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Messages - zorbadagreek

Kedzie/Foster U. almost beat Milikin in 05. My friends son was a member of that team and they shouldve won that one. Dont see them getting over the hump with the loss of OC and player turnover.
So what is the word on the new OC at the Park??
Is there any truth to the rumor that Wheaton College will hire North Parks OC j. davis ? If so, is there any word on who would replace him at NPU? And why would wheaton hire someone unproven considering how bad NPU has been on both sides of the ball. Im sure they had people with a better resume apply for the job. :-*
I wasnt aware that wheatons oc had left. Did he move on to another school? If so where?
Also a New DC at NPU!!! ::)
are there any shoe ins to make the all conference team??
NPU will be turning a lot of heads this year. They have a bunch of quilty players coming in to camp this year. I know a few of the guys and they are some pretty good players. In fact i could be suiting up in those new Viking uni's this fall . Middle Linebacker from College of Dupage Ramon Lacey . Just Watch #33 its looking like a good fit.

This guy is a perfect fit for NPU!!! ;D

I also just noticed the job board ad for NP.... It states that the coaches salary is very competetive...Competetive to whom, pop warner football coaches. NP coaches are the lowest paid group in the cciw. I know this because a friend of mine coached there several years ago. They have always been the lowest paid. They should be more honest with their ad.
I heard from my friends son who is a player there. They have 3 coaches back from last years staff, they had a total of 10 last year. I also heard he had already started interviewing to go elsewhere if the school doesnt let him hire the best candidate as opposed to a minority.
What is going on at South Park???? They have practically lost their entire staff (again) and from what i hear Coach Pethtel is lookin to bail because of the whole "havin to hire a minority" thing. :o
Id say that NPU has a pretty good weightroom from what ive heard, but is it up to par with the complex wesleyan, elmhurst or carthage has???? I think one of the reasons their recruit numbers are so low is still that lack of a campus atmosphere. You cant compare the NPU campus to elmhurst, auggie, north central or carthage, just to name some of the campuses I have visited.
Son of tailgater, is it true that tim "rookie" glidden also works there?? That kid has been around forever!! Ah peg and lous aka Bootleggers!! The good old days. If rookie does work there, ask him if axl is still around!!! ;)
Not to take anything away from sedeska, but he was also a 22 or 23 year old freshman when he first got to Carthage. He had worked a few years after hs and came in as a grown man. Would he have been able to do the same as a true 18 year old freshman?? ::)
Dont know them by name, but my friends kid plays there and says that the new hc is letting go of the staff he hired less than a year ago. Looks like another "rebuilding" year yet again.
Just wondering if there have been any big names committing to CCIW schools?? Also, What is Happening at South Park?? I heard the new coach there is firing coaches left and right. People he himself hired! Can anyone say PROZAC!! Elmhurst seems to have picked up some decent players from what I hear.