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Messages - areyouserious?

something I forgot to add

occidental accepts 45% of its applicants
the average SAT score is above 1300 (somewhere around 1340 for this years incoming class i think)
96% of the students achieved above a 3.0 in high school
average gpa is a 3.9 maybe even a 4.0 for this years incoming class.

To be more specific about Redlands....
Average gpa 3.5
Average SAT 1164.

game. set. match.

  this post is only a one time thing because I dont want to get into this big mess....but do you honestly think that redlands is academically superior to occidental????? thinking this is almost as insane as thinking redlands had a legit chance at a SCIAC title.....cmon buddy lets be real. if you go to you can look at the facts....Redlands accepts 75% of its applicants! so pretty much the only requirement is a high school diploma and a heartbeat.  Your average SAT score isnt even over 1200. shall i continue? only 84% of the people that attend your school had over 3.0 in high school. How do you not get over a 3.0 in high school????? wtf is that..... you were better off attending a junior college. and thats really tight that you go to pepperdine or whatever...all jokes aside thats a great accomplishment...but even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes. how you ended up at redlands is beyond me (if you wanna get academically technical you would be what we call an "outlier"). ur so absorbed in ur own success that you dont realize that everyone else around you sucks at life. so really you can talk to liger about who was better at football, but when your talkin about academics, you should keep your mouth shut, cuz there arent many schools in the entire united states that youre academically superior to (maybe chico state, but thats a close call)