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Messages - WCswann28sis

For the fans and players who read this,

Its been a wonderful 4 years with this wesley football program.  When my brother decided to come to wesley I had no idea who they were or wat to expect.  He's played football for the past 12 years and to watch him play here has been me and my mother's pride and joy and it's brought us closer together as a family. Being here at wesley his grown from a boy to a man and a damn good football player and I thank u coach drass for giving him the chance to play for such an elite program, I feel as if we've takin in a second family  ;D.  Saturday after the game I cried because I knew he'd never sport that #28 jersey on that field ever again, I watched him pace the field alone after the game and it broke my heart :'(.  THANK U WESLEY FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS THE BEST YEARS OF FOOTBALL OF OUR FAMILY'S LIFE  ;D
seems like its become a tradition to play the Cru in the playoff, how cute lol. Well keep the tradition alive and send them home for good, LET'S GO TO WORK. GREAT JOB TODAY BOYS, WE DA BEST
Quote from: Sakman 1111 on December 09, 2006, 10:10:15 PM
Whitewater offensive tackles handled Robinson one on one....and I mean handled.

Correction Bryan was Doubled teamed all game not one on one
LOL I keep losing karma hehehe o well  :P
Aight let's reboot for next year
Good job today Warhawks, not sure what happend with my guys today but there's no excuse they did it to themselves but I still love them anywayz.  I have emotional ties to this team cuz my brother plays and he's my heart so excuse me if some of these comments offend me but I think so of you are straight up assholes if the shoe was on the other foot I would never say some of the things yall are saying. But anywho Congrats and I'll be rooting for yall next week to win in the stag, at least let the team that be us win it all.
I don't know wat happend with them today but I still believe.  And I'm really not feeling some of the comments from the commentators  >:(.
And you talk about how "classless" wesley is if indeed they made such a request. Here some of you have the indecent nerve to call us "Pussies" how classless is that.  Before you start throwin out such insults get your facts straight.  Drass doesn't give a damn about that cannon and obviously the warhawks have been able to score without it. How much confidence do you have in your team to be worried about a cannon and having such a fit over it. TIS TIS
Quote from: padmofu on December 08, 2006, 11:09:31 AM
Those poor Wesley players probably still have ringing in their ears from hearing that cannon so many times in last year's game. Oh well, I guess that complaint shows how much confidence they have in their defense. GO WARHAWKS

I'd like to know if anyone has proof that wesley made such a complaint, I personally don't think they care because at our games sometimes they have this ridiculously loud siren that they sound its annoying so I really don't think they have a problem with it.  Nice try in trying to discredit the team but its time to put up or shut up no excuses.
Quote from: warhawkclownshow on December 07, 2006, 12:31:24 PM
There was the weather issue, but that had little to do with the outcome more how big of a blow out it was.  The biggest thing is that physically the Wesley team is just not tough enough to hang with the hawks, don't get me wrong they have some great athletes but just like last year i would expect the hawks to physically pound this Wesley team.

I really wish people would stop underestimating my boys.  Wesley can hang with anyone, they wouldn't be in the semis if they couldn't.  Every one keeps talkin about last year this and last year that well last year was last year and that mess won't be happening this year.  Its too close of a call to say who will definitly be victorious saturday but may the best team win.  Wolverines keep on truckin to the Stagg, see you in Salem.
LOL yea thats how I pick him out when I don't know where he is, by his blue bodyliner and his blue tape on his cleats lol gotta make that statement.
If someone is willing to pay $250 I'll go lol.  My brother knows how bad I wanna go to the game and its killing me that I might not be able to go but I'm still working on it, I've even thought about driving but I don't think I have the energy in me or the patience to do it.  I found a flight that I can take on sat at 6 am so I guess I have then to get the money together or by the time the seats fill up lol but I'm optimistic :D
Quote from: CaptainKurt on December 06, 2006, 11:44:52 AM

With that said, here's a topic for debate.  Who would you rather having playing on the d-line for your team: Ryan Kleppe or Bryan Robinson?  

Definitly B Rob, he's a beast OMG! I feel for any QB thats line up across from him, I hurt for them. My choice maybe bias but just tellin what I know
General football / Re: University Athletic Association
November 26, 2006, 08:04:49 PM
well i really dont post that much anymore but have you looked at wesley's roster they have a lot and i mean a lot of people returning next year.... and i do believe these boys could stand up and hold their own against anyone even muc.... but they arent even worried bout them they take it one game at a time and they have mhb this week should be a good game...well good luck in the off season