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Messages - MCGramps97

Hello the the MIAC posters.
i am a former Fight Scots player from 2001 and wanted to stop by to say good luck to the Johnnies this weekend. I'll be honest, i didnt know a lot about your program, but i checked out the website and i am very impressed. i love the fact that the head coach started coaching at the age of 16 for his h.s. fb team when his coach got drafted. unreal. well i'm just hoping for a great/clean game by both sides. MC is a lot of fun to watch so i hope you guys get to experience what we are so excited about. Good luck to both teams.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 14, 2005, 01:01:41 PM
Hello my fellow Kilt Rockers.
well as Pappa said its a tough draw, but man what a story this game could be. I was reading up on SJU from their web site, their coach is amazing (not that Bell and Braun arn't). He took over the coaching duties of his highschool team at the age of 16 when his coach was drafted into WWII. Unreal. Thats stuff myths are made of. I'm gonna try and convince the old ball and chain to let me play in Johnnie country. we'll see. Good luck to the boys in kilts. My Scottish heart is with you.

A kilt feels good no matter what the temp is.
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 01, 2005, 11:36:35 AM
Hello Gentlemen, old 97 here, hope to see some of the oldtimers up at the game this weekend. i'm bringing some students so i wont be joining you at the B-pub, but i'd love to catch up a bit. Good luck Scots!!
sorry about the typo, rOOster not Rosster. i teach history for gosh sakes not spelling.
2000 Carrol Game.
that was one of the worst experiences of my life. so freaking cold. the Rosster though got his first taste of snow. one of the funniest things i've ever seen. god love the rooster, running around with his tounge hanging out trying to catch snowflakes.
good luck to Bell and the boys, see you guys in a couple of weeks at the great Knuk Fox game. When are we gonna break into the top 25 on D III, I've seen us as high as 18 in the AFCA?
good to see you around brett, hows life treating you? coaching? things here are well. hope to see you at the Knox game. take er easy.

Hey this is old #97 from the '01 8-2 Scots season. any of my old buddies out there? our boys are looking pretty good. any of you get to see any games? i'm going down for the Turkey Bowl with some of my students. i'd love to hear from you guys. hope all is well.

Go Scots!!