Did anyone see the Otterbein-Kenyon scrimmage? How did the teams look.
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Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Ohio Athletic Conference
August 30, 2009, 09:22:54 PMDid anyone see the Otterbein-Kenyon scrimmage? How did the teams look.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
August 30, 2009, 03:59:17 PMDid anyone see the Otterbein-Kenyon scrimmage?How did they both look.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
February 07, 2007, 02:26:59 PM
NCAC-Fans, Kenyon is looking for a new D coach, Posey had his problems in Gambier! But having followed the Kenyon Football program since the 70s, I must say that coach Stanley gave all his talent to coach Ferzoco! The biggest problem with the D is attitude, I played on that side of the ball in the 80s at a D2 school. They don't seem to understand, that D has to be played with emotion and toughness, to get the job done. Arbolaez has more talent than Coomb's, and has the speed to pop outside. This takes nothing from Alby, he was oldschool in the true sense of the word. If Ted can get some help on D, and a good teacher at cordinator, Kenyon could surprise some conf: foes. They loose Coomb's,Lacy and Steele. Lacy has made some lists and will be missed. GO LORDS!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
September 08, 2006, 09:32:20 AMNCAC- Fans, why always the ref: to Ben at Kenyon, what did I miss, I am only one season old, to this site! I think the ref: might be to a little used center from Fla. He played most of the second half vs Grinnell and did a nice job with the second "O"., Kenyon was playing 2nd and 3rd string guys early in the second half. The Lords have work to do on the "D", but the "O" has a chance to put up some scarry numbers. With Kenyons wide open attack, and a great school, with an outrageous athletic facility, even better recruits will follow. As a expert on NCAC and Ohio Conf: and having some 40 + yrs of D3 and OAC and NCAC, action under my belt, I have to say to the top 5 teams, this conf: is far better with more parity. If any of you think that Kenyon, did it last year because of mirrors, or however you non football playing authorities think they won 6 games. Think again, Wooster would never have there head up there posterior that far, if you were at last yrs game, you would realize that the Scots played poorly, and Kenyon has some fine weapons on the "O". The conf; can be cocky and take Kenyon lightly, or make excuses, or call them the weird bright guys on the hill. But the truth is,when I played, Kenyon could beat anyone in the NCAC and we competed against the big dogs in the OAC. Thats right if you do your homework, I played when a kid could have started in the OAC and then became a NCAC player. And as to the expert comment, I only am an expert at one thing, finding week after week the best football the world has to offer. And that would be a fall afternoon in the town of a NCAC school . You can have C-bus with all of its hoopla, and hoods, or Notre Dame, and its lets make money on every blade of grass in South Bend. I would rather be in Sprigfield, Crawfordsville or even Hiram, I love this conf; and don't you guys agree that the people afilliated with these schools, are for the most part class acts. Parents, family members and students alike at these schools are always nice to meet with few exceptions!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
August 11, 2006, 08:55:51 AMNCAC Fans, Do you guys know how many days the conf: requires schools to condition, before the pads come on?
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
August 09, 2006, 08:43:29 AMPolls, Kenyon should not have a first place vote, I am close to the program, they are getting better fast, but. If they deserve a first place vote they need to play the big two,Witt, Wabash. If they can stay healthy and have a good showing in the upcomming scrimmage, the ball could roll into a matchup, under the lights with CWRU. Sanchez has his brother to throw to this season, plus a healthy shoemaker and a fast Johnson. Coombs will be back, and ready for a big senior year, and the D made strides last year and gets some injured vets back, plus some nice frosh talent. Just remember Kenyons facility is awesome, and the students of today get big eyes when they see the KAC-Kenyon Athletic Center,not to mention better recruits because of last years results. I think a good student who wants a chance to play and get a great education, is a natural for Gambier. With a roster of 70, a kid feels he has a better chance to get on the field sooner. The big 5, who most have around 100 or plus numbers can be tough, to get playing time in the first year. Well lets see what happens, and good health to all players ,coaches and fans of the NCAC. Herald 79
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 31, 2006, 08:27:11 AMMedicine Man, I have always thought that Kenyon considers itself an Ivy league school in Ohio. That is where that country club mentality comes from. I have been sold a bill of goods, but I will get to the bottom of this topic! But back to Football, and out of the Admissions office. My mistake for bringing up a sour subject among NCAC foes. Wooster can easily turn it around, I feel if there is a problem, it will be regaining there swagger.They have talent, and I have watched some of the younger guys play in high school. Northeast Ohio has much talent, but with JCU,BW, Case,Mount,Woo etc. it is tough to snag players from my area. I hope you are wrong about the outcome in November, I think it could be a tight game, even with the payback factor!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 30, 2006, 03:57:35 PMWOO-FANS, Its good to see you haven,t lost your personality,I didn't attend Kenyon, that is the student body chant. I went to a state school, and if you didn't play well you sat on the bench. And if you really screwed up, you packed your bags because you were there on a ride. You were there to play football, education was something you did on the off-season. I have four family members who are graduates of Wooster. I mean no ill feelings, but if you guys really payed attention, you might give coach Stanley some credit. I know for a fact the requirements are not the same for the studnt body,and the jocks. Kenyon dosen,t let people in, you either make the grade or you go elsewhere, my Love for Kenyon comes from going to games with my prof father, who has two brothers who graduated. Wooster wanted me to come but, D2 payed the way and gave my fathers wallet a break. I would have enjoyed the hell out of going to Wooster, or any of the NCAC, except Oberlin!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 29, 2006, 10:08:20 PMWow, it is great to see that a Lords fan can get so much reaction from the mighty Scots. Kenyon not only has to win one better this year, they have to keep the momentum rolling. Wooster, has a atheletic program from men to women, they compete well in almost every sport. Kenyon has a national swimming dynasty, and fields other teams, but for the most part at Kenyon sports are looked down upon. So when Kenyon can beat Wooster in one of the big three male sports, it is a major deal. Wooster, Witt, Wabash, reload every year, Kenyon just hopes to be able to compete, with the big five. But when you laugh, degrade, and do the other things, that I witness on a yearly basis, it sure feels good to to beat one of the big dogs. And the chant at Kenyon will remain the same, you beat us on the field, but next year after graduation, you will work for us!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 29, 2006, 12:40:37 PMDarkside-D. Until you have another good season you, are simply, a good program trying to rebound. The loss to Kenyon was not a mirage, it happened and many a weakness were forund in the Woo D. You can't continue to live in the past, Wooster is average, until they prove themselves again!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 23, 2006, 10:13:23 AMWally-Wabash
I was only speaking from a pure numbers point of veiw, I understand Football players come from everywhere!I just wonder how Wabash gets the kind of kids that it gets in todays society. I enjoyed my all male education, but that was in the 70s. Today kids want the whole college sene, and I am sure there must be a school around that has women attending. I have tried to get kids to go to the Citadel, VMI etc:, with little luck. I just am intrigued by Wabash's ability to get scholar athletes to attend the school , in the Basketball state of Indiana! My coach in college went to the Bills as a position coach, and I had the chance to meet Pete, and because of my love of D3 it was great to meet him!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 22, 2006, 08:44:09 PMWally-Wabash, Why don't you guys call the league office, and see what kind of answer they give, to your and cwru 7os age old question. The office is located in Cleveland Ohio, they might end your great debate. I am more curious as to how Wabash is able to compete with Ohio schools in Football, since we clearly have better high school talent. I remember back to Pete Metzelars at Wabash, wasn't he a all conf: player in Football and Basketball. The last time your little giants played my Kenyon team, it was only the class of Chris Creighton that kept the score down. The more you argue this point, the more I will begin to dislike Wabash, and I really do like the place.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 22, 2006, 05:16:24 PM
NCAC FANS, Why can't we leave last year in the past, you guys are discussing something that has nothing to do with this season. It is simple Kenyon will either get better so they can compete with Wabash and Witt, or when they play again they will get pasted. But give this staff a chance, they took over a program that was horrible! Kenyon is at the moment someplace in the middle of the conf: trying to move up. Both Witt and Wabash have rich football histories going back years, Kenyon has really only fielded a competetive team for one 05season. And not since coach Meyer in the early 90s have they made any noise at all. Face facts Kenyon has been the conf: team most likely to play on your homecomming , let them have a chance they face challenges most conf: schools do not. When you have to make a trip up the hill, to get support each and every year it makes it tough to have a football program! It is easy to field a team, but to have a progam takes all involved working together.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 22, 2006, 11:01:18 AMCWRU70, The first four will be rough,but the first two are with teams that are having a rough time of it! Grinnell is Coach Stanley's alma-mater,and he will have the boy's ready for that one. And Claremont-Mudd has had a rough couple of years. Is Mirando healthy, he is from my area and is a tough kid, with some nice skills. His brother will be a frosh at Kent, and could have been great at CWRU . And your coach, from Mentor has always been a winner, and I'm sure he will do good things at Case! I hope the lights are bright on a warm night in September,enjoy the rest of your summer!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: North Coast Athletic Conference
July 22, 2006, 09:18:40 AMcwru70, It is good to see that a Spartan can give a Lord a little support! You guys will have to look at Kenyon, as more than a cellar dweller if they repeat last yrs result. I would say they have a chance to do it,and I understand Witt, Wabash and the big 5. I will be impressed, if they can win one more game in 06, it will not be easy! Watch there O, they have Coombs and Shoemaker back healthy, and have a nice 06 frosh class. The major weakness is the D,but if coach Posey can show the improvement from last year, and build on it, watch out for the lords. And the game that I want the most is not Woo, but OWU, they have our number, and if they had a good frosh class watch them!