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Messages - truebluefan05

i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called:

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
i think pat mentioned awhile ago about how someone should make a facebook group. Well i thought it was also a good idea so i've created one.

it's called: 

and anyone can join it b/c it's open to the global network on facebook
just trying to clear something up, isn't rowan playing AT fisher? It says on the schedules that they're playing at Rowan, but I would think they were playing at fisher since they are the better seed.
Quote from: chris7sarge on November 04, 2006, 03:23:02 PM
Quote from: Upstate on November 04, 2006, 03:18:25 PM
Quote from: chris7sarge on November 04, 2006, 03:16:54 PM
Quote from: portgrad2004 on November 04, 2006, 03:13:23 PM
Quote from: chris7sarge on November 04, 2006, 03:02:55 PM
Gotta run.  I'll be back to collect on my prediction of an AU win later.
Kiss my ass bombers.

Now I just hope you get run over by the bandwagon..

Sweet response portgrad.  Very intelligent.  I'm going to celebrate the win now.  And when we beat fisher next week, like I said we would win 2 of our last 3, you guys can all eat the words you spewed at me as being ridiculous.  Ah the sweet, sweet smelly of success.

Even if you do win out, your not going to go to the NCAA's this year with 2 losses....

You're missing the point.  We just beat Ithaca.  And we will beat Fisher.  And yes we do still have a chance at the playoffs.  Regardless, when I said that AU would beat IC earlier this week and the week before, I was chastized and regarded as crazy.  We will beat Fisher next week.  Mark it down.  And i'll be there to watch it.  And then we'll make the playoffs.  Contrary to the thoughts of many on this site, AU still controls their own fate.

this is an obnoxious argument, get over it

Good game alfred

too many turnovers and mistakes all around for Ithaca. Very dissapointing on both sides of the ball for the bombers. From the broadcast didn't sound like a day of bomber football at all.
a lot of pressure on Juvan this week, can't have that
I believe that field goal makes Kitenplon the leading scorer in Ithaca College history overcoming wittman, the great runningback for ithaca