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Messages - dwebbs

Hello again,

I was wondering if there was anyone who is in the loop at my former school, Gordon College, who could say a little something about the team's prospects this year. I saw where they were kind of a middle of the conference team last year, but wonder how they've looked since practices started earlier this week.

Maybe it's too early to tell, and I need to wait a few weeks. But there used to be quite a bit of Gordon posters on this board. I'm hoping there still are.
i know i'm a few days late but hey, gordon beat salem state. is this a big deal, or has salem state diminished from what they used to be?

i'm glad gordon took them down in salem, since i know the v fans were probably classy and gracious, even in defeat.
We're getting away from the point here and instead, are referencing one play that happened at least two years ago.

Last year, Trigg outscored Doyle by over two points a game, shot over three percent better, made 46 more three's, and had more assists and steals. As a result, the coaches picked him as a second team all conference player. Doyle was third team. Some how, I doubt a block by Bynes factored into that.

This year, I already said, the stats are close. I think we're talking about the best player in the conference, not who has had the best career.
Endicott is going to be good. I was looking at the conference stats today, and so far, defense has been their M.O.  They'll make some noise, but what scout is saying holds water. Last year, Gordon had a better year and better seniors than EC, and came out of Beverly with a one point win. So for GC to win again tonight, in a game like that, on the road, in overtime, is impressive. How else do you explain ENC beating Gordon last year?

It's a slow day at the station, so I looked did some research.

Trigg vs. Doyle. the numbers this year are pretty even. Doyle has the advantage in FG and FT percentage. Trigg is doing better in assists. The tie breaker? Doyle and the Leopards are 1-5. Trigg has led Gordon to impressive wins over MIT, William Patterson, and away vs. Husson. Not a knock on TD, but Trigg's numbers have resulted in wins (Plus everything Word Life mentioned).
Attention everyone: There will no longer be any criticism allowed of UNE men's basketball. Thank you.
Yes. Finally, some emotion. I can't wait until conference match ups finally start. Then we can really start trashing UNE.

In the mean time, we have non-con Gordon/Endicott Thursday night. Check out what I found on Facebook (and no, it's not a print off raffle ticket for an iPod).

This rivalry is getting.... high tech.
We could probably get the scoop from a UNE poster, but I suspect they ran out of words that rhyme with "tab" to sign off on their posts.
Now we just have to wait until some malcontent claims WP never blows a 13 point second half lead, and some how this game was rigged.
Complaining that the refs have any factor on the game's outcome will get you nothing but bad karma on this board.
I guess anybody who is anybody has moved out of the NE region. This is absurd. No scrimmage updates? No freshman to watch? No trash talking?

Usually by this time in the year, someone from Roger Williams is making a case that their PG should be First Team All-CCC.
Hopefully Curry's "fast past" style of play will lead them to a win or two in the tournament.

I don't think you can just single out Curry if you're going to talk about people picking against higher seeds. If you look at the breakdown of who picked who, it was pretty much split down the middle, and of all the games, Curry was given the best chance. The picks weren't split because Curry, Roger Williams, Gordon and WNEC were being disrespected -- I think everyone made it clear that this has been an up and down year for teams in TCCC. Curry was #1, but lost to the three and four seeds during the season; RWU lost to Endicott,; Gordon got beat by UNE, CSC, and ENC; and so on.

So to say that Curry could lose in the first round wasn't a stretch -- just a continuation of the type of basketball that's been played in the league all year, and the same will be true for tonight. Curry and Roger Williams are going to have the edge, because when things are so evenly matched, home court is a big deal. But don't be surprised either if the championship comes down to GC/WNEC.
5. Curry's gym should not be responsible for hosting a championship game.
Why wasn't Jefferson in the game last night for UNE?