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Messages - GrinnellFan68

I should change my handle to "He Hate Me." Why all the hate, everybody? You got to forgive and move on. Look at me and the old lady.

Let me be the one to start the healing process...
jeffp-come back. we miss you.
roop-you are so wise, like my great uncle Fred, who once told me-"I love you, but not what you do."
systemfan86-you're kind of a munson, but you seem to have a following on this board, so I suggest we form a truce
Scrub-you and I are ok, comrade

ok back to basketball...congrats to Scottie!!! Pick 'em champin!!! Wow!!! Pretty incredible stuff. You should get on Streak for the Cash and blow them away.

Night punkin'

Scrub, I ain't THAT guy. I understand the confusion and will consider changing my handle (to eliminate confusion) if the other poster sticks around for long.  >:(

Jeez, mary, and joe-I write one time that systemfan86 has a a feminine writing style and the kid loses it on me. We're on the same team, young grasshopper.

jeffp/roop 2012
Scrubby flakes-I'm your GD elder, so some respect would be appreciated. Keep hiding behind mommy's skirt and daddy's check book. David Jr makes the team better-it's about time you admitted that.

Kill them with kindness.
-Madeline Albright
Bobby Long not making 1st team over Andy Horton and his stellar 2-14 record was a joke. 2-14. Ridiculous. That'd be like me naming Edith wife of the year after she slept with the gardener a couple years back. Cmon! Bobby Long was the toughest cover in the conference!

Also, this is controversial, but Mike Worrell is the COY every year. You try to recruit people to Jacksonville. I go down to visit my granddaughters and have to hold my nose all weekend.

And Scrub, you saying Grinnell might be better off without David A jr is laughable...I'm laughing right now. Really hard. Laughter. Chuckles.

Love you schnookums.

Scrub023-are you saying neither Kroeger nor Grotberg won POY? If that happens I might start boozin' again.

Grotberg was only the highest scorer in Grinnell and MWC history.  Let's use some jeffp logic, coaches. Grotty Grotty Grotty.
Don't call it a comeback!

What a long two years it has been. As you may recall, I gave up posting nearly two years ago because jeffp and I could not co-exist, no matter how hard we tried. I gladly stepped aside, as this is truly his domain. But alas, it's been a while and he has not posted, so I decided it was safe to get back at it. Plus I'm off the sauce and Edith and I are back together.

I had the pleasure of watching the MWC tourney online this weekend, and I had some thoughts...
-David A JR was missed. The Grinnell offense was a shell of itself without him. Bad shots all around.
-Heck of an effort Friday night by Grinnell to grit out a win.
-Excellent year and career for Grinnell's Big 3. You could make the case for all 3 for POY.
-But you could probably make a better one for Kroeger. Best player on the court this weekend.
-Would like to see Grotberg get it though-one of the best players ever in the conference and hasn't won one yet.
-Lawrence is the class of the conference.
-Watch out for IC next year. My son-in-law Mike Worrell will have them firing on all cylinders. (On a personal note, it's been a great stretch for us, as Mike and his wife just gave us another grandchild. Oh little pooky flakes.)
-Coach A deserves the COY. So does DePagter. If they hadn't given it to that senile bastard Heimann last year, both of them could have one for their efforts over the past two years. Now one will go without.
-I missed you guys.
-Come back jeffp, you're still straight up sexy.
-Forrest Gump sucks. What a retard.
-Speaking of retards, nice work on the announcing from those Grinnell kids. NOT! Had to mute the computer.

Edith you're my little daffodil.

ps. Try a shamrock shake...way better than Poopacinos.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 09, 2007, 09:25:18 PM
systemfan86-sorry I doubted your have to admit that your writing style is a little feminine, but I shouldn't have let that enter into the discussion.

jeffp...regarding what the Rooper said, if what I have written in the past has caused you to quit posting, just let me know and I will not post again until the day after your death, and that will only be to share a fond memory. i pray you outlive me though-the bue pills are said to cause heart attacks. but please, I don't want to be the yoko of the posting up board. the world needs to hear more jeffp, and less nonsense from the likes of rabble rousers like myself.

To understand someone such as myself, you have to realize where I came from. I'm a child of the 60's. I always try to tweak the man a little bit here and there.

hot pockets.

Roop...Edith doesn't talk in her sleep anymore, she's been drinking so much before bed, she's almost to the point of being comatose. I don't think she finds me attractive any more. I admit I'm not the stallion I used to be, but I can still ride the sled every now and again with the best of them.

Worrell Worrell Worrell
Coach of the Year Every Year!
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 09, 2007, 03:22:19 AM
To: Jeffp and mere mortals

Go Grinnell Cagers! Young David Jr. has made us all proud with his 34 assists. I'll let jeffp comment on that further, but I just wanted to give a congratulations to the young man. David Jr. = BEAST!
On a related note, Edith and I are back together and I'm getting it on the regular again. Blue pills, people. Blue pills.
David Jr. = BEAST.
And as for young John Grotberg and young Keith Chamberlian...BRAVO! You two are simply splendid. My wife saw pictures of you in the website and said that back in her day she would have been on you two like soy sauce on rice.
Also, I know this is not supposed to be a political forum, but vote Huckabee. We need a president who knows who his maker is. From this day forth, I pray to Mike Huckabee. God bless you, Mike.
One more plea to jeffp...I miss your scent, your masculine aroma...systemfan86 adds a nice feminine touch to the board, but I need a man's perspective.
Jeffp/Roop 2008.

Love: Ishmael
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 28, 2007, 12:57:53 PM
I know I was hard on jeffp a few days ago, but I would like to send him some congratulations for his correct prediction of Coach Conger for Coach of the Year.

jeffp/roop '08
my friend delores celebrated her birthday yesterday. she is very old. love you, mama d.

(everyone else besides jeffp please disregard the bottom of this post)

dear jeffp,

please post again. i am hungry.
edith says it is silly for me to not eat because of your hiatus from posting, but i tell her that if i don't stand for something, i will fall for anything.
i am subsisting on water and vitamins.

malnourished and sad,

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 26, 2007, 01:32:42 PM
Though I have made my feelings known as to jeffp's tone, I support him out of principle. A man's opinion is sacred and he has the right to express it.

WIth that in mind, I begin a hunger strike. I will eat again when jeffp posts.

Who is with me?

jeffp/Roop '08

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 26, 2007, 01:00:30 PM
Quote from: jeffp on February 24, 2007, 08:04:50 AM
Congrats to Coach Shults and Carroll College for a BIG win tonight.

BIG congrats to Coach Conger and LFC for the stunning win over Grinnell. Truly in line for COY award with a very young, well coached team.

Not sure what happened tonight. Just stunned. First time I have EVER left a GC game early in over 50 years ('cept when Mom made dad take me home after 9:00 when I was in my earlies).  The team just seemed totally unprepared for this game. You have to take treys to hit treys, poor movemnt on the court,  lack of lack of effort, but, wow. What a let down.

Only player that seemed to have his head in the game was Schmidt. Didn't score much but played incredible defense throughout. He is an extremely valuable player who has had his role changed over his 3 years here. Just a jewel of a performance coming out of a bag of coal.

Disapointed with the end of a great season and a great run, but the best team won last night. Wonder if Carroll will have the legs to play today, but guessing they will be ready.

See you all next year!

The reason this is somewhat offensive is that, if you read close, jeffp basically says the coaching was to blame for the loss.  Took two clear shots at Coach A by saying that the team was "totally unprepared" and that Coach Conger was in line for Coach of the Year when Coach A will and should get the award. I'm not saying anyone should be censored, but of course these were meant as shots at Coach Arseneault.

And how is saying Mike Schmidt was the only person with his head in the game not a shot at the other players. Mike Schmidt is a good player, but he wasn't any better than a handful of other guys who played their hearts out. Chamberlain, Arseneault, Ticus, and Roewe played well. The key to the loss, aside from lake Forest playing great, was Grotberg being sick and the effect on his group that this caused. Kids having their head in the game or Coach Arseneault not having them prepared had nothing to do with the game.

And if there was "no lack of effort," then why would you leave early and not salute the Pioneers for a regular season championship?

Again, people are entitled to any opinion they have and jeffp has been more supportive than anyone about Grinnell, but anyone who looked closely could find shots leveled at the coaches and players. Still, I frown on censorship.

jeffp/roop '08

Edith watched the game with me for the first time and wants to come see a game bext year. Here's hoping we're together still.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 24, 2007, 12:22:05 PM
Tough game for the cagers last night. I'll let jeffp give the details.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 15, 2007, 02:26:33 PM
back when i went to school at grinnell, our basketball team was the shame of the's nice to see the cagers represent grinnell more ably than those jack rabbits Thomas and Clayton in the late 60's...those guys tore through the coeds-college and high school, but crapped themselves every big game. maybe i'm just bitter because one of them slept with my girl friend and the other slept with my sister when she came to visit. she was a virgin!

anyway, sorry for the rant, but seriously, congratulations coach arseneault, johnathan grotberg III, david arseneault IV, and assistant coach Emil (sp? that can't be right" Malinowski.

and Quance Q Quance, George W is the decider. support the troops.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 04, 2007, 06:00:28 PM
time to send the grandkids home, jeffp...we need a description...playoff time.

if the neers' cagers host, we might have to have a poster reunion at saint's rest...waffles and orange juice for all. i'll  bring the maple syrup. i've started making my own.

jeffp/roop '08

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 20, 2007, 09:36:17 PM
The wife and I watched the Grinnell-Lawrence game today on the internets. Amazing weekend for Grinnell. I'll defer to jeffp on the descriptions of the game.