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Messages - UDubDub

Just wanted to say sorry to hear about raiderguy if i heard it right he sufferd a stroke  :'(   if anyone on here knows him personaly let him know that the kid from whitewater that he gave a ride home from the bars last year will miss not seeing him this year and is pulling for a fast and great recovery.  see all you mount folks in VA in a few days at corned beef and co
1. ill trade one of the shirts im having made for the game with some mount fans however im not sure how adults might react to the shirt but students will love them.

2. is that nice mount union fan still around the message boards who gave me a ride home from the bars last year  ;D  if so sorry i forgot your name but i think we should meet up for some cockatials  again and talk shop haha ...... in case his memory is as bad as mine he had a doge magnum for a rental car

congrats to bev 
max and jmmy  either one of you guys makn the trip down south this weekend ?
hahahah raiderguy it was a blast hangn with you at corned beef and co .   thanks for the ride home in your kick ass dodge magnum  cuz we all know drinkin and driving does not mix it was great to meet you along with olinemom and a few others who i cant remember sorry .  great season for u dub dub def never will forget the past few years just wish i was still in VA  with the great weather  anyway prob gona be the last post for sometime as i have retired from my student section detail  :'(  anyway great past few year meeting a ton of awsome people from linfield mhb and mount union and all the great rents from u-dub-dub gona miss you all  ......o yea and thanks to ryan colmen for takn some amazing pics of our student section at the stagg  talk to ya soon buddy
hey dedragon nice to hear you guys made it home ok  a few of us were a little worried if you guys would even make it back to your hotel or should i say crack den as one of you put it.  ;D It was great meeting all of you and playn you in lil beer pong  tell all the folks that came to our house we say hi   
God you Johnnie fans are sweet  yea we may be rude  but atleast we sent the sent you guys  packing two yrs straight   :-*  have a fun weeknd guys .... and the funny thing is before all this chating started i never had a problem with SJ's now i put them right up there in my least fav teams tied for first with LAX .....warhawksrock well put  yea lets rip on kids who are going to the games great idea  maybe if SJ's had more than what looked like 20 kids under the age of 25 we could have done the F u  eat shi% chat with them ooooooooo wait thats right they prob would have found that distastefull and rude and classless and imature and on and on    .......and yes i dont  care if my grammer isnt perfect seeing as im typeing as fast as i can right now tryn not to get caught by my comp sci prof  so sorry to all u Eng majors out there
I would have to say that when you loose you tend to look for something to bitch about hmmmmmm I wounder if SJ's would have won what those boys would be talkn about right now   well dusty if your gona be watching the game this weekend best bring your ear muffs with you  to your computer chair  :-*
well you know those SJ's guys they love the past   ;)   
I agree pat it doesnt make it right but then again i dotn think the river falls band playing while were on offence is right or mary harding baylor bangng on those rusty oil drums right  besides i thought there was a NCAA rule on noise makers but hey i guess when you can only get 40 kids to come to a game u gota do what you can to make some noise.  Yea lets kick people out of the game for saying the F'word   ha   well i guess as long as wesley doesnt F up we wont have to worry about the chant will we  ;D  besides folks  u only have to put up with our nasty lil chants for one more game at the perk after that we go into nice kid mode once we hit the streets of VA cuz last year the good folks from ESPN didnt care for our chants to much maybe thats why they showed the MUC side the whole game  ;D   sorry we try and rock the perk D1 style but were just not into the typical D3 student section of 20 kids sitting down chanting "here we go warhawks here we go "clap clap  save that for the moms and the cheerleaders
dude ihavesomething2say  you are the man  well put and the earmuffs chant will def be in full effect lets not forget were in college not high school and in D3 you dont have to be nice to everyone      i guess you didnt hear us when we jumped off sides and chanted "we F'd up "   yea thats it i blame badger games and my parents for taking me to them  when i was 12   and give me a break lets all call the AD and put a stop to this  whatever guys  its COLLEGE not high school get it straight have a sense of hummor  but i guess thats hard to have when every team that has came to the perk this season has been sent packing with a L   :-*  god i could go on and on about this its to fun to hear people forget what they did or said when they were in their 20's    ITS NOT HIGH SCHOOL folks   !
me to retagent me toooooooo  ;D ....... well duff spell check can only take me so far ill be sure to e-mail my next post to my mom for a complete grammer check   ;D
dude scheckel  did you read what uww0212 just posted  u silly guy and by the way thanks for starting all the chatting about our mean chants  now the whole world thinks were mean and rude students   owell we prob are  :-*
Well guys I know you put an end to the poor behavior of the whitewater students but I was in the principals office all day  ;D getting yelled at for yelling mean things at sat game  and didn't get a chance to get on here till now.  Well im glad we have been yelling that chant all year and we get called out on it now don't worry I just put a quarter in the cuss jar ahhahahha I guess this whole time I thought we were chanting u-dub-dub ,u-dub-dub they kind of sound alike .   ;)  Anyway I apologize to all the people that had to hear our extremely distasteful chanting I knew I shouldn't have told the camera guy to mic us up before the game: D. So with that said i will try my best to clean up the potty mouths of our student section including myself I will be at the game with my bar of soap in hand for any student that gets out of line.  O yea one more thing if your a parent and your dumb enough to sit next to or in the student section get a clue would ya we don't talk about sponge bob's new movie down there. K enough being a smart ass but I think all this talk about whitewaters students is pretty funny. But I will promise all you folks out there that the you Fu&^ up chant will be no more  :'(  which is to bad cuz i loved that chant  ..................sorry we let you down sakman will try harder this weekend see ya in the parking lot sat
hey pat any of the boys from D3 gona be in whitewater this weekend ?
roocru thanks for the shout out it was nice meeting you as well  i know the game is over however i just woke up from my texas coma  what a weekend in the lonestar state  great game great D great win great weather  ;D  best of luck to MHB in the weeks to come
hey pat is ryan headn south with you guys ?