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Messages - ballfan

Well as you can see UPB has turned around from the 2 losses..
they are now 4-0 in the AMCC and 7-2 overall..
Not too shabby..for a team that struggled in those first two games..
Race scoring 1000 pts but they are without Mark Austin for awhile, and that might hurt them inside..not a big guy but he sure can bang with those big guys..
Good Luck Mark and hurry back...
Well Ryan Race I hear tell scored his 1000 pt tonight against Penn State Altoona in the Panthers 6 straight win..
Congrats Ryan...
So the NCAA Elite 8 are set!  What a night of college basketball...Duke gone...UNC well they hung in there with a very strong Villanove team..gotta love those Big East players...I see Kentucky won too!
so that makes today and tomorrow pretty interesting in the game of basketball..
me my pool picks are almost done...I have UNC winning it all but the Duke loss made my Final 4 done
Let me add my congratulations to Kevin Conlon..nice to see him get recognized..and he is only 45 mins from here..his hometown that is

So the tournaments have started...
NIT action first...and Vandy over Indiana..who have to wonder what Coach Davis fate will be>
anyone watch the Town Meeting tonight on ESPN regarding paying student athletes?  What a joke...You have coaches and AD and the president of the NCAA..some players and the representative of the collegiate athletes...well at one point and I will try to be brief..Myles Brand...NCAA pres, and President of IU.(coach knights old boss) made a comment that only about 12 DivI schools where operating in the black!!! that they made very little money off college athletics..I am not an economists but if he is teaching that class at IU, then those students are in trouble..

I am curious how everyone else here feels about paying student athletes..anyone want to weigh in?  Me i am in favor of paying them what they do those students that have work study ie:  library aids...etc
Boy, what a saturday in college basketball...first off I am really disappointed that Pitt wasnt in the finals..second team UNC lost to GT..but watch for them in the tourney coming on strong and I will have to rout for them against Duke, I can not for the life of me rout for Duke at all...and what about all the close games..Wisconsin at the buzzer and then Louisville pulls out a close one..but can someone tell me why Garcia would even try and block that one?  Gotta hurt for Washington Jr. to miss those free throws..its every players dream to win a game and then every players nightmare to have that happen.  But he will bounce back he is only a freshman and hopefully hang around to continue the college game.

so Selection Sunday!  Wow you gotta love March...

UPB88...that was a tough one for Buffalo..
they must have some kinda curse in that city
Well said Mr Allen...but first off I think that you should address Mr Kenney when making that statement..he came on here in attack mode..first Stewart-Smith then Aaron if we came on here and defended our team or players, its just a natural thing..and I think that alot of times, ppl who come on here forget that there are parents that come on here too and read all the "garbage" that we throw, and I for one as sorry for that..(i have posted a few that I am not proud of)...being a parent of a player myself in this conference I should have understood that...
but i digress..

Now on to the tourney..very surprised that St John Fisher lost..but they had a great run this season...and I did have the opportunity to see them play a few times since UPB did play I am impressed with that..
so good luck to all in DIII tourney and I look forward to tomorrow and selection sunday
Well as far as your argument that below average teams dont beat those higher in the standings is not a very good one most conference play any team has the chance in winning no matter what their far as stats not telling the whole story, now there I agree with you.. I havent seen your team since like I said prior, since the season before when we played @ Hilbert and my son was a senior...
as for Smith and quality of his play, he might not be a flashy player but in the 3 years I watched him play..(seeing him 6 times)  he usually got alot of time bc of his hussle, something that you cant teach and doesnt show up on stats either,,,(your argument not mine)
#8 we know your name..and understand that you did play ball for Hilbert.  I know that we played @ Hilbert my sons senior year. Now that was 2 years ago so my memory isnt real fresh. I am not good with remembering every player from the other remember Gioia...
but this is the first year year for you to be in the thats a short period of time to make judgement about players that you might have seen only twice..In my opinion.

Stu23...well I will keep an eye on the teams next year too...we arent that far from Altoona, you never know we might head over to a game next season..Good Luck to you..and you are right about one thing, most players don't talk to much trash on places like this about on the court thats a totally different story..
#9're right..and one other that you  missed of Altoona's players is Brandon that kid was the whole package..Watched him play for four years and every year he improved his game..had a sweet shot from about 15' and hard to son normally in the later years had that pleasure after Beacom left...But I give him alot of credit, Brandon was a great player and a credit to the DIII mentioned alot of great players and I had the pleasure of watching them all thanks for bringing back some memories..I miss this game

Stu23...good luck to Ethan...he will be a senior right?  if so, you enjoy and have a great senior is tough after its over..still going through withdrawal
Your rambling doesn't warrent any response except for 1...SOUR GRAPES  from a player apparently that didn't get his "supposive" dues...could that have hit a that's all I have to say on that subject and we'll see what u have to say on that 1