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Messages - want2b

i have been out of the country for a while and i just saw the all cac team. please tell me it wasa joke.brandon bushey second team, shane sowden didnt even get noticed, you got to be kiddin me. if any of the voters took their heads out of the sand and looked at the stats both of these kids should have been 1st team. sowden was top 10 in almost every catagory. that kid changed the game every time he was in, and dont give me if he was that good his coach would have played him more. that is another story in it self. no one on cua everaged over 28 minutes a game. sowden had 15 more blocks more than the next clsoest player who averaged more time. sure it sour grapes but that voting was a joke.two seniors on either team. in closing i would like to thanks pat satalin, aaron kelly, matt spierenburger. and shane sowden for four outstanding years. what these kids had to go through this year both on and off the court wasnt right. i just wanted to thank these four for  heart they showed and  determination to make it as far as they did. a month ago noone would have given them a chance to make the cyo playoffs. they kids continued to fight through the face of adversity. good luck satalin, kelly, spierenburger, and sowden
my selection for first team all conference:

guard- lesemle of st marys (forgive spelling of name)                   
guard- lee
forward- bushey
forward baker
center- sowden
again i stated my team, not my players, by position the best team. look at the stats and tell me im wrong. as far as playing time goes, there isnt a player i know who dictates when he playes. that is a coaches decision but if you look at cau stats noone plays all that many minutes, satatlin avg-29, dwyer 25 and sowden 24. i still think for their production  their stats match up with anyone. dont sell these kids short.
folks have been beating up on cua for a while now, so ill throw myself into the discussion. people have been running shane sowden down pretty good this year. i believe that if you look at the stats ( he should be atleast mentioned for the poy and a lock for first team. everyone has been singing the praises of mcgowan. if you use hin as a measuring stink, i believe sowden stacks up just as well. he has played what ammounts to 2 1/2 games less than mcgowan and his stats are just as good. what he does for his team on less time is remarkable. check the stats they dont lie and they arent someones opinion.
in regards to the cua/navy game, i heard that the team had numerous turn overs which killed them. besides that the team played pretty good. the inside game dominated with spierenberg, wheeler, dwyer, a new transfer student, and sowden showing very well. the guard had time where they were as good as any one and the outside shooting is coming around. as you said we will see how they do against another d-1 school american on wednesday night.
coach-   the crystal ball your looking in to must be a little hazy. other teams might have gotten better is a little cloudy at best. i know for a fact other teams have lost key contributers . cua and york had three great games last year  that could have gone either way. both teams have almost the entire starting team back and both have upgraded their bench strength. if i am not mistaken york went deep into the ncaa's. with both teams improving it not to much of a stretch to say they could both go deep into the tourney. good luck to both teams and to all the cac teams. let the madness begin.   
catholics game against navy will be one of the games where the coaches can walk on the floor at any time and there are a zillion timeouts, the game against american is just like a regular game. at this point of the pre-season on paper at least, it looks like york and catholic will go deep into the post season. both teams have the majority of the starters returning and have good depth on the bench. any early thoughts who is the leading candidates for poy in the cac? 
my choice would be lee from mary wash. haney from galli, bushey from york, sowden from cath, and odemura from sals
since practice has just started, this would be a good time to get everyones opinion on who they believe should be on  the cac pre-season all confrence team if they had one.
good luck to all the squads. let the madness begin. hopefully th cards will have a great year
i have seen the schedule around campus with the players. it should be on their website real soon. they play in a tourney near boston with umass dartmouth, maine-ft. kent, and salve regina to start the season. catholic also hosts  eastern, suny-brockport and drew at their tourney in january. they play davidson 12/10 in n.c.
catholic just released its schedule. any comments on the schedule or how they will make out. cua has 1 d-1 scholl (davidson) during th regular season and two during the pre-season (navy and american) this should prepare them for the regular season. they and york should have some good games this season. the seaon starts in two weeks