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Messages - lineback

Go bombers
Joseph Addai has 0 points today so far in the E8 fantasy league.  This may result in a loss for me even though Windbag's Winners decided to play a RB that has a bye week.
Tecmo had a wedding toniht at the same time as the game, so I was sending him inning by inning updates until the unfortunate end.  The cubs were losing after the first pitch which sailed over the left field wall and they never stopped losing. tecmo responded with a final text "sadness"

Go Bombers.

Go Bears against the Packers tomorrow.

Go Fighting Illini.

Quote from: maninorangehat on October 06, 2007, 02:43:09 PM
lineback are you going to the cubs game tonight?

yeah, I'm on my way out the door right now.  GO CUBS
norwich is in the red zone for the third time
go bombers, go cubs, go chubbs
It was a sad pilgrimmage home from the bars last night in wrigleyville.  Hundreds of people slowly walking silently back from the sports bars. Lilly will bring us a win.
Marquis is already out of the game after 2 and 1/3. 

THis is prbably a good time to mention if anybody wants to come see the 1st place Cubs play in the playoffs, let me know.
Quote from: tecmobowler on September 20, 2007, 12:52:13 PM
Fred Funk is supposed to be one of the nicest guys in golf.  Pretty cool, Rowdy.

Hey, where has lineback been these days??

Hey guys, I only checked this because MIYH tipped me off to the shout out.  I started my M.S.Ed program a couple weeks ago, and I've been trying to get ahead in my work.  I've never taken an education class before last week, and I need to be done with everything by winter 09 so I can start student teaching. I've got a lot of work to do, but once I get thing under control I'll start making comments unrelated to college football again, I promise. 

Last Saturday morning I woke up after a long week of school and thought how nice it would be if I was riding up to the terrace dining hall in tecmo's car for waffles. instead I made myself some cheerios. :(

Go cubs, go bombers, go bears.
U-Haul just told Lineback the computer doesn't recognize his reservation.

Does anybody know anybody in the Chicago area with a truck?
That likes lending it out?

Lineback's Labor Day weekend just went way downhill.
touh game for the cubs  :'(
found out this morning that Wrigley Field ran out of cups last night.  THey ahd beer, but people ahd to bring back cups for refills.
Lineback was very close to going to the game with his friends but the extreme humidity and scalper prices kept him planted in front of the TV.  Good win.
Quote from: AUPepBand on August 28, 2007, 09:52:20 PM

Pep and the band were quick to quiet any unsportsmanlike behavior by Saxon fans in the home stands around the band.

Lineback likes when you refer to yourself and the actual AU Pep Band in the same sentence.  Good job of keeping things coherent while avoiding referring to yourself in the first person at all costs.
Quote from: Tags on August 27, 2007, 11:40:57 PM

It was some goof w/ a shaved head & beard if I remember correctly? Could be way off, don't really recall.

Sounds like you almost got in a fight with Leonardo Da Vinci