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Messages - fscparent

Maybe Westfield State has a very good team.  The next few weeks should tell if WNEC had an off day or if WSC is good.
I have been watching my son, nephews, and sons of friends play  DIII football off and on for the last 10 years including nefc games and other teams including WPI, Springfield etc..  There isn't a better way to spend a fall Saturday then watching a DIII game.  The nefc is not as strong a league as the other DIII leagues, but that does not mean is isn't good football. Here is an example of the difference between the leagues.   A couple of years ago when FSC was in the ecac playoffs vs Springfield coach Haverty told me they met the SC coaches before the game to go over some pregame items.  The SC coach showed Haverty the coaches both and said there was room for about 8 coaches, Haverty looked at the SC coach and said "I do not have 8 coaches on my staff never mind 8 in the both".

I would love Curry to win but I think SC wins this one.