I dont deny the fact that Oxy handled CLU on that night but it wasnt without a little help from the poor play from the team and a swing in officiating, and the fact that it was only CLU's 2nd game of the season while Oxy was in midstride. Guarantee that if the kingsman had a second chance with the tigers, like it should have been, than we see a much different picture. CLU spanked on teams that Oxy barely got by in conference play. But i cant blame you for how you think if the only game you saw CLU play was that one, if you saw it. I congratulate Oxy for representing the SCIAC in the playoffs two years in a row, its an accomplishment that not many teams get, its goin to be a tough road to get back next year but the best of luck.
I dont deny the fact that Oxy handled CLU on that night but it wasnt without a little help from the poor play from the team and a swing in officiating, and the fact that it was only CLU's 2nd game of the season while Oxy was in midstride. Guarantee that if the kingsman had a second chance with the tigers, like it should have been, than we see a much different picture. CLU spanked on teams that Oxy barely got by in conference play. But i cant blame you for how you think if the only game you saw CLU play was that one, if you saw it. I congratulate Oxy for representing the SCIAC in the playoffs two years in a row, its an accomplishment that not many teams get, its goin to be a tough road to get back next year but the best of luck.