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Messages - HerbTuck89

Pimpingold - You can call me out... I never said I was neutral.  I just think that FSC gets a bad rap and I'm calling out those people to prove it.  If the Ref's really weren't watching then we have a more serious problem with BSC winning the game.  Are you saying that the ref's who are picked and paid by ECAC are bad ref's?  That they turn their backs so someone could get hurt?  I'm telling you I was on the sideline when he got hurt.  Does anyone understand how much force you would have to apply to break someones ankle?  You should know that no I'm not neutral but I see what they have done at FSC.  The coach is a great guy and he works hard to put players out on the field.  Some of the things people say on here are not true.  I have watched these players walk though the line after a loss and shake everyone's hand.  They had very few penalities this year and it is just plain unfair to keep calling these players classless.
This is my final post for the year so I'm going to defend FSC.  First off - Dtap and diablo981 - You can have the ECAC championship.  The NCAA books say Division Champs and FSC are the MASCAC champs.  Ok - now for the dirty play.  I saw none of it.  If your referring to your GREAT DL Sirignano, I was on the sideline in the first quarter when they ran right on him and the FSC player fell into his ankle.  The guy standing with me said I think he broke it.  It's not our fault that he decided to come back on the field afterwards.  They did not SNAP his leg.  Look at the tape.  The other thing BSC 6 penalities for 54 yards and FSC 5 penalities for 55 yards.  I would say that game was played penalty free for both teams and doesn't support your dirty & classless theory.  Also after the game I saw a lot of FSC and BSC players laughing and talking.  And some of the BSC players actually joined in the Tailgate party after the game that the parents give for the players.  It doesn't support them being classless.  People who come on here only want to spread ugly rumors and make assumptions.  Next year is another year and I'm sure it will start of with FSC being dirty and classless.  I congratulate BSC for their victory.  After Curry's loss I thought it would be hard for FSC to play again.  They did'nt show the same emotion they had the week before.  BSC had the luxury of sitting home last week and resting because they didn't win the division.  So until next year - ENJOY YOUR VICTORY!!!!!
Well, I'm glad that Fitchburg has an opportunity to play another game.  The first time I saw them play was the Bridgewater game at the high school.  If I remember correctly FSC had a couple of their key players hurt that day.  I saw someone had Bridgewater scoring 35 points.  Only if the defense decides to take the day off.  The defense is also very healthy for this game as well as the offensive backfield.   I was at the Curry game last week.  It was a game for the ages.  FSC should be really up for this game and will not let BSC downfield.  The last game was a long pass down field by BSC that they scored on.  That won't happen this time.  Their new field is excellent and if you are going to tailgate there should be a party after the game.  FSC 28 - BSC 17
Just want to make it clear - I was not dissing any players for going to Fitchburg.  Robbins was in South Carolina and he was release from his football scholarship to play at Fitchburg.  If his family moved to Fitchburg then I understand.  I was just wondering why players come from out of state to play at FSC from other schools.  Don't get me wrong I'm glad that they did come because as TECK said their defense is one of the best.  I'm looking forward to a good game but have to go with Fitchburg winning - 28 - 21.  See you there....

Your right about the player he is from Sacred Heart.  I do apologize that I spent a little bit more time on researching Robbins but because of his location and high school I was more interested on how these guys get recruited.  He did have a scholarship at Newberry being released from it to transfer to Fitchburg.  The other guys also did have some sort of scholarships at their previous schools.  Is this an ongoing trend in Div III?  Is Coach Haverty going to continue recruiting in other states like Florida/South Carolina. He must have done a great job convincing these guys to come here.  I hope that he continues because as you said "winning brings success" which Fitchburg wasn't very successful until Coach Haverty took over.   
I had mentioned in earlier posts about how and why players play as Fitchburg State.  There was discussion on the board about in-state / out of state tuition which at FSC cost a lot if your out of state.  Brian Millisen RB is from New York with his college career starting at a college in NY and then transferring from there to go to FSC.  Which for FSC was a very good move.  Then you had Dee Whitehead who is from Brooklyn NY and he has very good success at FSU.  Matt Babcock from Griswold CT DL which played at a Sacred Heart Div Ia has a great academic record.  Recruited out of Griswold High School.  Then there is Nick Robbins DL.  I had mentioned that he was recruited out of Byrnes HS a national football powerhouse. He was an MVP of the week in a playoff game.  He also was Offensive Lineman of the Year.  He had gone to Newberry College DII on a scholarship as an OL was converted there to DL.  I had the opportunity to chat with someone from Byrnes HS in a chatroom.  They said that Nick was also a very good wrestler - All region / ranked 4th in the state and wrestler in national tournment coming in 7th.  My question on all of the players is how do they come to Fitchburg and what financial options do they have since these 4 could have scholarships at other schools?
Quote from: footballfan2005 on October 29, 2005, 06:40:06 PM

went up by 3... then BSC throws up a ball and the WSC db wasn't within 10 yards of the receiver... what the hell type of coaching is that?? you have a 3point lead w/40 secs in the game and you let a wide receiver get behind the db and the saftey

Just back into town last night, got caught up with all the post since I left.  First, Football2005 you got to be kidding me.  You just want to make SullyMustGo feel good.  It sounds like he played to win and that the defensive players didn't make it happen.  Coaching is one thing but playing the games is the players deal.  You can win a game by a point.  So losing on the final drive by BSC was the responsibility of the talented players.

Enough of that...  Congrats to Fitchburg and Curry winning their divisions.  Should be a good game in a couple of weeks.  Worcester may win next week because if coaching was going to play a big part Coach Haverty will keep the score down and 2nd/3rd string players should be playing by 2nd qtr.  

Noticed a couple of posts about academics and tuition, which leads me back to my first question earlier in my posts.  Researching the Fitchburg players both tuition and academics should play a part in out of state players playing there.  I will post later on, what I found and how curiosity got the best of me.
I would like to see Endicott win this weekend but it may be Curry.  The game will definitely be close.  The other thing about this game is that either team looks like they will be able to coast and get people healthy for the conference game.  This may be the one advantage that they would have to be able to beat the Bogan Division winner.  Worcester State has a very diffcult schedule to contend with and must bring their best to each one.  Fitchburg looks like they have a couple of games to get healthy and be ready for Worcester State. Which I think will be a better game than the Endicott - Curry game this week. 

Looking at some of these out of state players theres a couple of them that have some stuff out on the internet.  I'd like to thank Pat Coleman for giving me the link for the Florida player on Fitchburgs roster #70 McMann but I don't think he's starting yet.  I could be wrong.  I'm looking into the upper classmen. Found info on #25 Milleisen a very good running back that went to a D2 school, looks like West Chester University.  He was heavily recruited.  I couldn't find any other press releases.  Maybe other people can fill in the blanks.  I'm in the middle of looking at #34 Whitehead - NY - Great DB (He's been a little more difficult more so because of his name being very common) He's mentioned in the New England local papers multiple times. #60 Robbins - SC He played D2 at Newberry College in SC Played OL not DL he must have been converted to DL somewhere.  It also looks like his high school career was with a national powerhouse and I found an article about the JF Byrnes high school today that said that the average attendance of a home game is 10,000 people (There has many press releases on Robbins - He has the most - Still looking at some other things)  & #99 Babcock - CT  He looks like he played at D2 Sacred Heart in CT. Still looking at some other things.  But all these guys look like they would have needed some addtional incentatives to play at Fitchburg.  These guys are also mentioned on the Fitchburg site multiple times.
I graduated from a D1 school where football wasn't their top priority and it wasn't always the best.  I've been to all the Fitchburg home games this year and never witnessed the type of behavior that some of you describe on this board.  The games have had a few penalties but none that would warrant the label of the Raiders.  I thought the excitement of the fans and students is what has me rooting for the Falcons.  I've seen how close the coaches, players and parents are.  They have a big tailgate party after the game and everyone is invited.  Coaches, players, parents and friends take part in the tailgate and It looks like they are having a pretty good time. They are trying to take a small college and making it a big time football program, which I think is great. 

You should know that I do a lot of research since that's what my day job is.  If the Falcons have an attitude then they have the right to have one.  They have been the doormat of the NEFC for so long, that now that they are opening the door they are looked at as the BAD guys.  Well maybe some of these other D3 football programs need to start to do something other than complaining.  Framingham if I recall was getting ready to get rid of their football program last year.  They decided to hang in there.  Coach Scully may be trying to get the program off the ground and there is nothing but complaining from some of you posters.  If they make a coaching change there they would have to bring someone in that has the same plan as Fitchburg, Curry and Endicott.  Even maybe hiring one of those head coaches since they seem to be getting the players from outside the Northeast to play for them.

As far as Fitchburg being undisciplined, this year Fitchburg averages 4.5 penalties per game Opponents - 5.  This weekends big D1 Game USC - 9 penalties and Notre Dame - 6  I wouldn't want to go out on the limp here but the numbers speak for themselves.  I also think it's ashamed that a couple of you can really type on this message board.  To say that a Coach has no class is defamatory and should be ignored just from pure ignorance of the writers.  I have met and spoken to Pat Haverty he is well respected by his players and community.  This man works fulltime as a Fitchburg Firemen; part-time as a football coach that puts together practices; watches film and design game plans for the weekend while spending time with his family.  Other than this one time, I will never response to the likes of people who call any person classless.  By the way Girls "UNCLASSY" is not a word.  I would also add that some of you are showing your "CLASS" I know that this board is to be used to discuss D3 football but calling players names should not be one of them.  These guys are people who go to the classroom, workout every day and then give up their weekends for the love of playing a game.  You can continue to bad mouth the competition but you do realize that it means absolutely nothing unless YOU are playing between the lines on Saturday. Let's get back to talking about the skinny on this weekends games and what is going on in the NEFC that's what I registered to do on this board.  I'm off of my SOAPBOX.  Thank you 

I'm still researching the out of state players for Fitchburg.  Do have some very interesting results.
As I mentioned earllier it looked like Coach Haverty was building a team.  He only has a few players graduating this year.  Your right he doesn't have much depth but they have been hurting the last couple of weeks and a parent told me that they should be ok in the next week or two.  Even with the injuries they seem to play pretty well in spite of that.
Jonny U.

Why would you say such a thing?  They are division champs and they do have a pretty good record right now.  I did google a couple of their out of state players and they look to be pretty good studs on their high school teams and were either being recruited or were going to other colleges that they were recruited too.  I have seen lots of football and they are not bad. I saw them stop what was suppose to be a very good Maine Maritime team and Bridgewater team.  They do have their act together.  I also heard at the Maine game their team should be full strength in the next week or two.  The offense backfield has been hurting and the DL has only two starters that have been playing the last two weeks.  I would think that they would need to play better competition if NEFC is not too good.  They did beat Curry who I thought was the major competition of the NEFC.  Maybe they could change conferences.
Pat - thanks

Jonny Utah - I was just wondering if they could.  I looked at their roster and it looks like they have players that were either D1, D2 recruits at one time and may be adding Junior College transfers.  Coach Haverty looks like he is building a pretty solid team for the next couple of years.  Googled a couple of these guys and it was pretty impressive.  It is odd that they would come to a small Div 3 school if they have had pretty solid High School and College careers especially the ones out of state.  FL, SC, NY, NJ and CT that are among the starters.

Thanks for the answer... I'm going to google some of these guys.  I'm just curious on why some of these players ended up in Fitchburg.

I modified because I just saw a post on NJ board that answered the question and then some....

Thanks again

I agree with you that it looks like the Falcons are in the driver seat.  A friend and I became a fan while they were playing their games at Luenburg High School.  We decided to take in the Maine game in the pouring rain and saw a team that looked much better then when they played Bridgewater.  I also disagree about Fitchburg being unsportmanlike.  I have been to Big 10 D1 games that got a lot more rowdy than that.  Imagine over 10,000 student body strong taunting and berating opposing players, coaches and refs.  I enjoyed the overall college football game atmosphere at Fitchburg including Cheerleaders.  One question, I thought D3 schools weren't allowed to recruit.  If so how in the heck did they get starting players from Marshall, Florida South Carolina, NY and CT?  It sounds like Coach Haverty is building a true football program.  Also would it be possible for a team like Fitchburg to move up to Division 2?