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Messages - piofan

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 03, 2006, 09:19:58 AM
Great point about the post play in the NWC.  The refs do and have loved to make the call on the post for the purpose of "cleaning" it up since my days in the 90's. All it takes is one small bump from McVey and if the defender flops, the defender will get that call.  It is really sad in my opinion.

I am up in the air about the recruiting advantages and disadvantages.  I think UPS has a great location in Tacoma (compared to PLU). Whitworth seems like it would be nice during the spring when most recruits visit, but I always thought it was dreadful up there in the heart of winter.  Linfield has a campus that is one of the best in the conference and with a great sports school. LC has a great campus and location, but our student body is a whole different story (and when you visit and see it, you can easily be drawn away)!! Pacific and Fox I was never a real fan of either, along with Whitman.  UPS and Linfield should be winning most recruiting wars based on location and campus environments.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 27, 2006, 11:17:24 AM

First and foremost......I AGREE WITH YOU ABOUT point is that a coach that does "better than he was suppose to" a lot of the times wins the award for THAT season.  Bridgeland is the best OVERALL coach in the league. But recruiting doesnt win you COTY.

The only reason I mentioned Skip Molitor, was because the last time he had a chance of making the conference tournament was in 94-95.  I also heard his team is so-so group of guys.  No way this guy can win any award....just saying he has done a good job this year. NEVER said he should be COTY....or considered....just said recognized for doing a good job this year.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 27, 2006, 12:21:23 AM
Blackhawks--- I have to disagree about the COTY in a sense.  I agree that teams that are winning those coaches should be the one considered first and foremost.  But in regards to way this season is turning out...Gordie James has to be well ahead of Bridgeland.  UPS was suppose to be hands down favorite and are having a bit of difficulty.  I think if WU finishes within a game of UPS (or happens to win it) then James will be given COTY.  Bridgeland is doing a wonderful job and should be duly recognized, but Gordie has the guys playing at a level higher than they maybe should be. Molitor deserves recognition, but no coach who finishes .500 in a league should ever get it, unless he is using 7th graders.

POY-----this will come down to McVey and Curtiss, however, if WU is able to win the league, Olinger may steal it away. I personally think McVey should get it based on stats and consistant performance. Although I havent seen them play, McVey seems like the steady hand for UPS and that may come into play during voting. Even though Curtiss is deserving as well he may miss a crucial vote from a coach he played bad against......

I havent bee around to see alot of NWC action, but have followed as best as possible over the past years, and this seems to be one of the best races in a few years time.  Looking forward to a good finish........
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 17, 2006, 01:52:32 PM
Big game on Saturday in Salem...and I miss the game by one crappy day coming home from overseas....anyone that sees the game, would love to know your thoughts.  My first game will be LC vs Willamette on Tuesday....which should be no contest for the bearcats (really kills me considering they didnt have a chance 7 years ago....hahahaha).  Jon O is a hella of player...cant wait to see him in action personally..........
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
December 31, 2005, 07:30:47 PM

You have a lot of options.  DI ball is at Portland State and U. of Portland.  D3 ball with Lewis and Clark in SW Portland and Pacific in Forest Grove (there are a few more within a 30-45 minute driving distance).  NAIA with Concordia, Warner Pac and Cascade.

The D3 teams are pretty decent to watch.  The NAIA guys are in one of the best conferences in D2 NAIA in the nation.  If you want to watch one of the best players, look for Corbon College.  They have a post player leading the nation in scoring.

This is just simple college scene. You also have access to good HS ball with Jesuit and Lake Oswego (again, just to name a few).  LO has one of the top high school recruits in the nation, his name is Love and he is a beast!!!

The D3's play on Friday and Saturday nights, look for when Puget Sound is back in town again. They are one of the best in the nation. Go to to get more info on their exact schedules........

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
December 26, 2005, 07:45:32 AM

I can give a little here, but some other guys posting will have a lot better idea of how UPS is now....the guard you are referring to is Scott Davis.  He was probably one of the best to ever play in the NW.  I know since I was part of the group that he replaced.  The Coach did give him a green light for almost anything.  He was a 4 time 1st Team selection.  For the others to help me also (havent seen UPS play yet either but real curious), LC had Davis, Oriard, Meitus and Speier that year.  Who do these guys compare to on the UPS squad now? 

Is McVey similar to Oriard or Speier? 
Is Curtiss a player similar to Davis?

But from my experiences past and present, the teams in the west seem to be more uptempo oriented (on the whole).  My experience with the midwest teams are limited but this includes the NAIA teams from the past I have seen.   

Some of the guys who see the games on a regular basis can help us both on this.....
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
December 16, 2005, 03:41:52 PM
IWU's trips are everywhere.  As a member of the 97-98 LC team, we lost to them in Florida around New Year's during a tournament.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 17, 2005, 03:52:01 PM
Should be very hard.  LC should hoist a lot of threes.  They put up 72 against Oregon State in their exhibition game.  They took 88 shots in all.  Going to be interesting year on Palatine Hill. 
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 14, 2005, 10:50:07 PM
Loggerville-  I agree with 100% that recruiting is part of the job, and that it should go into the COY award, but if a coach's team that plays better than expected for the whole year is going to have better chances.  For years, the COY is based on the season and not the whole year.  I know Bridgelands work ethic personally, and he deserves it already, but if another team gives him a run for his money, then that other coach will probably get COY. 
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 09, 2005, 02:52:27 AM
COTY always comes down to the way teams perform.  If UPS is challenged at all in more than a game or two and still win, Bridgeland should win it.  But if UPS blows everyone out of the water than that is great recruiting to get better players and not necessarily better coaching.

If another team, say WW or a team from the bottom of the coaches poll makes the playoffs, then look for that coach to win the COTY.  I personally think Bridgeland, despite all the great things he has done, may be out of the running at the start of the season, because he is expected to do so well.  No arguments from me he is a great coach, just another thought as to why another coach probably wins COTY.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 05, 2005, 05:46:37 PM
I agree with the classroom thought process of D3, but of course the next question would be, how can you not count D3 games when school is out of session during the semester break.  Glad they want to fix that now, and better late than never, but should have been done a long time ago since it doesnt effect the classroom. (again, probably the choir here singing also)

And if they are worried about classroom time, then its easy for the schools in CA, to fly up and NWC to fly down.  You could leave late Friday, play Saturday and Sunday, and still catch flights back.  So seems to me the schools need to try and fix their schedules to do this to maximixe their chances.  Then use the semester break to head to Texas, Arizona, and the East Coast (I think I saw these places on different schedules). 

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 05, 2005, 05:42:59 AM
That all makes a lot of sense in creating more D3 vs D3 action, and think thats a great idea.  In regards to competing with the scholorship schools, I still think there should be a small bonus (not saying it is a lot by any means) for playing these teams.  Just a personal thought.  I think playing the "big boys" makes teams and programs better. 

The part I do not get is the not  counting of games outside of the region.  I think a D3 vs D3 game should count no matter what.  It also allows some programs to be able to travel a little bit more.  Always fun for the kids.  At least they are trying to make the Christmas Break schedule like that. 

In regards to the Midwest teams and East teams having better chances at tournament time, that seems real easy for me to understand.  More schools, more opportunity to play in the region.  I do not think that is too much.  A bit unfair, maybe, but in the rules.  Remember the NWC decide to go D3, and that is part of the game that needs to be played.  The answer is simple, go to California and play as many games as you can to get the count up.  Again, assuming I am reading and understanding correctly.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 04, 2005, 07:15:31 PM
Greg Sager-  I find that absolutely crazy.  I knew the selection process and everything was a bit off when I was explained it by the LC coaches during Scott Davis years.  Didnt get it then, still dont get it.

I just dont understand how a game against another D3 or higher can not be counted.  I know the D1 selection looks at that kind of thing.  If a team played too many D2's then they will probably get omitted from the field.  Shouldnt it be the opposite for the D3's?! I'll "give" them the NAIA schools not counting.  Dont agree with that also since I have seen some really really good players and teams at that level.  But ok.  Just seems strange to me that you cant count something that is suppose to be making you better.  This is probably been discussed for years on years. 

Thanks for the info.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 04, 2005, 06:37:28 PM
Guys- please excuse my ignorance on the selections and game count issues, as I am still catching up to this.  Do the games against quality teams not count anymore?  Meaning, if a D3 plays a D2 for example and wins, does that help them, hurt them, or doesnt matter?

I agree 100% that the NWC teams have to leave the area and stop playing the other schools in the NW.  LC has been doing it for years, UPS is consistant now with it and Whitworth has done a good job of things since my time in the 90's, but the other schools are just too inconsistant with it. 

With regards to the money for the budgets...that is a hard situation to overcome.  Look at what happened to Pio football.  Season cut short due to lack of players, which is points at a lack of recruiting, lack of school help, lack of money.  That said, most of these schools will not spend if their team is not "that good".  I really feel that if all the schools had the reputation of UPS or LC (a few years ago with Scott Davis, Oriard and the group) in D3 then the school would spend a little more because they are 1) representing the school 2) spreading the name of the school to all over the nation. 

The schools and administrators have to realize there is more to sports than just sports.  Some schools have great support, but some do not.  A personal opinion that things need to be changed.
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 02, 2005, 07:44:24 AM
Bearcats fan- in regards to LC not having Magnuson..that will explain why the team will go 100% uptempo and launch as many 3's as possible.  Should be interesting if Tommy does come back or he sits it out to save a year. 

Thanks for the info on Willamette.  John Olinger is back for them.  That is good.  I remember that kid as a little 8th grade punk, and now look at him.  hahahaha.  Not a big Willamette fan coming from LC and all, but hope he does well. 

This league has always been exciting and something can always happen.  I know UPS is stacked, but the ball is round, and you never know.  Expecting Bridgeland to have UPS ready to go though, so will be hard for the others to catch up.