I guess you would judge that by how well the players performed on the field and in the classroom. Also you would evaluate my efforts in developing a program that was actively recruiting and connecting with alumni.
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Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
January 16, 2006, 11:33:14 PM #2
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
January 15, 2006, 10:32:01 PM
Oh, and assistant coaches and other team needs may be dicsussed also.
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
January 15, 2006, 10:30:13 PM
I can think of a few important topics. I would want to discuss the current status of the program, see what the candidate has researched himself, and then discuss potential plans to take the program forward. I would want to examine the candidate's basic football concepts and practices to establish a good fit. Then I would want to know some more detailed info as to how these concepts would be presented to the team and implemented in practice and games. Finally I would like to know what recruiting strategies and administrative capacities he offered.
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
December 07, 2005, 01:27:53 PMQuote from: footballplayer on December 06, 2005, 09:05:16 PM
You can not blame or praise Coach Sullivan for anything. His there to prepare his athletes so that they can play the game. I am sure he has done that the best he could. And I have never heard anyone have a "career" in division three football. If my memory serves me well, I believe Framingham was not the best team in the league for before Coach Sullivan was there. Good Day
Well "footballplayer", you've certainly made yourself look foolish! First, I would suggest looking up the word "career" in the dictionary and perhaps you can figure out how that would be applied to the context of college football. Second, I would suggest looking at FSC's record the 3 years prior to his arrival. I am sure that you will see more than 3 wins!! Lastly, I would like to remind you that coaching has EVERYTHING to do with team success! Especially in DIII, where success is usually measured by how much good football you can squeeze out of the talent you have. Plays are responsible for executing on the field, however the coach is responsible for introducing and implementing the gameplan. If a business is failing do you blame the workers?? No, you look to the boss. Same with football, start by cutting off the head! I am a very strong supporter of the Sully Must Go campaign!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 22, 2005, 09:10:38 AM
I can agree with that 63Center! As for creating alter egos?? Gimme a break!!! Does anyone over 13 even have time to do that?? I certainly don't! Pat, you are more than welcome to disagree with me...I encourage it 8) Now, what is the weather like up there today?? I always used to wish for the sloppy conditions in late October...mud, rain, trees raining there colorful leaves down on the field...lineman's Hog Heaven!!! Here's my winners for today: Worcester over MaineM, Fitchburg over MassM, Dart over WNEC, BSC over Salve, WSC over FSC, EC over Curry, and Nichols over MIT. We'll see!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 21, 2005, 10:28:30 PM
Unfortuantely Pat you are incorrect. Sully mentioned the other FSC programs, that is true...however I don't remember him debating their winning percentages and 10 year records! So, please can we get back to FOOTBALL!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 21, 2005, 10:08:49 PM
Gldnrghtft, you are way out of line! You dragged up an argument about FSC Baseball on a football site. Then you take time to belittle that program as well?? Perhaps you should re-evaluate your presence on this board! Let me ask you this...have you ever poured your heart and soul into a program that just would not improve around you?? Did you commit to a state college that filled you with promises of a state-of-the-art training facility and game field, only to have to train at an off-campus gym and get ready for practices and GAMES in a parking lot!!!! Have you ever done squats until you puked, only to go do another heavier, more intense set afterward...and then see all that focus, energy, and effort flushed down the drain when your coach calls 4 straight incomplete pass plays while having 1st and goal from the 2 yd line and turning the ball over on downs??? I have experienced all those things and many more frustrations while being a 3 year starter at Framingham State College. Now, don't take me for your average NEFC athlete who wants to cry a little...I have played a lot of ball, at almost every level, even coached varsity high school for 2 years. All of us former Rams are speaking out about the FSC situation because we have suffered through years of frustration, and even now after our playing years have past we still must watch in frustation as our beloved Rams fall week after week in embarrassing fashion!!! And I'll tell you this, I could do a better job than the Asst AD and the entire coaching staff..there's not a doubt in mind!!! I will note that I have the utmost respect for the AD Tom Kelley, it was refreshing to play for him as a DL position coach my senior year. Unfortunately, he seems to be outnumbered and worn out by the surrounding administration. Regardless, no matter what anyone says...FSC is, was, and probably will continue to be in shambles until new blood enters the program and infuses new energy and better coaching/recruiting/managing! Now one thing I must clearly state, despite everything that has been said about FSC, I truly cheer for those kids every Saturday and my only wish is for them to win...GO RAMS!!!!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 20, 2005, 08:17:43 PM
Correct me if I am wrong Warrior, but did you state that Framingham Sate has turned over 40 coaches in 7 years?? I think that is an exaggeration. However, they have definitely burned through them...a couple were very good coaches that moved on after 1 year (obviously they saw the big picture quickly.) 2 of them could've easily taken the HC position and probably improved the program drastically...unfortunately they had no interest in ruining their careers!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 03, 2005, 09:43:57 PM
I am all for a "lineman of the week" award!!! Offensive lineman never get the recognition they deserve, and most DLinemen go unnoticed as well. How many times does a DT fight through double and triple teams only to post maybe 3 or 4 tackles and nobody gives him so much as a pat on the back?? Let's get a Lineman of the Week!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 02, 2005, 09:01:15 PM
I think that being behind justifies the number of carries, but not the amount of yardage allowed. I played on a VERY bad high school team that was always behind too. However, we probably allowed less than 5 yards per carry. Usually when teams are behind and the opponent is grinding it out on the ground, you would load up the box and stop the run...it's not like the other team is gonna then start airing it out, they wanna end the game!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 02, 2005, 05:09:25 PM
I am all for an alumni rebellion!! If I wasn't living in Florida I would certainly be more involved...in fact I would make a bid to coach myself!!! But the unfortunate thing about Framingham State College is that the administration has no interest in turning this program around. In fact I would be willing to bet that if the coach was thrown out, that the administration would move to eliminate the football program entirely. Here is just a tiny little clue of how things are at FSC...when you go to the official FSC website and click into the athletics page they have a little slide show where pictures flash of athletes from all the teams...EXCEPT football!!!! And I'm not talking in-season sports, I'm talking everything but football, which is in-season!!!! The hard part is that there are so many FSC Alumni that don't want a football team, that those of us who are former footballers are in the minority. It is my suspicion that the administration is actually trying to run the program into the ground!!!
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
October 01, 2005, 11:24:31 PM
In response to Jeff's posting...come on buddy!!! Where did you read anyone saying Framingham is a good team??? The only thing written on here is how BAD they are!!! How about letting them celebrate a nice come-from-behind Homecoming victory and stop hatin!!!! And JohnnyUtah...what is fishy??
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
September 29, 2005, 09:32:17 PM
Let me share a story with you boys...does anyone know the story of how Coach Strachan actually got his Head Coaching job at FSC?? Now, remember this was I think 1 or 2 years before I got there...so some of the details I was fed may be off a little...but the story goes like this: The head coach at the time(don't remember his name) was not doing very well and he had some talent and numbers. They were fresh off some strong defensive rankings and had one of the best WR's in New England D3 history (Patten) had just graduated. So expectations were high. Well this coach was definately under-achieving and his approval rating among the players was zero!!! So, the players got together, had a team meeting and decided that they were going to "overthrow" the head coach!!! Strachan was an assistant, had good credentials, and was a player-favorite...so they decided they would give the head coach an ultimatum- quit his job and leave the team, or they would not play!! They decided they would try to get Strachan elevated to HC. I guess Strachan caught wind, and simply said that he couldn't take part out of respect. Well, the meeting happened...I am sure the coach was absolutely mortified, but he left, and the Strach became HC!! Crazy sh*t huh?? But, it worked...maybe history should repeat itself...
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
September 28, 2005, 07:51:55 PM
"Sully", man I feel for you!! Speaking from first hand experience, Framingham football is one of the most frustrating things I have ever encountered!! Even before Sullivan, during the Strachan era, it was not easy to get the guys we wanted into the school. However, I must say that I n ever really bought into the whole "tough school to get into" routine. I was an average student at best, and I know some sub-par students who got in easy also. The truth of the matter is that most quality prospects have no desire to come to FSC, and the ones that do are so discouraged after 1 or 2 years that they quit or transfer. When I enrolled in '98 we had a pretty good lineup, but zero depth! Yet there were at least 10-15 former players still in school that were mature and probably decent ballers, but quit the team out of frustration w/the program...add those extra players with their potential experience and talent and you would've had a real team. I believe the only way to turn that program around is to find a coach that can dedicate himself to the program enough so that he can find a way to get his players to over-achieve and pull some big victories out of their A$$ and then land just a little more talent and depth the next year...and then it will begin to build momentum!! Also, whoever takes control has to be the kind of coach who is willing to adapt his system to what he has in the cupboard...too many coaches try to force players with their own unique talents into a pre-existing and rigid system that doesn't fit...and that usually doesn't work! Successful coaches adapt their system to the talent they have available, that is how you win.
Region 1 football (New England-ish) / Re: New England Football Conference
September 27, 2005, 08:12:30 PM
I did play with Abe, a good football player! Not an intimidating site on the field, but he could burn past most defenders! He was a good teammate, always positive and a hard worker!
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