UMHB's o-line may be big, strong, and quick for their size, but D. Allen and the rest of the TU D-Line are quicker, smaller, and pound for pound are probably the stronger. D. Allen is a freak and B. McAdams is a smart, tough leader who is their heart and soul. The 'black flag' will be blowin' in the wind tomorrow for sure boys.
I'm not knocking UMHB though, I was part of the TU team last year that met our fate at the hands of 'The Cru' so I am not down-playing their team's capabilities what-so-ever, actually, I believe that they have if not THE BEST, ONE OF THE BEST, ground games in the nation, depending on team morale and momentum at the time. (Elex Reed and his D-line are no joke either...and I bet TU is glad Zunker is gone)
Best of luck to both teams tomorrow, I am driving in from H-town to see two D3 Texas Titans collide, and I am pumped. I hope ALL players pack their lunches tomorrow b/c its going to be a solid afternoon of hard work.
GO TU!!!!
I'm not knocking UMHB though, I was part of the TU team last year that met our fate at the hands of 'The Cru' so I am not down-playing their team's capabilities what-so-ever, actually, I believe that they have if not THE BEST, ONE OF THE BEST, ground games in the nation, depending on team morale and momentum at the time. (Elex Reed and his D-line are no joke either...and I bet TU is glad Zunker is gone)
Best of luck to both teams tomorrow, I am driving in from H-town to see two D3 Texas Titans collide, and I am pumped. I hope ALL players pack their lunches tomorrow b/c its going to be a solid afternoon of hard work.
GO TU!!!!