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Messages - zoolander

tyriek savoir had three td's last week...  him and jones both start wideout for scranton.  jones playes defense aswell ;D
to enlighten your topic on mounts success along with the strength of the oac...  penn. and ohio have pretty much the same pool of high school players to recruite from...  however, ohio doesnt have a d2 football league such as pennsy...   in example an all state player could be recruited by 10 division 2 teams in p.a. with  scholarship money. whereas in ohio its usually d1 -   d1-a or bust... meaning go  have fun and compete for a national title at mount.  also mount doesnt recruit transfers... esp from out of state...  i know a player who looked in to transferring to mount from widener in spring 2000.  he ended up at lycoming in fall 2000.   boy that was a bad move... 
could someone enlighten me on the extent of the injured widener players.
spell check, oooops.  through out, safety  :o
wow johnny,  that was an excelent analysis on the whole karma ratings. im gona  head to the njac board and tell them how good they are. u know like kiss some ass to build up my karma points.  ha ha jk!

del val vs. widener,    recap

very sloppy with turnovers, i think about 8 in the first half.
score was close and the lead changed multiple times thoughout the game.  del val sealed the victory after a late touchdown followed by a safty.  :'(
widener is facing a good team for the third straight week,  this ecac game surely will be an excelent chance to end the season on a high note.  8-3 sure would look alot better than 7-4.  good luck to widener, wilkes, and del val.   the mac looks as if its evolving into one of the top confrences in the nation.  big week guys!!!  3-0

this bid is no slap in the face, obviously.  its a great chance to play another opponent from a confrence that they had rarely ever played against.  however; if widener was facing another mac team, that they had already taken care of, it would be stupid to play.  just make it a jv game for the younger players.  
widener scores a touchdown early!
game of the week!!!  widener upsets del val and starts thier quest to regain the mac crown!  hey i know its early but... del val can get my best of luck post for the playoffs after the widener match up.  38 - 35 widener wins in o.t. by a field goal.
i didnt get to c del val this year but i'll be at the game this week.  if del val and rowen met in the playoffs this year i dont think they would get blown out like last year mainly bc when any  team gets a shot at a rematch for redemtion, they usually bring thier A game. 
johnny, thats a bad statement, we should of had home field advantage against bw, we also scored at will the whole second half once we got our offense rolling.  home field advantage is very beneficial to a team in the playoffs.  widener also beat the #3 team in the nation which was w&j at the time.  widener was also placed in the south in 2001,which was by far the most competitive region in the playoffs. we were in the east in 2000. however, you are right about rowan being robbed agaist bw
pat, if widener wins at del val this week, what are the chances of them recieving a pool c bid.  1:10 or more like 1:1,000,000?
Quote from: WUDLINE on November 05, 2005, 10:46:40 PM
Just to clear up a few facts. The Wu would clearly benifit from an taking an ECAC game. They are a young team that only will graduate a total of 4 seniors. Anytime you can get an extra week of practice for your younger players and add the post season feeling it has to help. Look at how it helped Kings get in the playoffs after an ECAC game. Del Val took an ECAC bid before they went on this current run of MAC championships. Furthermore let me remind all of my fellow WU alumni that WU took an ECAC bid the season before they starting winning all of those MAC championships in 2000. Lets also clear up one other fact. Zwann did not ask the players/coaches if they wanted to take an ECAC game. Nor did he turn it down. At the time, in order for a team to get an ECAC game they had to let the ECAC know by a certian time. Coach Zwann was sure the Pioneers would make the playoffs and never put in for an opportunity to take a game. Every real player I have ever talked to always says that they wish they could just put the pads on one more time.  Any player that would rather sit home on his ass instead of putting on his pads and playing in one more game should be ashamed.

wudline, in 1999 we never took an ecac bid bc we never recieved one, they are hard to get when a team goes 6-4. regardless of your misinformed knowledge of the 2002 season along with prior seasons. like i already said, if wu gets a ecac bid this year they should take full advantage of it. wu 2002 team was offered an ecac bid that was declined bc the team thought they had a good chance to gear up for the playoffs.  we didnt meet as a team to watch the selection show as a team bc we didnt control our own destiny at the time. our season ended via internet at the moment. the last thing on anyone had in mind that week was gearing up to play moravian again for the ECAC TITLE.  we all went to widener to have the oppertunity to practice on thankgiving in the am.

that ranking 2001 wansnt based on the 2000 walk through the east.  it was based on how well we were in 2001 not 2000.  we beat the n #3 team in the nation at home, convincingly.  then lost to the #4 team away "shafted" .  ask pat, we deserved to be #2 untill we lost. by the way, bw lost to mt union 30-27 in the stagg bowl.

good luck to widener this week! 
im taking a trip to vegas and putting my quarterly savings on delval. bc if i lose i still win!!!!  can i get a go eagles!!!
jonny we played mt union in 2000.  mot bad for aa young group of players that came into the 2000 season ranked at forty something.

2001 we were ranked #2 in the nation for most of the year, we also beat the #3 team in the nation by 16 in the second rd. we lost to #4 bw , which we should have played at home. "shafted" dont compare our 2001 team to mt unions 2001 bc we never played, if we did,  it would have never went down like it did in 2000. many will agree.

at the end of the day we didnt want to play in the ecac game bc we wouldnt have been ready for it,  we were focused on getting a bid and that didnt happen.  once again, what good would our starting team (mostly seniors) get out of playing moravian again.  nottadamthing...  thanks but no thanx!!!

if widener gets an ecac bid in 2005, they would be foolish not to take it.

pat , i recall u predicting widener not making it in to the ncaa's,
strength of schedual could have been the x factor, however, kings 8-2 record and out of conference loss to a ok hatrford team didnt help. also, we  should have recieved a bye in 2001 and played  bridgwater at home. 

we thought we had a good chance to get in bc of our past 2 seasons and our current record, although the favor was returned to lyco in 2003, ur welcome guys,  and in reply to the "your welcome guys" most of them said thanx...

now jonny, if my team went 7-3, it would  foolish to turn down a ecac game.  like i said, what would our 2002 team get out of playing a moravian team that we already defeated. we beat moravian four straight years, nobody cared to make it five.  we wanted another shot at the national championship bc we deserved 2 be there.
PTI ERRORS JONNY!!!  wideners loss to mt. union was in the final four and it was in 2000. and we lost by 4 decades, not half a century.  oh n the 2002 kings team that u speak of shared the confrence title with widener and did pretty well in the playoffs