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Messages - warhawkexpress28

Pretty sweet game check it out

you get to create your own player and develop him..
Ive also heard that the Rams will be able to regulate the amount of spectators at concordia easier than they would at UWW..  UWW practice fields are pretty wide open for anyone to get in to watch.. 
Quote from: oshfb on March 19, 2008, 10:34:45 AM
Milwaukee Bonecrushers announce 2008 roster...I don not recognize any WIAC names but other might. Any of these players ex-wiacers?

# Player Position Height Weight
2 Tyrone Rhone DB 5'10" 195 (UW-Stout)
6 Marques Johnson WR 5'8" 165
7 Jake Provan K 5'8" 195
8 Ryan Maiuri QB 6'0" 190
11 Brandon Dinkins QB 5'11" 270
16 Marcus Fletcher OL/DL 6'4" 370
17 Brian Sylvas RB 6'4" 220
18 Dorian Palmer WR 6'4" 193
24 Broderick Hutchins DB 5'10" 180
25 Marvin Bailey DL 6'3" 250
29 Antonio Freeman DB 6'0" 180
37 George Carpenter DB 5'11" 205
39 David Benton, Jr. DL 6'5" 220
44 Jamie Isome LB 6'1" 230
45 Troy Dyzak LB 6'2" 242
48 Nick King DL 6'3" 245
49 James Washington OL/DL 6'3" 270
68 Dan Morjal OL/DL 6'1" 325
78 Scott Tyrcha OL 6'3" 310
81 Reggie Davis WR 6'2" 217
89 Bobby Langston OL/DL 6'3" 270
91 Shane Knarr DL 6'3" 265
95 John Burns DL 6'2" 350

Quote from: dawarhawksrock on February 11, 2008, 07:42:11 PM
My knowledge about the rule came from when Kyle Haug and Matt Buenning had work outs for the NFL scouts the same afternoon that UW had theirs in March2004. Buenning was going to do his in Madison. However he was told that his hometown ahd to be within so many miles from Madison or attend Madison to participate in their pro day.
Stanley is from Verona and worked out in Madison as John Stocco was throwing him balls,as the scouts watched in Madison.
I am not sure of the mile radius but this info was given to Buenning by soemone at UW. So it has to be elgit. If someone can show me information that states otherwise I am cool with it not being true.
The guys from Stout worked out at Whitewater with Schmidt I believe last year.

Detman and UW are very picky on who they will let come and work out at their pro day.  Im guessing Detman doesnt want anyone coming that he hasnt trained or that doesnt have a legit shot at making it to the next level..  I think the 30 mile rule might be something that UW has to protect themselves from having every player that thinks they have a shot from our WIAC schools to come in and not preform well and give UW and Detman and bad showing..

That is purely specultion but those are my thoughts..
Hey Im all for him getting his degree, that is something i have talked with him about before he got drafted, but I know the wear and tear that jumping puts on your legs and knees and just wanted to know what people thought.. 
working out with a track team and competing are 2 totally different things especially if he is jumping, dont know to many kick returners that need to be able to long jump..  But i could be wrong.
Maybe I am seeing things but why is Derek Stanley running track for UWW?  Doesnt he have a NFL career to worry about.

U comin to Dtown for the big showdown on thursday?

this all american stuff is givin me a headache
Quote from: Champs07 on December 17, 2007, 11:05:54 PM
Well...finally done!! And what a feeling it is to take your pads off for the last time as a National Champ!! I would like to say congrats to every player who ever put on a Warhawk Jersey, this win was for the whole family!!  As far as awards go...did we get screwed...yeah but not one person who did cares, and that is what set this team apart from many in the past all over the country.  We played as a team and won as a team!! Congrats to all 23 Seniors and the Warhawk Family!! Goo and Sakman its good to be aboaard!!


Thanks for the call back I know you were busy with celebrations but throw a brother a bone...
Im tryin to get to the game but the girl wants to do something for the bday comin up..  So well see what happens..
Another week of Goo talking the talk and the Warhawks walking the walk..

Good work on the win Hawks keep it up going into this weekend...
Quote from: 02 Warhawk on November 29, 2007, 02:32:01 PM
Quote from: Devil Badger Gopher on November 29, 2007, 02:15:13 PM
What a boring week in the chat room.  It was nice to take time and read what the Wabah fans were saying though.
I guess it is time for some predictions as I think that may get some people "excited".  I am thinking snow will only make things worse on the lil ones.  Wabash gets two big pass plays to keep them "close", but Beaver may get 250-300 this weekend.  I do not see him have anything less than 3-4 runs of 30+ yards.  He will prove why he is the best running back in Division 3 this year besides for Moriarity ;), jk.  Unfortuantely for the Little Giants, the O-Line for UWW wins the game 41-17ish.

I am pulling for bad weather. The worse it gets the better it will be for Whitewater. Since Wabash is predominately a passing team, a messy cold afternoon cold pose a lot problems for Wabash's speedy WRs and accurate QB. Based on their stats, their RB isn't much of a threat.

It might be tough for Beaver to get 250-300 yards with their all american LB running loose, but we'll see.

I say UWW by 14, especailly if the weather gets ugly.

Bad weather doesnt always mean a passing team will struggle,  WW gets after the QB so well they are volunarable to the screen and if the weather is bad I wouldnt be surprised to see alot of WR screens and short timing routes that wont be bothered by the weather..  I remeber playing Pville on a cold rainy day in WW and they beat us with screens and timing routes.. Hard for corners to break if the footing is bad..

I still think the Hawks will get the win, WW 35-14..  Beaver will have 150-200 with 2 tds
Quote from: warhawkexpress28 on November 27, 2007, 04:10:22 PM
Quote from: williethewarhawk on November 26, 2007, 06:09:36 PM
Going back to the talk of the best players in WIAC history....
I have watched WIAC football for over 15 years, and I these are the few players who I think could TOTALLY take over a game and are probably the best WIACers of the past 10-15 years if not the history of the league:
QB  Krause
RB  Beaver
WR  Burnoski, Stanley
DT  Kleppe--an absolute beast!! (should have won the Gagliardi last yr)
LB  Raebel, Kriewaldt
DB  Beckham, Teeples

There have been many other great players in this league, but these guys could flat out take over a game by themselves.

I think you gotta have Leszczynski in there at the wideouts.   ;D  Looks good to me, but now you got me upset so i'll take the list that didn't make it, play a game and I bet  you my team wins!   

I hear that Square guy was a pretty good fullback  ;D

Jimmy, Goo you guys gonna be at the perk this weekend, Flash is the boy coming down

But seriously how can TBell not be on this list and even though he only played one year what about Owen Schmidt, he was decent if I remember right ;)
Quote from: williethewarhawk on November 26, 2007, 06:09:36 PM
Going back to the talk of the best players in WIAC history....
I have watched WIAC football for over 15 years, and I these are the few players who I think could TOTALLY take over a game and are probably the best WIACers of the past 10-15 years if not the history of the league:
QB  Krause
RB  Beaver
WR  Burnoski, Stanley
DT  Kleppe--an absolute beast!! (should have won the Gagliardi last yr)
LB  Raebel, Kriewaldt
DB  Beckham, Teeples

There have been many other great players in this league, but these guys could flat out take over a game by themselves.

I think you gotta have Leszczynski in there at the wideouts.   ;D  Looks good to me, but now you got me upset so i'll take the list that didn't make it, play a game and I bet  you my team wins!   

I hear that Square guy was a pretty good fullback  ;D

Jimmy, Goo you guys gonna be at the perk this weekend, Flash is the boy coming down
Quote from: stealth on November 09, 2007, 05:56:49 PM
I do a have another question for the gang. Who would be considered the best blocking back/full back. There are some damn good ones in the WIAC but they don't get allot of attention. Sorry to shift a little but really am interested in your thoughts. Thx

Im guessing your talking about right now so Ill say the guy from LX I thought was good, but havent seen much after that, If your talkin over time I know Edmunds was really good for WW awhile back