are some things I wanted to reply to- I was at both the Catholic and Salisbury games-
The Catholic Game-
In addition to the "at least we can hear" sign (which I saw), there was a "You Sucks" sign too, a sign that I think crosses the line as well. But I have to say to some of the Catholic students that learned a few insults in ASL, that was pretty creative. The signs were overboard however, and nobody has the right to defend those just because you didn't see them, or your university prez was there, because all of us sure as heck did.
And the incident with the racial slurs etc- believe it or not not every deaf person is profoundly deaf. The vast majority of us have some degree of hearing, and many of us can hear very well. You add that in with lip reading, we get by a lot better than you may think. And to think that not a single hearing person would support Gallaudet or sit wtih us as well is absurd- anything said behind our backs is more likely to be heard than you may think. And that racial slur was one of the things said behind the girl's back, and I bet the guy who said it was shocked the girl could hear that well. But that aside, I had a fun time jawing with the Catholic fans and I thought the game went well and security took care of the situation a little slower than I would have liked, but it was handled niceley.
The Gally/Salisbury game:
I'm just absolutely disgusted with what happened, and I hate to see that the actions of such few students are marring what was a superb season. Let me recount the story from what I have been able to find out (I even talked to the person who punched the ref) and the entire situation could have been avoided. Let me tell u the bottom line before I go any further, and that is the few Gallaudet fans that would have failed breathalizer tests should have just backed off when the game was over. There is no arguing this point, and if everyone had just gone home when the game was over, nothing would have happened. This was poor sportsmanship on their part.
That being said: We are talking about 5-6 fans who pursued the refs and just continued to give him an earful. They followed him to his car and when he got in his car (which I must point out was a very nice Mercedes Bentz), they wouldn't back off the car and kept yelling at the ref. The ref then proceeded to get out of his car, and the car door slammed open, hitting some students, and the referee threw a punch which landed squarely on the jaw of a female student. The other students went livid at this and started to scuffle with the other ref, both throwing punches that missed. Another ref saw this happening as he was leaving and he ran and jumped on the fan wrestling with the first ref. The fan then swung one punch which connected on the second ref and bloodied his nose. DPS pulled everyone apart, DC police arrived, and statements were taken. No arrests were made, because it seems the Gallaudet students were acting in self defense (again I say the students should not have been there in the first place) and the girl who was first punched by the ref ended up going to the hospital to check out a possible whip lash.
I think its safe to say those refs will probably never ref a game again here at Gallaudet, and I think its extremely unfortunate. Believe me when I say Gallaudet will take action against those students.
But moving on from this incident, I hate the fact that every one of you are referring to us as animals and talking about how crazy we are. We love our basketball team, believe it. And when we have home court advantage, we're gonna make sure we use it to make up our undersized team.
Braveheart, the fan painted blue and screaming at the Salisbury bench all night certainly did his job. He annoyed the hell out of me all night, and I'm sure fans across the court couldn't stand his voice as well. But I have to say, he kinda did his job. He annoyed the Salisbury players a lot more than he did the Gally players, and I think it's worth the tradeoff. But again, once that buzzer sounded, he should've washed off the paint and called it a season.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was about the push-off call.
I thought the call at first was absolutely horrible, but after watching the video replay, I was just sickened, and partially glad the ref got a bloody nose (bad joke, I know). Several things to talk about here on this play- Jon was pushing off the defender the entire night, and no calls were made. To make that call with 1.1 seconds left and no prior warning is just unfair. The second thing is that he didn't push off the player. The separation between the defender was already made, and the forward momentum that he had going for him when he stopped and pulled back for a fadeaway jumper let his arm get away from him, but it did not make any contact with the defender (there's video evidence). The other thing I wanted to say is that in a playoff game, with just seconds on the clock and one team up by one, shouldn't the refs just let the players play and let the shot decide the game? To make an offensive call that was not clean cut (if Jon had run over the defender, or the defender fell, it would have been different, but the defender was still in position to contend the shot) and for the referee to decide the game is just unfair. The rule of thumb is to let the players decide, not for the ref to make a call against the home crowd that maybe 6 out of 10 refs would let slide. Any of the seven other CAC teams would have been livid at the call, and believe me we were. Every fan had every right to chew that ref's ass out for the remaining 1.1 seconds, but once that buzzer sounded, that's where it should have stopped. It was great seeing a freshman step up and take this shot (which he nailed, by the way) and I think that a freshman with this type of confidence should be a shoo in for ROY honors.
Major props to Haney's 37 in his final collegiate game. (He opened 5-5 from 3-point range)
We're looking forward to next year, and hopefully the ugly mess with the refs can be left behind us. Without a doubt security will be beefed up at games from now on, and I don't see this happening again, ever.
The Catholic Game-
In addition to the "at least we can hear" sign (which I saw), there was a "You Sucks" sign too, a sign that I think crosses the line as well. But I have to say to some of the Catholic students that learned a few insults in ASL, that was pretty creative. The signs were overboard however, and nobody has the right to defend those just because you didn't see them, or your university prez was there, because all of us sure as heck did.
And the incident with the racial slurs etc- believe it or not not every deaf person is profoundly deaf. The vast majority of us have some degree of hearing, and many of us can hear very well. You add that in with lip reading, we get by a lot better than you may think. And to think that not a single hearing person would support Gallaudet or sit wtih us as well is absurd- anything said behind our backs is more likely to be heard than you may think. And that racial slur was one of the things said behind the girl's back, and I bet the guy who said it was shocked the girl could hear that well. But that aside, I had a fun time jawing with the Catholic fans and I thought the game went well and security took care of the situation a little slower than I would have liked, but it was handled niceley.
The Gally/Salisbury game:
I'm just absolutely disgusted with what happened, and I hate to see that the actions of such few students are marring what was a superb season. Let me recount the story from what I have been able to find out (I even talked to the person who punched the ref) and the entire situation could have been avoided. Let me tell u the bottom line before I go any further, and that is the few Gallaudet fans that would have failed breathalizer tests should have just backed off when the game was over. There is no arguing this point, and if everyone had just gone home when the game was over, nothing would have happened. This was poor sportsmanship on their part.
That being said: We are talking about 5-6 fans who pursued the refs and just continued to give him an earful. They followed him to his car and when he got in his car (which I must point out was a very nice Mercedes Bentz), they wouldn't back off the car and kept yelling at the ref. The ref then proceeded to get out of his car, and the car door slammed open, hitting some students, and the referee threw a punch which landed squarely on the jaw of a female student. The other students went livid at this and started to scuffle with the other ref, both throwing punches that missed. Another ref saw this happening as he was leaving and he ran and jumped on the fan wrestling with the first ref. The fan then swung one punch which connected on the second ref and bloodied his nose. DPS pulled everyone apart, DC police arrived, and statements were taken. No arrests were made, because it seems the Gallaudet students were acting in self defense (again I say the students should not have been there in the first place) and the girl who was first punched by the ref ended up going to the hospital to check out a possible whip lash.
I think its safe to say those refs will probably never ref a game again here at Gallaudet, and I think its extremely unfortunate. Believe me when I say Gallaudet will take action against those students.
But moving on from this incident, I hate the fact that every one of you are referring to us as animals and talking about how crazy we are. We love our basketball team, believe it. And when we have home court advantage, we're gonna make sure we use it to make up our undersized team.
Braveheart, the fan painted blue and screaming at the Salisbury bench all night certainly did his job. He annoyed the hell out of me all night, and I'm sure fans across the court couldn't stand his voice as well. But I have to say, he kinda did his job. He annoyed the Salisbury players a lot more than he did the Gally players, and I think it's worth the tradeoff. But again, once that buzzer sounded, he should've washed off the paint and called it a season.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was about the push-off call.
I thought the call at first was absolutely horrible, but after watching the video replay, I was just sickened, and partially glad the ref got a bloody nose (bad joke, I know). Several things to talk about here on this play- Jon was pushing off the defender the entire night, and no calls were made. To make that call with 1.1 seconds left and no prior warning is just unfair. The second thing is that he didn't push off the player. The separation between the defender was already made, and the forward momentum that he had going for him when he stopped and pulled back for a fadeaway jumper let his arm get away from him, but it did not make any contact with the defender (there's video evidence). The other thing I wanted to say is that in a playoff game, with just seconds on the clock and one team up by one, shouldn't the refs just let the players play and let the shot decide the game? To make an offensive call that was not clean cut (if Jon had run over the defender, or the defender fell, it would have been different, but the defender was still in position to contend the shot) and for the referee to decide the game is just unfair. The rule of thumb is to let the players decide, not for the ref to make a call against the home crowd that maybe 6 out of 10 refs would let slide. Any of the seven other CAC teams would have been livid at the call, and believe me we were. Every fan had every right to chew that ref's ass out for the remaining 1.1 seconds, but once that buzzer sounded, that's where it should have stopped. It was great seeing a freshman step up and take this shot (which he nailed, by the way) and I think that a freshman with this type of confidence should be a shoo in for ROY honors.
Major props to Haney's 37 in his final collegiate game. (He opened 5-5 from 3-point range)
We're looking forward to next year, and hopefully the ugly mess with the refs can be left behind us. Without a doubt security will be beefed up at games from now on, and I don't see this happening again, ever.