This is in response to EastCoastStag,
I am a Kenyon football alum, and I played all four years as a starter. I was there when we "begged our way out" of playing Witt and 'Bash. That was not the players' decision, and even though we took a beating my Wabash and Witt when I was there I wanted to play them. I saw the worst of it, and I wouldn't change my college football experience at all. The fact of the matter is the alumni do care. They are the reason why the program is still in existence. If not for the alumni watching us get drubbed 58-0 by 'Bash in 2002 Kenyon football would no longer be. KFAN (Kenyon Football Alumni Network) helps with funding and with recruiting. The alumni deserve their respect, and shouldn't be put down by someone that jumped ship. Secondly, this gentleman, East Coast Stag, who shall remain nameless, never even really contributed to the Kenyon team. He was an outcast. He is just bitter. I am pleased to see the direction the team has been heading, and hope to see it continue. Go Lords!
I am a Kenyon football alum, and I played all four years as a starter. I was there when we "begged our way out" of playing Witt and 'Bash. That was not the players' decision, and even though we took a beating my Wabash and Witt when I was there I wanted to play them. I saw the worst of it, and I wouldn't change my college football experience at all. The fact of the matter is the alumni do care. They are the reason why the program is still in existence. If not for the alumni watching us get drubbed 58-0 by 'Bash in 2002 Kenyon football would no longer be. KFAN (Kenyon Football Alumni Network) helps with funding and with recruiting. The alumni deserve their respect, and shouldn't be put down by someone that jumped ship. Secondly, this gentleman, East Coast Stag, who shall remain nameless, never even really contributed to the Kenyon team. He was an outcast. He is just bitter. I am pleased to see the direction the team has been heading, and hope to see it continue. Go Lords!