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Messages - ctforce

OK, now on the transfer situation at Fitchburg.    I know there is a group of players that came to Fitchburg from UMASS Lowell when that program was dropped.  I know one of the players that HerbTuck89 referenced transferred from a higher level program because first, he changed his major and Fitchburg had a strong program in his current major and second, even though he would have initially been a role player and a major contributor by his senior year, he wanted to go to program where he could contribute, get a good education, and enjoy the whole experience.  Plus, the head coach that recruited him, left for a better job in 1A just after he signed his letter of intent, and the coach that got the job was real #*@ hole.  In fact, he was fired after his second year of destroying an undefeated team.   And, yes, as much as I hate to agree with SullyMustGo, other transfers may have had playing time as reason for their transfer.  The one thing that is being missed here is how are they convinced to come here?  I think a ton of credit has to be given to Coach Haverty and his staff in the recruitment area.  They have the uncanny ability to find out about  possible transfer players that are out there and convince them to come to Fitchburg intially to build a winning program, and now that they are ready to establish the program as a winner, to continue the tradition.  As we all know "winning brings success"!  And we all know that athletes will start to look stronger at a quality winning program that offers a good education like Fitchburg!
Quote from: rogershastogo on November 08, 2005, 07:36:58 PM
Is it true that Fitchburg takes all other schools dropout? I was told this. Is this true?  Most Jocks who can not make other schools requirements end up there.  Please tell me I'm not wrong!

Yes, you are wrong!  I know people (athletes) who have been turned away because the did not meet the transfer or freshman entrance requirements.  I also know of many athletes who no longer play because they didn't keep their grades at a level to be eligible.  As a state school, they adhere to their admission requirements and do not take athletes just because they are an athlete.  There may be an isolated case were there is an execption granted to an athlete, where the pats academics are taken into consideration, not juts being an athlete.   Hey, imagine that!  Education being placed just as high if not higher than the athletics!  Sounds like they'r e doinf the right thing here.  I certainly would take a look at the private schools (Curry) who can manipualte any and all requirements for athletes and seem to have the uncanny ability to recue the tuition with some very unique 'grants'.
I want to start out by saying something has to be done at Framingham.  I have all the respect in the world for those players going out on the field every week to play in games were they will be totally dominated.  This was extremly evident this past weekend.  How can you play college football with only 38 players suited?  Plus, they were outmatched physically, atheltically and fundamentally in all areas of the game.  I do not mean that as any disrespect to the players that were out there giving it they're all.  I respect them for being out here.  It's just that they are at a significant level below even the majority of our league.  It seemed like every play one of their players were getting hurt, but they had to go back in beacuse of the lack of numbers.  It isn't right to put these athletes in this type of situation.  This program definetly needs a huge upgrade in talent and coaching.  Again, I know they played their butts off and are probably performing the best they can at their level, but, if you were at the game and witnessed the legal hits they took you would see what I mean. 

Now, lets give credit were credit is due.  Other than the one pass while way up,  Fitchburg show some class and rotated the starters out very early in this game.  The starting D-line dominated early and were shelved by the second quarter.  The rest of the defense, except for a position or 2 were into the 3rd string by the end of the second quarter and the same goes for the offense.  The dominated early and were removed early.  None of these guys played in the second half and Fitchburg still pretty dominated them.  I think this shows a lot of sportsmanship/class on Coach Haverty and his staff's part.  While talking about coaching sportsmanship, despite calling off the dogs early in this one, I'm told that Sully would not shake Coach Haverty's hand when going through the line.  If true, whats that all about?

So, its Fitchburg and Curry.  How the heck does Curry get the home game here!  I understand that schools put in for this game in advance not knowing if they'll be in the game, but having a home field advantage in conference championship game is not right.  [b]NEFC, you need to look at your policies and ensure this game is always played at a neutral sight.[/b]

OK, so with that game decided, does Fitchburg go for the win over Worcester to outright own the MASCAC title or do they rest key players down the stretch in preps for Curry?  Remember last year, some key injuries that were sustained in the Worcester game played a factor in the championship game.  Could be an interesting game from this standpoint!
Nice post HERBTUCKER89.  It nice to see someone on this board that understands the big picture. 

JEFF, in regards to your post, HERBTUCKER89 is trying to say they are resurrecting the program from that dark period and doing a good job at it.  Lots of college football programs go through down periods with some being worse than others.  Look at Notre Dame.  I think its a credit that Coach Haverty recruited some players that could make a difference and brought them in here to build the program.  It will probably take a couple more years of consistency before all you non-believers will see that it is a good program going on up there.

In regards to the 9 games, I believe it had to do with scheduling restrictions that the NCAA put on DIII schools.  If I understand it corretly, conferences that have a championship game can only schedule 9 games as this championship game counts as their 10th regular season game.  Anymore regular season games would disqualify them from post season.  So, it kind of sucks in that you have to schedule like you're playing in that game even if you don't make it.  Anyways, I think this is the reason but I may be wrong.

In regards to coaches, I have give all the credit to guys like Coach Haverty and his staff that work full time at a regular job and then fulfill the full time position of a college coach.  How many paid guys does Curry have on staff?  3 or 4 I believe.  How about Western Connecticut?  typically a stronger DIII New England program?  I believe they have 4 full timers.  I woill go out on a limb ans say that most of all the powerhouses in DIII are operating with a full time paid & volunteer staff.  So when people blast the NEFC for being weak, look at the whole picture and see why these conferences are comprised they way they are.  These coaches do an excellent job and the players in the NEFC put on some damn good football games!!

The whole Fitchburg tailgate thing was out together to show support for the players and coaching staff for what they do on and off the field and also have a little fun.  As some of you can see, this has grown quickly and I beleiev has really helped the overall 'TEAM' concept.  I know the players and coaches really appreciate it and they are happy to do it at any cost.  Also, this group does a game day raffle and some fundraising in the off-season through the booster organization to help Coach Haverty fund areas of the program that he doesn't get budget money for.  Remeber its a state school.  I know some of these funds paid for them to play Western Connecticut there in 2004 ans to scrimmage them there in 2005 in an effort to play tougher teams to get better.  Sound familiar folks!

OK time to get back to work.  EC over Curry 24 - 21 in a late 4th quarter score!

Do you think that at the higher levels of college football the same stuff doesn't go on??  If so you must not see/watch much college football.  Thanks Gullgrad for your response!  I am not saying its OK to be bad sports, but some of the stuff we are labeling here on this site as bad sportsmanship is part of the game within the game.  Enough said on this topic.  As I said Fitchburg will just have to be happy being the raiders of the NEFC in your folks eyes while winning this years championship.
Quote from: 63Center on October 17, 2005, 05:04:52 PM

Looks like Fitchburg should be in the drivers seat for the divisional championship with only one real challenging game left (Worcester) while Worcester has a tough road to go with MEM, Bridegwater & Fitchburg.  I agree with your comment about  "kicking a sleeping dog" in regards to the potential rematch with EC.  I said after the EC win that it could be tough if they meet again.  Of course EC has to take care of their own business on Sat at Curry.  Of course it could also be said that Curry may be looking for a rematch with Fitchburg after loosing to them early in the year.  Looks like there might be a number of sleeping dogs that are starting to wake up.

Hey 63center,

I actually feel that EC will get by Curry.  They're playing pretty good football with a lot of confidence and would just love to spoil Curry's homecoming just like they did Fitchburg's winning streak.  But, a Curry/Fitchburg matchup could be good.
Quote from: SullyMustGo on October 17, 2005, 11:51:34 PM
Fitchburgh has to win the NEFC before their name can be even mentioned in the same sentance as D2....which they would never move up anyway. Just cause they get D1AA or D2 transfers doesn't really mean a whole lot unless they're quality players. Some get recruited by top schools but they never pan out becuase they arnt good enough. Transfers who actually played would be a different story. And whoever says Fitchburgh has class is a moron. They are the sorest losers I have ever seen. No team discipline at all.

Hey sullymustygo,

You need to go back to complaining about Framingham because you obviously don't know what's going on up at Fitchburg!  How can a team that has no discipline beat the likes of Curry, Bridegwater and Maine which you guys have been picking over them?  I don't think it was just a fluke.  You are obviously a very opinated person and don't look at the big picture.  As I have often said before and others have posted, a lot of what you're talking about goes on with most of the teams.  If you can't acknowldge that, don't knock other teams down. 

Most of the transfers up there would have played at the level they were recruited but not as much as they are here, thats a reality.  Coach Haverty has knack at being able to find transfers that are unhappy where they were at and sells them on his philosophy and that they can be a part of building this program into a steady NEFC and DIII contender.  Which is exactly what is happening.  Kind of like Sullys 7 year plan but only in 4.  How can a state school in Mass get to the power level of some of these schools when they are limited in the number of players they can have on their roster and they're lucky to have one full time coach?  There are a lot of logistics/funds that go into building a top notch DIII program that a lot of these schools don't have access to.  Kind of comes down to the STUDENT/athlete portion of going to college and what is more improtant.
Ok folks, so what happened to maine maritime this week???  I thought you all said Fitchburg was all done and couldn't stop their run game??  I do not disagree that Fitchburg did not play well against EC and give EC credit for beating them.  But, here we go again with no respect!  Sound familiar EC fans.  I remember Bridgewater having a fantastic back that Fitchburg held to well under a 100 yards.  Now another tremendous back comes in and is held to 51.  Says something about the Fitchburg 'D' does it not?  Maine did not look good from the opening play.  I am not sure why, but they looked like a deer in headlights.  I guess thats what happens now that they are in the meat of their schedule. 

And how about sportsmanship?  I know a lot of you feel Fitchburg has no class, well, what was the Maine coach doing out on the field by the numbers arguing with the officials?  He did this a few times during the games.  Oh, thats right, Fitchburg sets up the officials to help them like they did in the Bridgewater game.  Lets get real fans.  You are really nieve if think this happens.

I really am still amused by you folks that label Fitchburg as the only team that does things relating to what you all call bad sportsmanship.  I will not disagree that we have had our moments, but so have a lot of other teams.  I kind of feel that Fitchburg is the Oakland Raiders of the NEFC that way you all talk.  Oh well, it is what it is.

All that aside, I think maine has a good chance of beating Worcester as they are a tough team to play at home.  Plus, Worcester has to travel to Fitchburg for the last game of the season so I think their chances of winning the division are slim.

I think the best NEFC championship game we can all hope for is EC vs Fitchburg rematch.  Have you ever heard of the saying 'kick a sleeping dog to wake it up'??  Well, I think thats what EC did to Fitchburg and a rematch would be great. 

Hats off to the Fitchburg tailgaters who did not let the rain deter them from taking care of their team!!!!

I know a player from Fitchburg who injuried his knee due to a BSC player trying to take his legs out while he was tackling/holding up the ball carrier.  Last I knew this was illegeal and kind of dirty.  As I said in my previous post, every team in this conference does 'dirty things' regadless of who they are.  Some are just brought to the forefront more than others based on what school it is.  Did you see this game?  The 'dirty play' of the Fitchburg or BSC players had no bearing on this game.  BSC was handed their butts and needs to acknowledge that.  I think Maine mar. will beat them and Fitchburg will have to beat maine and then Worcester at the end of the season to capture the title.  And I know they will!
OK Guys!!  I've been holding out on commenting for a long time but just couldn't help getting involved

First, on the Sully topic.  I think we all know the guy does not have the right personality/coaching demenor to make FSC successful. My son visited here when he decided to transfer from 1AA an in a mater of minutes he and I came to the conclusion this guy and his assistant coach are out to lunch.  I have sympathy for those guys that were there when he came in as that is not how you want your college career to end.  But, for those guys that have joined the program since he has been there, you get what ask for!  So, basically for the last two weeks, we all agree on this guy so lets move this board on to bigger and better things.

Second, in regards to the post that you have to play better schools to get better.  As a coach I agree whole heartedly, HOWEVER, you have to have some atheletes that can compete at that level to make it worth while.  If you don't have the caliber of athletes you will not get any return out of playing better schools.  Now, if you have the talent, yes you should.  I know more of more of the NEFC schools are starting to do it as Endicaott has and  I know Fitchburg has played /scrimmaged Western Connecticut, and I'm sure there are others doing it.  My point being is that some of you say this conference sucks and will now get any better until they play outside, but you need athletes.  Besides that, I think there is a lot of good DIII football happening in the NEFC.

Third, now that I'm on atheletes, there are a lot of good ones in this conference.  How do you think Endicott got good so quick?  Along with decent coaching they had some players transfer in rather than trying to build soley from high school recruits.  Look how many transfers are on the Fitchburg team as Junior and Seniors this year and you can see why they are good.  Think back to past division and NEFC champions and look how many transfers were key in that team winning.  Maybe the league is a little diluted because of so many teams, but there a lot of good athletes in this conference playing great football.  Also, it is much easier for a non-state school to get athletes in to make their program more competitive.  It is easier for an Endicott or Curry to "find" money/grants/ whatever to bring the players into their program.  I know some state schools have some waivers to get players in, but, to my knowledge, these are very limited.  If some of you out there disagree with me on this, you need to open your eyes because it is happening all the time.  I'm not making excuses for the State schools as I think they do a darn good job within the limitations they have.

Fourth, I totally agree that offensive and defensive lineman need more credit!!!  If it wasn't for your interior D-lineman occupyiny the O-line so the linbackers can run free, they would not have the games they do.  I think the two big guys on the interior at Fitchburg do a great job of this as yardage up the middle is scarce and the middle backer has twice been defensive player of the week.  But yet, they get little credit!! I cite Fitchburg becuase what did the D-line do to that tremendous running back that BSC has???  27 carries for 82 yards if I do remember correctly.  Also, a runner will go nowhere without a good 'O' line.  How about the two backs from Fitchburg each posting up a 100 yards?  Yea, some was on there own but the O-line deserves credit.

OK, I think I'm down to the last topic.  When the heck are all you critics out there going to give Fitchburg the respect they deserve!!!!  Last year everbody said 'it was a fluke'.  Well, guess what, they stepped up on opening day and beat Curry!!.  Then they had a huge gut-check against Westfield when the 'O' could not get out of there own way, and won,  And now, they knock off the team everyone has picked as NEFC champions.  BSC didn't play anybody coming into this game and got there butts kicked.  I will give them credit that they put on a good 4th quarter surge, but Fitchburg made some mistakes on offense and got a couple of stupid penalties.  But, when they had to step up and stop them what happened??  Maybe the best lockdown corner in the NEFC intercepted the ball sealing the win.  I know the BSC lost some players during the game, but some of those players, along with others were cramping up and sucking wind already in the second quarter.  Many BSC players had their hands on their thighs sucking wind.  When your fatigued is when you are most prone to injury.  What about the two long scoring drives opening up the second half that Fitchburg put togehter to basically ice this game??  Give the entire offense the credit they deserve here!!!  I cannot deny that some of the Fitchburg players talk some trash and get some cheap penalties during they game.  I for one am not in favor of it.  However, I see it going on with other teams also, so, I don't feel one team is more or less guilty than the other.  Depending on the hype of the game, they all do it.  As an early post said, they are not completele at full strength and they are knocking off good teams.  This Fitchburg team has a good offense and a great defense that I feel will lead them to being NEFC champions!!

OK folks, if this post doesn't get you all talking nothing will.