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Messages - Russian Mig AK47

Salutations dirt bags!

Margin of victory?  Worthless.  W's?  All that matters.  UST is just takin' care of business.  Very blue collar-like.

I will make a half-hearted attempt to provide my pro-UST sentiments earlier than the last couple weeks of the season, this year.  That being said, I am easily distracted.  Especially by tripple burgers and roller skates...

p.s.  Gopher's note:  Trevor Mbakwe scares me.  It's one thing to have the physique to kill anyone that looks at you sideways, and entirely another thing to have the eyes that say you definitely will.  He won't finish the season on the team.

It was tough to watch the Tommies go down.  I don't know if it was the choppy web feed, an excess of barley pops, or the fact they forced 17 TOs in the first half and only lead by 8... but I had a bad feeling going into the second half.  The feeling was validated by the 15-0 Wash U run to start the 2nd half.  They dominated the TomCats in the 2nd half.  That is a very good program.

Oh well, it was a good run.  Congratulations to the UST seniors.  We appreciated the ride!
The lack of rebounding by UPS is staggering.  That is costing them this game.
Hahaha, listen to Pat Coleman pimpin' our high school teams.  Lmfao!
Quote from: Drake Palmer on March 13, 2009, 07:51:06 PM

My new signature line - "Don't send a boy to do Ervin's job."

Hahaha!  He has muscles on his muscles.
Nicolai finally hit a shot!  Yay!!!!!!!!!  5/8 on trey's is nasty.
Brady Ervin is a man.
I am going to be stuck at work as well.  Apparently Wells Fargo has blocked the video feed on me  :'(  I would also appreciate updates.  I wish the game would have been at 8pm rather than 6pm.  Obviously the tournament schedulers forgot to contact me when they were setting up the times.

Drake you are starting to sound like me!  Those stats have been the key to all of UST's victories this year.  They force an inordinate amount of turnovers, primarily off steals, and they take care of the ball as well.  That is a cologne that will hide stinky shooting percentages quite well.  Not that they necessarily shoot poorly.  I am just saying if they did.  I anticipate the shots will fall tonight.

UST 87 UPS 78
Indeed.  I think Hunt needed it to quote Job too!  To come full circle, I think Drake should go to Chicago and should stay at the Drake Hotel.  He should also ask for a discounted price citing his D3hoops moniker... you know, assuming his real name is not Drake.  If it is, that would be more substantial and probably carry more weight.  Goodluck on the trip that you might take, Drake.

p.s. Wheaton is like 30-45 minutes outside of Chi-Town I think.  You may want to find a Drake Hotel closer.  I am assuming they are everywhere in Illinois.  Similar to your standard Ho-Jo.

Double p.s. Nice work on finding the script to Mission Impossible, Nites.  I am now going to read the script and play the movie in my head.
Quote from: Nites on March 12, 2009, 06:46:22 PM
Quote from: Drake Palmer on March 12, 2009, 06:42:10 PM

If UST wins on Friday, who knows, mebbe ol' Drake might amble on down to Chi-town on Saturday. ;)

Staying, no doubt, at the . . . Drake Hotel.   ;)

Nites - remember in the movie Mission Impossible, featuring Tom Cruise, John Voight, Ving Rhames, and Jean Reno... when Jim Phelps (Voight) is supposedly dead, but Ethan Hunt (Cruise) figures out that he is still alive because the "Drake Hotel" stamped the bible that Phelps brought with from Chicago?


... That was awesome.

p.s.  Is it necessary to preface a comment with "spolier alert" when the movie was released in 1996?
Quote from: columbianmaffia on March 12, 2009, 03:10:11 PM
if you eat too many beans you will probably toot

C'Mob -   What type of beans make you toot the most?  Green beans, brown beans, frijoles negro, or all of the above?

TH4L - They have a shot even if they lose.  Who knows what all these talking bobble heads on ESPN know, but they have them at like an 11 seed even after the Michigan loss, but before the NW win today.  I say if they get blown out by MSU tomorrow they should be out.  If they play them tough or win they are in.  Of course it will also depend on how many teams that are suppose to win their conference tourneys, actually do.
Didn't they also beat the Gophers at the barn like 2 years ago?  I might be thinking of Winona St.  Not sure.
Yeti - What, did he watch Bull Durham before he gave that interview?!  Crash Davis would have been proud.
Chitty - I dig the new format, using the 'glow effect.'  Very gnarly.  I am up for getting my student ID some more use!  I still use it to get me into the local UST bars without paying the absurd cover that is meant to keep predators like myself out. Perhaps we could bring Bumkneez's laptop to Hootski's and see if they can connect it to a projection screen so all in attendence can enjoy the Tommies.  I am sure there would be a lot of demand for such programming.

Willy - Chitty beat me to it, but I was going to say he was the obnoxious fan right in front of you.  Probably constantly standing and obstructing your view.  I did see your crutches, but I generally speaking avoid eye contact with everyone until I can spy on them at my own leisure and determine who they are.  It helps me avoid having conversations with people I don't want to talk to.  Bumkneez had to point out to me that Hansen was sitting behind us... I then used my exceptional peripheral vision to spot him.  Had I known you were back there too I probably would have harrassed you incessantly for no good reason.  Maybe for raggin' on Neal... but then I would have ragged on him too!
Wonka - Yes indeed, I was sitting in front of Hansen with the bummiest of kneez.  Hansen and I had matching Northface jackets on... although I took mine off as I didn't see any sense in wearing a jacket in a gym that was roughly 105 degrees farenheit.  Apparently he is cold blooded, he didn't seem fazed at all.