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Messages - kohawk2004

Iowa City Dad -

I totally agree with DutchFan.  The one class at a time format of Cornell is actually much tougher than it seems (A credit to Cornell).  Dutch was also absolutely right about ACT scores.  If your son can get a 30, he can succeed at any Iowa Conference school.  My only addition is to look for a school with a program that can provide tutors for students in need.  Coe has an Academic Acheivement Program that arranges for students to have tutors for any class they need.  This program is used by plenty of students at Coe, and not necessarily the ones with learning issues.  I was a tutor at Coe and for a few semesters and tutored students with a 2.5 and a 4.0 gpa.
As of right now, just football(assistant varsity).  The head coach is also a Coe alum.  I swear we are taking over!!
Voice -

I'm not in Tama, I'm teaching and coaching in Charles City. 

Go Coe!!
Quote from: coocooforcoekohawk on November 07, 2005, 09:10:00 PM
Let me apologize for Charlie Kohawk.  He is not a graduate of Coe College.  That is why he is unable to say anything objective, insightful, or interesting in his posts.  He is an employee of Coe who does not have much contact with the students at Coe.  Why someone who did not go to Coe would hijack our mascots name for his own use is beyond me. 

Once he gets canned from Coe he will not care about the Kohawks one iota. 

It is comments like those that I have a problem with.  You talk about me not knowing anything?  I knew Charlie Kohawk when I was a student, so obviously that means he has contact with students.  It is also a bit ironic that the person who's name is 'coocooforcoekohawk' can talk about being objective.  It is just bad form to trash talk about someone's job, especially when you mention him getting 'canned' in the future. 
Since this is my first post, i'll take this chance to set some things straight.  Isn't this a football website?  I'm pretty sure it is since it'd  So i don't quite get why you have to attack Charlie Kohawk's job at Coe.  He hasn't responded to your level by taking personal shots at you so i just don't see the point.  Just because someone didn't graduate from Coe doesn't mean you can't be a kohawk.  Other than Phifer, I dare you to find someone who is more of a kohawk than Charlie Kohawk.