QuoteThe Woods incident is unfortunate. You can't punch people and that's going to get you in trouble, deservedly so. What we don't know is what Cunningham said that got him popped in the chops. Maybe it was a reaction to getting bumped at the end of the play, but I doubt that that was all. That, to me, looks like a reaction to something that was said. And when you see Cunningham's taunting and celebration after the flag is thrown, I don't think there's any way you can think that Woods hauled off and whacked a guy for no reason. Not a good reason- you can't punch people in football- but there was a reason. As we know, it's always the guy who retaliates that gets in trouble in these situations.
Not knowing the current Little Giants. Not knowing Woods normal demeanor. Not sure why. I did notice he seemed very agitated early on in the game, and continue until the incident. It is only a guess, but have to believe there was a lot trash talking, and more that lead up to the punch. Not condoning punching another player, but using restraint is easier said, than done at times.