sorry about that i thought it all went through the website.I just dont understand why a school wouldnt want that to be known sorry about that pat
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Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
May 23, 2008, 07:16:58 PM
Congradulations to Doug Hammond for signing in Germany good luck out there.It's funny how this kid got no press release seems like these d3hoop politics kick in even after the season i mean isnt that finally an accomplishment for him but yet no recognition who chooses these things
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: All Americans
April 10, 2008, 04:52:00 PM
Hey pat just wondering were did statistics play a factor in the d3hoops selection because granted most of theses young men played on the top teams in the country did they actually put up major numbers. When i check the leading categories of many statistics none of those players are even honorable mention. When do you overlook great talent for just a good player in a tough league
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Bumblin' B's
April 10, 2008, 04:48:42 PM
Yea it seems alot of the teams selected lost in the first round almost seems as if other teams also worthy should have got the bid instead
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Collegiate Basketball Invitational
April 10, 2008, 04:46:26 PM
When you hold an all star game i thought it was for the best players not just the best teams best players. Isnt that how the all amercan list is selected every player selected to the cbi absolutely deserve it it just seems better individual players were left out once again. Seems as if numbers just dont matter in this sport anymore
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
February 27, 2008, 11:15:23 PM
one last thing does any one know of camps or exposure leagues that are available to the players of this conference
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
February 27, 2008, 11:14:28 PM
well technically Newbury doesn't have there own gym but regardless of were the game was played GMC won i see it was only a 2 pt win.Congrats to them for turning the team around this year there are some great players in this conference i wonder how the all conference team goes. Thinking it may be a long shot for GMC to get a bid in the tourney due to the politics behind selections but it would be nice to see how they rank amonst these teams since their schedule didnt allow them to.Good Luck
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
January 31, 2008, 12:38:37 AM
No disrespect to newbury they are strong led by Mitchell but there biggest win was the upset to gmc. At the rate Svc is going they can be a huge threat to newbury but I've seen gmc lost to NEC and there top players didn't play ? To that if anyone knows anymore. Hey who knows it seems anybody can win any given night . Any answer to what makes an all-american because harrington,Hammond,fisher have the stats as of today to be at least 1st or 2nd team but we all know the politics behind that getting close to the independent tourney. If gmc can bounce back and get a 20 win season and get the independent tournament may there be a bid to the big one who knows
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
January 22, 2008, 01:07:41 AM
the second half of the season is looking promising, Green Mountain still leads the conference with newbury and svc on winning streaks trying to cut it closer. I just dont see any other team besides GMC winning the independent conference with their guard center combination of Fisher,Hammond who are tops in ncaa rankings. Actually 3 kids out of the independent conference lead in rankings of division 3 basketball. Why is it these kids dont get any recognition besides post ups. Congrats to those teams in the race and continue to the guys showing that independent is where it at.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
October 31, 2007, 01:47:06 AM
Well its official Hammond is on the green mountain team, heard they played hvcc and it was an exciting night up in poultney. Its good to see there will be talk in the independent league once again it will be good to see who moves up to an actual conference
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
October 27, 2007, 09:05:58 PM
Well i just heard that from an older source not to sure on how true it is but that would be good game to watch.
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: Independent college discussion
October 24, 2007, 11:05:06 AM
Well its almost time for another season of independent basketball ..who do you guys think is going to lead the way .I've heard that Southern Vermont and Green Mountain might have a little rivalry brewing with Hammond facing off against Harrington anybody else have feedback on this one
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
May 02, 2006, 02:14:26 PM
Well new news on a fishy situation going on up at SVC apparently 3 students atheletes on the mens basketball team were expelled from school after responding to a racial slurr by another student.No physical harm was caused to the student whom used the slurr but the 3 african american students were kicked out of school ...Does anybody see justice in that ..looks as if next year will be different up in vermont
Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
April 03, 2006, 01:33:54 AM
Well it's obvious almost everyone hates SVC but as stated this wasn't the issue about 3 years ago.It is for sure Marks was able to bring in a gang of talented players from all levels, that hands down did more as far as distance in the NCAA than any team in GNAC history.As far as recruiting how hard do you think it is to get a talented player to spend 4 years of his life in a town like Nashua or Bennington(probably easier to get a Dweb Duke scrimmage)and actually Mcdonough did bring in d-2 players one in which being hammond who played in the marks era but returned. Another threat that has returned is sean keys who also played with marks also returning from a d-2 school that made the tourney.Alot of you people talk about the GNAC like its the ACC its not and far from it.With low budgets in more than half the schools/programs and highschool referees.As far as next season it will be alot of changes especially with the new teams and recruiting class. But i feel its too earlier to count any team out or give any team too much credit. Dman you obviously have been watching SVC for a while if you know about the salazaar and harvey days but it doesn't seem like you realize the impact of gaining a new coach with less experience if i do remmeber marks team won 6 or 8 games the season before the blow out recruiting year.I personaly feel next year there will be some great games between all teams and a couplle of the sleeper teams will cause many people to bite their tongues( I mean who expected emmauel to lose 1 GNAC game then lose to emerson).until next time

Region 1 men's basketball / Re: GNAC
March 07, 2006, 01:09:42 AM
To Let you know this is Mr Hammond And i would never come on this site to give myself extra credit what i recieved i deserved and who ever the big man is thanks and next year should be good ...good luck to all the teams
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