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Messages - gamegenie

well dutch if you are so smart why on earth were you at the Thiel / Westminister game?

and to you burgh boy you prob should sell your diploma cause you spend your whole day on d3football post patterns sounds like you need a life or a job for starters.
Another week and The same old thoughts.  I understand why the Thiel folks are so worried about where they are in the top 25 because it its a once in a century thing for them to be ranked so you have every right to be excited about something that if you were a regular in the playoff picture you would know means nothing.  On the other hand the peolpe that go into figuring out the playoff scheme and are considered the experts usually have gave W&J some respect, and therfore this will actually benefit you poor souls that are Thiel fans.  They will both get in and niether will be able to compete for a tilte but you will definately see W&J advance and be far more succesful than Thiel.  I warned you last week to give up these pipe dreams becasue i dont want to see anyone fall down as hard as you are going to.  And for anyone to say that the W&J PRESIDENTS arent the king of the PRESIDENTS athletic conference obvioulsly are very narrow minded and have very short memories.  Decades of domination need we say any more.  So good luck to all you saps this week may your teams continue to fill your minds and hearts wiht artificial hope by capturing wins but I will be ever confident that W&J will roll on casue thats only what they have been doing for the last 20 years.
I am welcoming myself to the PAC post patterns.  I have sat back and watched as most of you have once again filled your  minds with hope, and it sickens me to know that you will all,  mostly be proven wrong again.  Year in and year out you sit and hope that your teams  i.e. Thiel will be an elite team only to bite the harsh bullet called reality at the end of the season.  We all know that W&J is KING when it comes to the PAC and although Thiel got a taste this year and Waynesburg got a taste a few years back we all know that if we had to take a team to advance the furthest into the playoffs it would be W&J.  So Thiel you might as well give up your pipe dream now to save yourself some dignity and the obvious let down that lies ahead for you.  Do not be angry this is simply one person who has seen this happen year in and year out and dont enjoy seeing people build themselves and there teams up just to be knocked right back down.  Your bottom dwellers always have and always will Im trying to do you guys a favor and state the obvious.  You might as well be Cleveland Browns fans if you enjoy the let downs year in and year out.  So just watch and see as evryhting unfolds how the cream will always rise to the top and if your pay any kind of attention to this conference we all know that it will be W&J.