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Messages - hsu_alum13

Pat -- even more of a push we need to add a thread for soccer :) ... I really think that it would be a popular spot on this board...for sure in other conferences around the country.

good point ETBUalum...I like the new format although I cant say its favorable in all instances to the players just because its a ton of travel and if your travel partner isnt that strong that particular can really turn around and hurt ya.

Best of luck to the CRU in the playoffs...looking forward to watching you guys represent the ASC.
Stephen...pretty selfish for you to write something like that. Jordan wants to play a full would you...or me or anyone...the Cowboys are just if Jordan was to take one hit at this moment it would be his last...he just got released recently. All that to say is Jordan Neal is a class act and also a smart person. He has to consider what is also best for him and then his team. He will sit the remainder of the season...without question.
#3 that case HPU BEAT UMHB...then they should be "given" the championship  ::)
I am a little confused...and yes I am an HSU fan...but I dont give a crap about a hurricane or standings...correct me if I am wrong but "who is better" is determined ON the field...and UMHB determined that this past weekend. They left no question. Excuses are running, and we (HSU folks) can point fingers...but the truth is that until(if) we play them again...UMHB is the better team. I hate to say it but they proved it ON the field. They have won when it counts...and until we bounce back and knock them off then we are not as good. We can get on here and talk all day long and come across arrogant and all that and thats what makes fans and a board like this so great...but the truth is that we(HSU) lost and lost bad this past weekend to UMHB. I really feel on any given day in this is getting to the point where any team can beat another.

Again...I can guarantee Coach K and the boys arent sitting around at practice talking about what ifs and what shoulds...but they are focused and ready to kill some Indians this weekend.

The Cowboys WILL bounce back.
It just goes to show you that on any given day any team can beat another. The bottom line is both HSU and UMHB better prepare for their next game and not the "next time they play eachother"...because that day may never come. Anyone is capable of knocking off any one and that has been proven time and time again in this conference.

Most of the time the indians and the cowboys tangle up a great game is the result and I dont expect anything but under the lights at Shotwell.
It will be interesting to see what adjustments the coaching staff makes after a performance like that. I mean in his defense this was his first "big game" as the starter but thats all that is left..."big games"...HSU from here on out has to step up and find a way to this point in the year there are no second chances.
Pat...that was awesome.

best of luck the rest of the season cruKID.
crualum04...good point and yes that is horrible...and I would be pissed as well if i were in your shoes...I wish I could assure you it wouldnt happen again...
5.) the bathroom stalls are quite nice at the local popeyes  ;D
See Crukid...

1.) you are a pretty big person for being able to get on here and talk I hand it to are starting to prove that you are no better than the fools that gave HSU a bad wrap.

2.) I never said that YOU were attacking...rather in particular...its a pointless argument

3.) Been in the stands and on the field many of times to know first hand the life of a soccer player...

4.) A pointless argument that everyone who was at the game is well aware of. UMHB won the game today...and yes you could probably post all night on here about how Jordy ran for his life...and that would be great to read but we already watched it happen.

UMHB won...they are a better football team...and until we(HSU) prove that or anyone else for that matter they are still the better team...
just like the bench clearing brawl at your soccer game ISNT the makeup of your university...
Look stuff like this happens...does it make it right? Nope not at all...but you or me posting about it on this board isnt going to make anything better at all...but in fact makes it worst. If you are looking at HSU for a seminary...its sad that you let again a football game and its fans determine that. Bottom line is this rivalry has become heated in the past few years...and yes its rediculous when players...but fans become "6'8 250" and think they can run the far as classless players...I can ASSURE you that Coach Keeling will handle those separately.

Again sorry your experience at HSU was less than cordial ... but again it is not the makup of our university...just like the bench clearing brawl at your soccer game is the makeup of your university...

First off as an alum of HSU...I apologize for a handfull of classless people that painted a bad picture of HSU for you and others today. Please dont get on this board though and bash HSU as a whole because of this experience because I can tell you from personal experience with your university and others, there have been "classless" acts experienced before as well...and unfortunately there will be again...unfortunately there are always going to be a handful of people who show their true colors in situations like this...but you getting on this board and bringing that up in hopes to smear HSU is not smart and honestly not going to help anything at all.

You all won on the field and its a shame that crap like that has to take place by some JV football players and whoever else was involved...but like I said it are matter what colors they bleed...not making excuses...please read that...but bashing a university on whole for a group of just rediculous. Hats off to a great UMHB football play between the lines...even when there are idiots outside of the lines making rediculous of luck to you the rest of the way.